Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Teachers, Officers and Employees
§ 22.1-305.2. Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure

There is hereby established the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure (the Advisory Board), which shall consist of three legislative members to be appointed as follows: two members of the House of Delegates to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, one member of the Senate to be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and 21 nonlegislative citizen members to be appointed by the Board of Education. Ten nonlegislative citizen members of the Advisory Board shall be classroom teachers, with at least the following representation: three elementary school teachers, three middle school teachers, and three high school teachers. Three nonlegislative citizen members of the Advisory Board shall be school administrators, one of whom shall be a school principal, one of whom shall be a division superintendent, and one of whom shall be a school personnel administrator. Four nonlegislative citizen members of the Advisory Board shall be faculty members in teacher preparation programs in public or private institutions of higher education, who may represent the arts and sciences. One nonlegislative citizen member of the Advisory Board shall be a member of a school board. One nonlegislative citizen member of the Advisory Board shall be a member of a parent-teacher association. One nonlegislative citizen member of the Advisory Board shall be a representative of the business community, and one nonlegislative citizen member shall be a citizen at large. The Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System or his designee shall serve as an ex officio member of the Advisory Board. The Superintendent of Public Instruction or his designee and the Director of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia or his designee shall serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the Advisory Board.
The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall designate a staff liaison to coordinate the activities of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board shall meet five times per year or upon the request of its chairman or the Board of Education. The Advisory Board shall annually elect a chairman from its membership. Nonlegislative citizen members are not entitled to compensation for their services. Legislative members of the Advisory Board shall be compensated as provided in § 30-19.12. All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the Advisory Board as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. The funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the members shall be provided by the Department of Education.
The nonlegislative citizen members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed for three-year terms. Legislative members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. No person may be appointed to serve for more than two consecutive terms. Members shall hold office after expiration of their terms until their successors are duly appointed. Appointments to fill vacancies of members, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. Such vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
The Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure shall advise the Board of Education and submit recommendations on policies applicable to the qualifications, examination, licensure, and regulation of school personnel including revocation, suspension, denial, cancellation, reinstatement, and renewals of licensure, fees for processing applications, standards for the approval of preparation programs, reciprocal approval of preparation programs, and other related matters as the Board of Education may request or the Advisory Board may deem necessary. The final authority for licensure of school personnel shall remain with the Board of Education.
1990, c. 970; 1992, c. 132; 2014, c. 334; 2017, c. 331; 2019, c. 767.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 15 - Teachers, Officers and Employees

§ 22.1-289.1. Teacher compensation; biennial review required

§ 22.1-289.2. Compensation of public school employees called to active duty military service

§ 22.1-290. Board authorized to award teaching scholarship loans

§ 22.1-290.01. Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program established; purpose; Board of Education to administer Program; eligibility requirements for scholarship and awards; collaboration and consultation with State Council of Higher Education; repa...

§ 22.1-290.02. Traineeships for education of special education personnel

§ 22.1-290.1. Clinical faculty programs

§ 22.1-290.2. Teacher, other instructional personnel, and support staff shortages; data

§ 22.1-291. Repealed

§ 22.1-291.1. Planning time for school teachers

§ 22.1-291.1:1. School counselors; staff time

§ 22.1-291.2. Repealed

§ 22.1-291.3. Notice of duty to report child abuse or neglect

§ 22.1-291.4. Bullying and abusive work environments prohibited

§ 22.1-292. Penalties on officers and teachers

§ 22.1-292.1. Violations related to secure mandatory tests

§ 22.1-292.2. Suspension or revocation of license for procuring, selling, or administering anabolic steroids

§ 22.1-292.3. License may not be suspended solely on the basis of default or delinquency in payment of federal-guaranteed or state-guaranteed education loan or scholarship

§ 22.1-293. School boards authorized to employ principals and assistant principals; license required; powers and duties

§ 22.1-294. Probationary terms of service for principals, assistant principals, and supervisors; evaluation; reassigning principal, assistant principal, or supervisor to teaching position

§ 22.1-295. Employment of teachers

§ 22.1-295.1. Employee personnel files; maintenance of employee records; confidentiality of certain records

§ 22.1-295.2. Employment discrimination prohibited

§ 22.1-296. Payment of employees; reimbursement for private transportation; certain sick leave policies

§ 22.1-296.1. Data on convictions for certain crimes and child abuse and neglect required; penalty

§ 22.1-296.2. Fingerprinting required; reciprocity permitted

§ 22.1-296.3. Certain private school employees subject to fingerprinting and criminal records checks

§ 22.1-296.4. Child abuse and neglect data required

§ 22.1-297. Assignment of teachers, principals and assistant principals by superintendent

§ 22.1-298. Repealed

§ 22.1-298.1. (For Expiration Date, see 2022 Acts cc. 549, 550, cl. 2) Regulations governing licensure

§ 22.1-298.1. (For Effective Date, see 2022 Acts cc. 549, 550, cl. 2) Regulations governing licensure

§ 22.1-298.2. Regulations governing education preparation programs

§ 22.1-298.2:1. (Contingent effective date - see note) Teacher employment data; education preparation programs

§ 22.1-298.3. Students with autism spectrum disorders; training required of personnel

§ 22.1-298.4. Teacher preparation programs; learning disabilities

§ 22.1-298.5. Regulations governing licensure; endorsement in dual language instruction pre-kindergarten through grade six

§ 22.1-298.6. Mental health awareness training

§ 22.1-298.7. Teachers and other licensed school board employees; cultural competency training

§ 22.1-299. License required of teachers; provisional licenses; exceptions

§ 22.1-299.1. Repealed

§ 22.1-299.2. National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund

§ 22.1-299.3. Repealed

§ 22.1-299.4. Teach for America license

§ 22.1-299.5. Waiver of teacher licensure requirements; trade and industrial education programs

§ 22.1-299.6. Career and technical education; three-year licenses

§ 22.1-299.7. Microcredential program; certain STEM subjects

§ 22.1-299.7:1. (For Effective Date, See 2022 Acts cc. 549, 550, cl. 2) Microcredential program; reading specialists

§ 22.1-299.8. Technical professional licenses; substitution of certain professional development activities for required coursework

§ 22.1-300. Tuberculosis certificate

§ 22.1-301. Costs of medical examinations and of furnishing medical records

§ 22.1-302. Written contracts required; execution of contracts; qualifications of temporarily employed teachers; rules and requirements

§ 22.1-303. Probationary terms of service for teachers

§ 22.1-303.1. Immunity from civil liability for certain individuals

§ 22.1-304. Reemployment of teacher who has not achieved continuing contract status; effect of continuing contract; resignation of teacher; reduction in number of teachers

§ 22.1-305. Nonrenewal of contract of probationary teacher

§ 22.1-305.1. Mentor teacher programs

§ 22.1-305.2. Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure

§ 22.1-306. Definitions

§ 22.1-307. Dismissal of teacher; grounds

§ 22.1-308. Grievance procedure

§ 22.1-309. Notice to teacher of recommendation of dismissal; school board not to consider merits during notice; superintendent required to provide reasons for recommendation upon request

§ 22.1-310. Repealed

§ 22.1-311. Hearing before school board, hearing officer, or fact-finding panel

§ 22.1-312. Repealed

§ 22.1-313. Decision of school board; generally

§ 22.1-314. Decision of school board; issue of grievability; appeal

§ 22.1-315. Grounds and procedure for suspension

§ 22.1-316. Agreement entered into and enacted into law; form of agreement

§ 22.1-317. Superintendent of Public Instruction to be "designated state official."

§ 22.1-318. Filing and publication of contracts made pursuant to Agreement

§ 22.1-318.1. Strategic Compensation Grant Fund established

§ 22.1-318.2. Strategic Compensation Grant Initiative