Vermont Statutes
Chapter 13 - Operation of Vehicles
§ 1098. Disposition of pending cases

§ 1098. Disposition of pending cases
(a) The Judicial Bureau shall enter judgment against the defendant in all cases in which:
(1) prior to January 1, 2007, the defendant filed an answer admitting or not contesting the violation;
(2) the defendant paid all or a portion of the fine, penalty, or surcharge; and
(3) the issuing officer did not file the original complaint prior to July 1, 2007.
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, with respect to any judgment entered pursuant to this section, the Judicial Bureau shall immediately seal the record and shall not report the judgment to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. Any funds received by the Judicial Bureau for judgments under this section shall be deposited in the Court Technology Special Fund up to $150,000.00, and the balance to be deposited to the Municipal Ticket Repayment Revolving Fund defined in 4 V.S.A. § 28.
(c) The Judicial Bureau shall dismiss the action in all cases in which:
(1) the defendant filed an answer denying or contesting the violation prior to January 1, 2007; and
(2) the issuing officer did not file the original complaint prior to July 1, 2007. (Added 2007, No. 51, § 17.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 23 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 13 - Operation of Vehicles

§ 1001. Rules

§ 1003. State speed zones

§ 1004. Interstate highway rules

§ 1005. Regulation of parking

§ 1006. Stopping at railroad crossings

§ 1006a. Highways; emergency closure

§ 1006b. Smugglers’ Notch; winter closure of Vermont Route 108; vehicle operation prohibited

§ 1006c. Chain requirements for vehicles with weight ratings of more than 26, 000 pounds

§ 1007. Local speed limits

§ 1007a. Neighborhood electric vehicles; speed limit

§ 1008. Regulations in municipalities

§ 1008a. Regulation of motor vehicles at State airports

§ 1009. Restrictions of controlled-access roadway

§ 1010. Special occasions; town highway maintenance

§ 1011. Applicability of this chapter

§ 1012. Obedience to enforcement officers

§ 1013. Authority of enforcement officers

§ 1014. Persons riding animals

§ 1015. Authorized emergency vehicles

§ 1016. Reports of arrests

§ 1017. Speed limit in school zones

§ 1021. Obedience to traffic-control devices

§ 1022. Traffic-control signals

§ 1023. Pedestrian-control signals

§ 1024. Flashing signals

§ 1025. Standards

§ 1026. Lane control signals

§ 1027. Unauthorized signs, signals, or markings

§ 1028. Interference with devices or signals

§ 1029. Municipal signs

§ 1031. Driving to right

§ 1032. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions

§ 1033. Passing motor vehicles and vulnerable users

§ 1034. Passing on the right

§ 1035. Limitations

§ 1036. No-passing zones

§ 1037. One-way roadways and rotaries

§ 1038. Driving on roadways laned for traffic

§ 1039. Following too closely, crowding, and harassment

§ 1040. Driving on divided highways

§ 1041. Restricted access roadways

§ 1042. Restricting the use of town highways

§ 1043. Operation of neighborhood electric vehicles

§ 1046. Vehicle approaching or entering intersection

§ 1047. Vehicle turning left

§ 1048. Stop or yield intersections

§ 1049. Vehicle entering from private road

§ 1050. Operation on approach of law enforcement and emergency vehicles or when approaching stationary law enforcement and emergency vehicles or work zone

§ 1050a. Authorized highway maintenance vehicles

§ 1051. Pedestrians’ right of way in crosswalks

§ 1052. Crossing except at crosswalks

§ 1054. Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks

§ 1055. Pedestrians on roadways

§ 1056. Highway solicitations

§ 1057. Duty toward persons who are blind

§ 1058. Duties of pedestrians

§ 1059. Driving through safety zone

§ 1061. Turning at intersections

§ 1062. Turning prohibited

§ 1063. Starting parked vehicles

§ 1064. Signals required; general obligation to turn and move safely

§ 1065. Hand signals

§ 1071. Railroad grade crossings

§ 1072. Certain vehicles must stop

§ 1073. Heavy equipment

§ 1074. Vehicle entering roadway

§ 1075. Passing school bus

§ 1076. Commercial motor vehicles; railroad crossings

§ 1081. Basic rule and maximum limits

§ 1082. Slow-moving vehicles

§ 1083. Special speed limitations

§ 1091. Negligent operation; grossly negligent operation

§ 1092. Damaging surface of road

§ 1093. Smoke screen device

§ 1094. Operation without consent of owner; aggravated operation without consent of owner

§ 1095. Entertainment picture visible to the operator

§ 1095a. Junior operator use of portable electronic devices

§ 1095b. Handheld use of portable electronic device prohibited

§ 1096. General penalties

§ 1097. Excessive speed

§ 1098. Disposition of pending cases

§ 1099. Texting prohibited

§ 1101. Stopping, standing, or parking

§ 1102. Removal of stopped vehicles

§ 1104. Stopping prohibited

§ 1105. Additional parking regulations

§ 1106. Limitations on use of State highway facilities

§ 1110. Prohibited idling of motor vehicles

§ 1111. Unattended motor vehicle

§ 1112. Closed highways

§ 1113. Limitations on backing

§ 1114. Riding on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles

§ 1115. Operating motorcycles and motor-driven cycles on roadways laned for traffic

§ 1116. Clinging to other vehicles

§ 1117. Footrests and handlebars

§ 1118. Obstruction to driver’s view

§ 1119. Opening and closing vehicle doors

§ 1121. Coasting prohibited

§ 1122. Following fire apparatus prohibited

§ 1123. Driving over fire hose prohibited

§ 1124. Position of operator

§ 1125. Obstructing windshields, windows

§ 1126. Putting glass, other items, on highway prohibited

§ 1126a. Depositing snow onto or across certain highways prohibited

§ 1127. Control in presence of animals

§ 1128. Crashes; duty to stop

§ 1129. Crashes; reports

§ 1130. Permitting unlicensed or impaired person to operate

§ 1131. Warning signal

§ 1132. Driving on sidewalk

§ 1133. Eluding a police officer

§ 1134. Motor vehicle operator; consumption or possession of alcohol or cannabis

§ 1134a. Motor vehicle passenger; consumption or possession of alcohol or cannabis

§ 1134b. Using tobacco or cannabis in a motor vehicle with child present

§ 1135. Trespass by motor vehicle

§ 1136. Application of subchapter; rights and obligations of bicyclists under other laws

§ 1136a. Electric bicycles

§ 1137. Riding on bicycles

§ 1138. Clinging to motor vehicles

§ 1139. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths

§ 1140. Carrying articles

§ 1141. Equipment on bicycles

§ 1141a. Electric personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMD); required equipment; operation

§ 1142. Penalties

§ 1143. Not evidence of negligence

§ 1200. Definitions

§ 1201. Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substance; criminal refusal; enhanced penalty for BAC of 0.16 or more

§ 1201c. Calculation of suspensions and revocations

§ 1202. Consent to taking of tests to determine blood alcohol content or presence of other drug

§ 1203. Administration of tests; retention of test and videotape

§ 1203a. Independent chemical test; blood tests

§ 1203b. Duty to report blood test results

§ 1204. Permissive inferences

§ 1205. Civil suspension; summary procedure

§ 1206. Suspension of license for driving while under influence; first conviction

§ 1208. Suspensions for subsequent convictions

§ 1209a. Conditions of reinstatement; alcohol and driving education; screening; therapy programs

§ 1210. Penalties

§ 1211. Construction of cross references

§ 1212. Conditions of release and parole; arrest upon violation

§ 1213. Ignition interlock restricted driver’s license or certificate; penalties

§ 1213a. Immobilization of vehicle

§ 1213b. Forfeiture of vehicle

§ 1213c. Immobilization and forfeiture proceedings

§ 1215. Injunctive relief

§ 1216. Persons under 21 years of age; alcohol concentration of 0.02 or more

§ 1218. Commercial motor vehicles; 0.04

§ 1219. Commercial motor vehicle; detectable amount; out-of-service

§ 1220a. DUI Enforcement Special Fund

§ 1220b. Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing Special Fund

§ 1221. Condition of vehicle

§ 1221a. Defective equipment warning

§ 1222. Inspection of registered vehicles

§ 1222a. Emissions of diesel-powered commercial vehicles

§ 1223. Prohibitions

§ 1224. Inspection certificates

§ 1225. Penalty

§ 1226. Reciprocity

§ 1227. Certified inspection mechanics

§ 1228. Mechanic certification; inspection designation; revocation

§ 1229. Rules

§ 1230. Charge

§ 1231. Administrative penalties

§ 1241. Locking device

§ 1242. Safety glass

§ 1243. Lights

§ 1244. Illumination required

§ 1245. Illumination required on motorcycles

§ 1246. Restrictions

§ 1247. Approval of lighting devices

§ 1248. Taillights

§ 1249. Directional signal lamps

§ 1250. Clearance lamps

§ 1251. Sirens and colored signal lamps; out-of-state emergency and rescue vehicles

§ 1252. Issuance of permits for sirens or colored lamps, or both; use of amber lamps

§ 1253. Inspection of permits

§ 1255. Exceptions

§ 1256. Motorcycles; headgear

§ 1257. Eye protection

§ 1258. Child restraint systems; persons under age 18

§ 1259. Safety belts; persons 18 years of age or older

§ 1281. Additional equipment

§ 1281a. Optional equipment

§ 1282. Operator, equipment, and inspection

§ 1283. Identification and equipment of school buses

§ 1284. Vehicle maintenance

§ 1285. Pupil instruction

§ 1286. Penalties

§ 1287. Multifunction school activity bus

§ 1301. Emergency exits

§ 1302. Rubber tires on trucks; number of trailers

§ 1303. Flares required

§ 1304. Use

§ 1305. Mirror required

§ 1306. Rear wheel flaps

§ 1307. Brake equipment required

§ 1308. Performance ability of brakes

§ 1341. Trailer coaches—Safety chain

§ 1342. Fire extinguisher

§ 1344. Riding in trailer coaches

§ 1361. Lights on vehicles other than motor vehicles

§ 1362. Night operation

§ 1391. Tire and axle limits

§ 1391a. Penalties for overweight operation

§ 1392. Gross weight limits on highways

§ 1392a. Authority of Commissioner to delegate permitting functions

§ 1393. Weight limits in cities; adoption by towns or incorporated villages of State limits; limits on class 1 town highways

§ 1394. Designation of class 1 town highways

§ 1396. Special weight limits for bridges and highways

§ 1397. Weight limit signs

§ 1397a. Special limits for covered bridges

§ 1398. Certified statement to be filed

§ 1399. Exceptions for construction and maintenance equipment; fire apparatus; and heavy-duty tow and recovery vehicles

§ 1400. Permit to operate in excess of weight and size limits; State highways

§ 1400a. Special local highway and bridge limits; reimbursement for damages; special permits

§ 1400b. Filing of restrictions, publication

§ 1400c. Gross limits on town highways and bridges

§ 1400d. Agricultural service vehicles

§ 1401. Contents of permit

§ 1402. Overweight, width, height, and length permits; fees

§ 1403. Expiration or revocation

§ 1404. Bond required

§ 1405. Actions against the bond

§ 1406. Federally owned vehicles

§ 1407. Operation of overweight vehicles

§ 1408. Operating vehicle in excess of registered capacity

§ 1409. Weighing of vehicles

§ 1410. Removal of overloads

§ 1411. Refusal to weigh vehicle or remove overload

§ 1412. Multiple weight violations

§ 1413. Disposition of impounded vehicles and loads

§ 1414. Reciprocal enforcement

§ 1415. Transfer of weight permits

§ 1431. Height and width limits

§ 1432. Length of vehicles

§ 1433. Reasonable access

§ 1434. Operation in excess of weight, height, or width limits; penalties

§ 1435. Enforcement plan

§ 1436. Statewide Municipal Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Fund

§ 1437. Exception for towaway trailer transporter combination

§ 1451. Loads on passenger cars

§ 1452. Securing loads of wood or wood products

§ 1453. Baled products

§ 1454. Securing loads

§ 1492. Liability for damage defined; limitations