South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 18B - Procurement Of Public Improvements
Section 5-18B-40 - Services of construction manager.

5-18B-40. Services of construction manager.
Construction management services provided in the planning and design phases of a public improvement project may include:
(1)Services provided in the planning and design phases of a public improvement project including the following:
(a)Consulting with, advising, assisting, and making recommendations to the public corporation and architect or engineer on all aspects of planning for project construction;
(b)Reviewing all plans and specifications as they are being developed and making recommendations with respect to construction feasibility, availability of material and labor, time requirements for procurement and construction, and projected costs;
(c)Making, reviewing, and refining budget estimates based on the public corporation's program and other available information;
(d)Making recommendations to the public corporation and the architect or engineer regarding the division of work in the plans and specifications to facilitate bidding and awarding of contracts;
(e)Soliciting the interest of capable contractors and assisting the public corporation in taking bids on the project;
(f)Analyzing the bids received and awarding contracts; and
(g)Preparing and monitoring a progress schedule during the design phase of the project and preparation of a proposed construction schedule; and
(2)Services provided in the construction phase of the public improvement project including the following:
(a)Maintaining competent supervisory staff to coordinate and provide general direction of the work and progress of the contractors on the project;
(b)Observing the work as it is being performed for general conformance with working drawings and specifications;
(c)Establishing procedures for coordinating among the public corporation, architect or engineer, contractors, and construction manager with respect to all aspects of the project and implementing labor policy in conformance with the requirements of the public corporation's policy and making recommendations;
(d)Reviewing and processing all applications for payment by involved contractors and material suppliers in accordance with the terms of the contract;
(e)Making recommendations for and processing requests for changes in the work and maintaining records of change orders;
(f)Scheduling and conducting job meetings to ensure orderly progress of the work;
(g)Developing and monitoring a project progress schedule, coordinating and expediting the work of all contractors, and providing periodic status reports to the owner and the architect and engineer; and
(h)Establishing and maintaining a cost control system and conducting meetings to review costs.

Source: SL 2010, ch 31, ยง79.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 5 - Public Property, Purchases and Contracts

Chapter 18B - Procurement Of Public Improvements

Section 5-18B-1 - Plans and specifications--Advertisement--Availability.

Section 5-18B-2 - Certified check or cashier's check for percentage of bid or bid bond required.

Section 5-18B-3 - Check or bid bond requirement--Waiver.

Section 5-18B-4 - Surety bond or insurance contract required in bid, in contract, or by law.

Section 5-18B-5 - Negotiations if lowest responsive and responsible bid exceeds final estimated project cost.

Section 5-18B-6 - Certification regarding labor provided by nonresident subcontractors.

Section 5-18B-7 - Contractor's use tax liability.

Section 5-18B-8 - Forfeited funds accrue to funds provided for construction.

Section 5-18B-9 - Time limits--Return of checks--Return or destruction of bid bonds.

Section 5-18B-10 - Plans and specifications prepared by architect or engineer.

Section 5-18B-11 - Progress payments--Retention of funds from final payment--Interest.

Section 5-18B-12 - Bond or deposit of securities in lieu of retention of sums due for work performed.

Section 5-18B-13 - Occupancy before completion and acceptance.

Section 5-18B-14 - Project superintendent--Installment payments--Final payment.

Section 5-18B-15 - Architect or engineer may not be contractor or construction manager on project exceeding one hundred thousand dollars--Exemption.

Section 5-18B-16 - Unemployment compensation.

Section 5-18B-17 - Contractor's excise tax license.

Section 5-18B-18 - Contributions and interest due the Department of Labor and Regulation.

Section 5-18B-19 - Amendment or change order to existing contract.

Section 5-18B-20 - Design-build contracts.

Section 5-18B-21 - Design-builder to be authorized.

Section 5-18B-22 - Subletting of design services.

Section 5-18B-23 - Subletting construction or other services.

Section 5-18B-24 - Contracts with unlicensed or unqualified design-builder permitted if services sublet to licensed or qualified person.

Section 5-18B-25 - Request for proposals to contain performance criteria--Qualifications of developer.

Section 5-18B-26 - Performance criteria developer and design builder to perform separate roles.

Section 5-18B-27 - Performance criteria developer to be purchasing agency employee or engaged in accordance with statutorial procedures--Delegation.

Section 5-18B-28 - Development of performance criteria.

Section 5-18B-29 - Elements of design-build request for proposals--Time for mailing to pre-qualified design-builders.

Section 5-18B-30 - Design-build request not to be detailed--Drawings--Specifications--Standards.

Section 5-18B-31 - Pre-qualification of design-builders--Elements of request for qualifications.

Section 5-18B-32 - Deposit or bond submitted with proposal--Forfeiture.

Section 5-18B-33 - Proposals to be sealed--Contents.

Section 5-18B-34 - Confidentiality of proposals.

Section 5-18B-35 - Review and opinion of performance criteria developer--Submission to governing body.

Section 5-18B-36 - Acceptance of a proposal--Evaluation criteria scores.

Section 5-18B-37 - Rejection of design-build proposals--Solicitation of new proposals.

Section 5-18B-38 - Withdrawal of design-build proposal.

Section 5-18B-39 - Construction manager engagement.

Section 5-18B-40 - Services of construction manager.

Section 5-18B-41 - Manager-agent.

Section 5-18B-42 - Manager-at-risk.

Section 5-18B-43 - Criteria for construction manager engagement.

Section 5-18B-44 - Criteria for construction manager-at-risk engagement.

Section 5-18B-45 - Active involvement of licensed design professional required.

Section 5-18B-46 - Improvement projects that rely on federal funding from FAA.