Vermont Statutes
Chapter 23 - Limitation of Time for Commencement of Actions
§ 519. Emergency medical care

§ 519. Emergency medical care
(a) A person who knows that another is exposed to grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the same can be rendered without danger or peril to himself or herself or without interference with important duties owed to others, give reasonable assistance to the exposed person unless that assistance or care is being provided by others.
(b) A person who provides reasonable assistance in compliance with subsection (a) of this section shall not be liable in civil damages unless his or her acts constitute gross negligence or unless he or she will receive or expects to receive remuneration. Nothing contained in this subsection shall alter existing law with respect to tort liability of a practitioner of the healing arts for acts committed in the ordinary course of his or her practice.
(c) A person who willfully violates subsection (a) of this section shall be fined not more than $100.00. (1967, No. 309 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 2-4, eff. March 22, 1968.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 12 - Court Procedure

Chapter 23 - Limitation of Time for Commencement of Actions

§ 461. Actions by State

§ 462. Lands for a public, pious, or charitable use

§ 463. Counterclaims and cross-claims

§ 464. Actions specially limited by other provisions

§ 465. Limitations or waiving limitation of actions in contracts

§ 466. When action deemed commenced

§ 501. Recovery of lands

§ 502. Entry into houses or lands

§ 503. Covenant of seisin

§ 504. Covenant of warranty

§ 505. Covenants other than warranty or seisin

§ 506. Judgments

§ 507. Specialties

§ 508. Witnessed promissory note

§ 509. Evidence of debt issued by a monied corporation

§ 510. Liability of stockholders and of foreign corporations

§ 511. Civil action

§ 512. Assault and battery; false imprisonment; slander and libel; injuries to person or property

§ 513. Skiing, injuries sustained while participating in sport of

§ 514. Insufficiency of bridge

§ 515. Neglect of official duty of town clerk

§ 516. Misfeasance of sheriff or deputy

§ 517. Taxes paid under protest

§ 518. Ionizing radiation injury; latent

§ 519. Emergency medical care

§ 520. Payment of wages

§ 521. Medical malpractice

§ 522. Actions based on childhood sexual or physical abuse

§ 523. Trade secrets

§ 524. Actions based on residential building energy standards

§ 525. Actions based on discrimination

§ 551. Minority, incapacity, or imprisonment

§ 552. Absence from State

§ 553. Member of Armed Services; tolling statute of limitations

§ 554. Alien enemies in time of war

§ 555. Fraud

§ 555a. Fraudulent transfers

§ 556. Injunction staying action

§ 557. Death of party

§ 558. New action after failure of original action

§ 559. Rights not affected by a descent cast

§ 560. Childhood sexual abuse

§ 591. New promise must be in writing and signed

§ 592. Indorsement or memorandum of payment

§ 593. Joint promisors—Promise or payment by one

§ 594. Recovery where action not barred as to all