Vermont Statutes
Chapter 13 - Operation of Vehicles
§ 1029. Municipal signs

§ 1029. Municipal signs
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1025 and 1027 of this title, municipalities may erect alternative signs of a guidance or informational nature and creative design, in accordance with the provisions of 10 V.S.A. § 494(15), to assist persons in reaching destinations that are transportation centers, geographic districts, historic monuments, and significant or unique educational, recreational, or cultural landmarks. (Added 1991, No. 197 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; amended 2015, No. 47, § 27.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 23 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 13 - Operation of Vehicles

§ 1001. Rules

§ 1003. State speed zones

§ 1004. Interstate highway rules

§ 1005. Regulation of parking

§ 1006. Stopping at railroad crossings

§ 1006a. Highways; emergency closure

§ 1006b. Smugglers’ Notch; winter closure of Vermont Route 108; vehicle operation prohibited

§ 1006c. Chain requirements for vehicles with weight ratings of more than 26, 000 pounds

§ 1007. Local speed limits

§ 1007a. Neighborhood electric vehicles; speed limit

§ 1008. Regulations in municipalities

§ 1008a. Regulation of motor vehicles at State airports

§ 1009. Restrictions of controlled-access roadway

§ 1010. Special occasions; town highway maintenance

§ 1011. Applicability of this chapter

§ 1012. Obedience to enforcement officers

§ 1013. Authority of enforcement officers

§ 1014. Persons riding animals

§ 1015. Authorized emergency vehicles

§ 1016. Reports of arrests

§ 1017. Speed limit in school zones

§ 1021. Obedience to traffic-control devices

§ 1022. Traffic-control signals

§ 1023. Pedestrian-control signals

§ 1024. Flashing signals

§ 1025. Standards

§ 1026. Lane control signals

§ 1027. Unauthorized signs, signals, or markings

§ 1028. Interference with devices or signals

§ 1029. Municipal signs

§ 1031. Driving to right

§ 1032. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions

§ 1033. Passing motor vehicles and vulnerable users

§ 1034. Passing on the right

§ 1035. Limitations

§ 1036. No-passing zones

§ 1037. One-way roadways and rotaries

§ 1038. Driving on roadways laned for traffic

§ 1039. Following too closely, crowding, and harassment

§ 1040. Driving on divided highways

§ 1041. Restricted access roadways

§ 1042. Restricting the use of town highways

§ 1043. Operation of neighborhood electric vehicles

§ 1046. Vehicle approaching or entering intersection

§ 1047. Vehicle turning left

§ 1048. Stop or yield intersections

§ 1049. Vehicle entering from private road

§ 1050. Operation on approach of law enforcement and emergency vehicles or when approaching stationary law enforcement and emergency vehicles or work zone

§ 1050a. Authorized highway maintenance vehicles

§ 1051. Pedestrians’ right of way in crosswalks

§ 1052. Crossing except at crosswalks

§ 1054. Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks

§ 1055. Pedestrians on roadways

§ 1056. Highway solicitations

§ 1057. Duty toward persons who are blind

§ 1058. Duties of pedestrians

§ 1059. Driving through safety zone

§ 1061. Turning at intersections

§ 1062. Turning prohibited

§ 1063. Starting parked vehicles

§ 1064. Signals required; general obligation to turn and move safely

§ 1065. Hand signals

§ 1071. Railroad grade crossings

§ 1072. Certain vehicles must stop

§ 1073. Heavy equipment

§ 1074. Vehicle entering roadway

§ 1075. Passing school bus

§ 1076. Commercial motor vehicles; railroad crossings

§ 1081. Basic rule and maximum limits

§ 1082. Slow-moving vehicles

§ 1083. Special speed limitations

§ 1091. Negligent operation; grossly negligent operation

§ 1092. Damaging surface of road

§ 1093. Smoke screen device

§ 1094. Operation without consent of owner; aggravated operation without consent of owner

§ 1095. Entertainment picture visible to the operator

§ 1095a. Junior operator use of portable electronic devices

§ 1095b. Handheld use of portable electronic device prohibited

§ 1096. General penalties

§ 1097. Excessive speed

§ 1098. Disposition of pending cases

§ 1099. Texting prohibited

§ 1101. Stopping, standing, or parking

§ 1102. Removal of stopped vehicles

§ 1104. Stopping prohibited

§ 1105. Additional parking regulations

§ 1106. Limitations on use of State highway facilities

§ 1110. Prohibited idling of motor vehicles

§ 1111. Unattended motor vehicle

§ 1112. Closed highways

§ 1113. Limitations on backing

§ 1114. Riding on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles

§ 1115. Operating motorcycles and motor-driven cycles on roadways laned for traffic

§ 1116. Clinging to other vehicles

§ 1117. Footrests and handlebars

§ 1118. Obstruction to driver’s view

§ 1119. Opening and closing vehicle doors

§ 1121. Coasting prohibited

§ 1122. Following fire apparatus prohibited

§ 1123. Driving over fire hose prohibited

§ 1124. Position of operator

§ 1125. Obstructing windshields, windows

§ 1126. Putting glass, other items, on highway prohibited

§ 1126a. Depositing snow onto or across certain highways prohibited

§ 1127. Control in presence of animals

§ 1128. Crashes; duty to stop

§ 1129. Crashes; reports

§ 1130. Permitting unlicensed or impaired person to operate

§ 1131. Warning signal

§ 1132. Driving on sidewalk

§ 1133. Eluding a police officer

§ 1134. Motor vehicle operator; consumption or possession of alcohol or cannabis

§ 1134a. Motor vehicle passenger; consumption or possession of alcohol or cannabis

§ 1134b. Using tobacco or cannabis in a motor vehicle with child present

§ 1135. Trespass by motor vehicle

§ 1136. Application of subchapter; rights and obligations of bicyclists under other laws

§ 1136a. Electric bicycles

§ 1137. Riding on bicycles

§ 1138. Clinging to motor vehicles

§ 1139. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths

§ 1140. Carrying articles

§ 1141. Equipment on bicycles

§ 1141a. Electric personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMD); required equipment; operation

§ 1142. Penalties

§ 1143. Not evidence of negligence

§ 1200. Definitions

§ 1201. Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substance; criminal refusal; enhanced penalty for BAC of 0.16 or more

§ 1201c. Calculation of suspensions and revocations

§ 1202. Consent to taking of tests to determine blood alcohol content or presence of other drug

§ 1203. Administration of tests; retention of test and videotape

§ 1203a. Independent chemical test; blood tests

§ 1203b. Duty to report blood test results

§ 1204. Permissive inferences

§ 1205. Civil suspension; summary procedure

§ 1206. Suspension of license for driving while under influence; first conviction

§ 1208. Suspensions for subsequent convictions

§ 1209a. Conditions of reinstatement; alcohol and driving education; screening; therapy programs

§ 1210. Penalties

§ 1211. Construction of cross references

§ 1212. Conditions of release and parole; arrest upon violation

§ 1213. Ignition interlock restricted driver’s license or certificate; penalties

§ 1213a. Immobilization of vehicle

§ 1213b. Forfeiture of vehicle

§ 1213c. Immobilization and forfeiture proceedings

§ 1215. Injunctive relief

§ 1216. Persons under 21 years of age; alcohol concentration of 0.02 or more

§ 1218. Commercial motor vehicles; 0.04

§ 1219. Commercial motor vehicle; detectable amount; out-of-service

§ 1220a. DUI Enforcement Special Fund

§ 1220b. Blood and Breath Alcohol Testing Special Fund

§ 1221. Condition of vehicle

§ 1221a. Defective equipment warning

§ 1222. Inspection of registered vehicles

§ 1222a. Emissions of diesel-powered commercial vehicles

§ 1223. Prohibitions

§ 1224. Inspection certificates

§ 1225. Penalty

§ 1226. Reciprocity

§ 1227. Certified inspection mechanics

§ 1228. Mechanic certification; inspection designation; revocation

§ 1229. Rules

§ 1230. Charge

§ 1231. Administrative penalties

§ 1241. Locking device

§ 1242. Safety glass

§ 1243. Lights

§ 1244. Illumination required

§ 1245. Illumination required on motorcycles

§ 1246. Restrictions

§ 1247. Approval of lighting devices

§ 1248. Taillights

§ 1249. Directional signal lamps

§ 1250. Clearance lamps

§ 1251. Sirens and colored signal lamps; out-of-state emergency and rescue vehicles

§ 1252. Issuance of permits for sirens or colored lamps, or both; use of amber lamps

§ 1253. Inspection of permits

§ 1255. Exceptions

§ 1256. Motorcycles; headgear

§ 1257. Eye protection

§ 1258. Child restraint systems; persons under age 18

§ 1259. Safety belts; persons 18 years of age or older

§ 1281. Additional equipment

§ 1281a. Optional equipment

§ 1282. Operator, equipment, and inspection

§ 1283. Identification and equipment of school buses

§ 1284. Vehicle maintenance

§ 1285. Pupil instruction

§ 1286. Penalties

§ 1287. Multifunction school activity bus

§ 1301. Emergency exits

§ 1302. Rubber tires on trucks; number of trailers

§ 1303. Flares required

§ 1304. Use

§ 1305. Mirror required

§ 1306. Rear wheel flaps

§ 1307. Brake equipment required

§ 1308. Performance ability of brakes

§ 1341. Trailer coaches—Safety chain

§ 1342. Fire extinguisher

§ 1344. Riding in trailer coaches

§ 1361. Lights on vehicles other than motor vehicles

§ 1362. Night operation

§ 1391. Tire and axle limits

§ 1391a. Penalties for overweight operation

§ 1392. Gross weight limits on highways

§ 1392a. Authority of Commissioner to delegate permitting functions

§ 1393. Weight limits in cities; adoption by towns or incorporated villages of State limits; limits on class 1 town highways

§ 1394. Designation of class 1 town highways

§ 1396. Special weight limits for bridges and highways

§ 1397. Weight limit signs

§ 1397a. Special limits for covered bridges

§ 1398. Certified statement to be filed

§ 1399. Exceptions for construction and maintenance equipment; fire apparatus; and heavy-duty tow and recovery vehicles

§ 1400. Permit to operate in excess of weight and size limits; State highways

§ 1400a. Special local highway and bridge limits; reimbursement for damages; special permits

§ 1400b. Filing of restrictions, publication

§ 1400c. Gross limits on town highways and bridges

§ 1400d. Agricultural service vehicles

§ 1401. Contents of permit

§ 1402. Overweight, width, height, and length permits; fees

§ 1403. Expiration or revocation

§ 1404. Bond required

§ 1405. Actions against the bond

§ 1406. Federally owned vehicles

§ 1407. Operation of overweight vehicles

§ 1408. Operating vehicle in excess of registered capacity

§ 1409. Weighing of vehicles

§ 1410. Removal of overloads

§ 1411. Refusal to weigh vehicle or remove overload

§ 1412. Multiple weight violations

§ 1413. Disposition of impounded vehicles and loads

§ 1414. Reciprocal enforcement

§ 1415. Transfer of weight permits

§ 1431. Height and width limits

§ 1432. Length of vehicles

§ 1433. Reasonable access

§ 1434. Operation in excess of weight, height, or width limits; penalties

§ 1435. Enforcement plan

§ 1436. Statewide Municipal Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Fund

§ 1437. Exception for towaway trailer transporter combination

§ 1451. Loads on passenger cars

§ 1452. Securing loads of wood or wood products

§ 1453. Baled products

§ 1454. Securing loads

§ 1492. Liability for damage defined; limitations