§ 502. Entry into houses or lands
A person having right or title of entry into houses or lands shall not enter after 15 years from the time such right of entry accrues.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 23 - Limitation of Time for Commencement of Actions
§ 462. Lands for a public, pious, or charitable use
§ 463. Counterclaims and cross-claims
§ 464. Actions specially limited by other provisions
§ 465. Limitations or waiving limitation of actions in contracts
§ 466. When action deemed commenced
§ 502. Entry into houses or lands
§ 505. Covenants other than warranty or seisin
§ 508. Witnessed promissory note
§ 509. Evidence of debt issued by a monied corporation
§ 510. Liability of stockholders and of foreign corporations
§ 512. Assault and battery; false imprisonment; slander and libel; injuries to person or property
§ 513. Skiing, injuries sustained while participating in sport of
§ 514. Insufficiency of bridge
§ 515. Neglect of official duty of town clerk
§ 516. Misfeasance of sheriff or deputy
§ 517. Taxes paid under protest
§ 518. Ionizing radiation injury; latent
§ 522. Actions based on childhood sexual or physical abuse
§ 524. Actions based on residential building energy standards
§ 525. Actions based on discrimination
§ 551. Minority, incapacity, or imprisonment
§ 553. Member of Armed Services; tolling statute of limitations
§ 554. Alien enemies in time of war
§ 556. Injunction staying action
§ 558. New action after failure of original action
§ 559. Rights not affected by a descent cast
§ 591. New promise must be in writing and signed
§ 592. Indorsement or memorandum of payment