(A) Subject to the provisions of subsection (C), notice to a party of another document required under applicable law in an insurance transaction or that is to serve as evidence of insurance coverage may be delivered, stored, and presented by electronic means if it meets the requirements of Chapter 6, Title 26, the South Carolina Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.
(B) Delivery of a notice or document pursuant to this section must be considered equivalent to the following delivery methods:
(1) first-class mail; and
(2) first-class mail, postage prepaid.
(C)(1) A notice or document may be delivered by electronic means by an insurer to a party if:
(a) the party has affirmatively consented to the method of delivery and has not withdrawn consent;
(b) the party, before giving consent, is provided with a clear and conspicuous statement informing the party of:
(i) the right or option of the party to have the notice or document provided or made available in paper or another non-electronic form at no additional cost;
(ii) the right of the party at any time to withdraw his consent to have a notice or document delivered by electronic means;
(iii) the specific notice or document or categories of notices or documents that may be delivered by electronic means during the course of the relationship between the insurer and the party;
(iv) the means, after consent is given, by which a party may obtain a paper copy of a notice or document delivered by electronic means at no additional cost; and
(v) the procedure a party must follow to withdraw consent to have a notice or document delivered by electronic means and to update information needed to contact the party electronically;
(c) the transmission or delivery method used for the electronic notice includes conspicuous language concerning its subject or purpose;
(d) the party:
(i) before giving consent, is provided with a statement of the hardware and software requirements for access to and retention of a notice or document delivered by electronic means; and
(ii) consents electronically, or confirms consent electronically, in a manner that reasonably demonstrates that the party can access information in the electronic form that will be used for notices or documents delivered by electronic means for which the party has given consent; and
(e) after consent of the party is given, if a change occurs in the hardware or software requirements needed to access or retain a notice or document delivered by electronic means that creates a material risk that the party will not be able to access or retain a subsequent notice or document to which the consent applies, then the insurer shall:
(i) provide the party with a statement of the revised hardware and software requirements for access to and retention of a notice or document delivered by electronic means; and
(ii) comply with the requirements of subsection (A).
(2) No insurer may cancel, refuse to issue, or refuse to renew a policy because the applicant or insured refuses to agree to receive mailings electronically pursuant to this subsection.
(D) A hardcopy of a notice of cancellation, notice of non-renewal, or notice of termination must be delivered by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to the last known mailing address of a party if the insurer knows that the notice of cancellation, notice of non-renewal, or notice of termination sent by electronic means was not received by the party. For the purposes of this subsection, the determination of whether an insurer sends, or a party receives, a notice of cancellation, notice of non-renewal, or notice of termination shall be governed by Section 26-6-150.
(E) This section does not affect requirements related to content or timing of any notice or document required under applicable law.
(F) If a provision of this title or other applicable law requiring a notice or document to be provided to a party expressly requires verification or acknowledgment of receipt of the notice or document, then the notice or document may be delivered by electronic means only if the method used provides for verification or acknowledgment of receipt.
(G) The legal effectiveness, validity, or enforceability of the underlying contract or policy of insurance executed by a party may not be denied solely because of the failure to obtain electronic consent or confirmation of consent of the party pursuant to subsection (C)(1)(d)(ii).
(H) A withdrawal of consent by a party:
(1) does not affect the legal effectiveness, validity, or enforceability of a notice or document delivered by electronic means to the party before the withdrawal of consent is effective; and
(2) is effective four business days after receipt of the withdrawal by the insurer.
(I) Failure by an insurer to comply with subsection (C)(1)(e) may be treated, at the election of the party, as a withdrawal of consent for purposes of this section.
(J) This section does not apply to a notice or document delivered by an insurer in an electronic form before the effective date of this section to a party who, before that date, had consented to receive notice or document in an electronic form otherwise allowed by law.
(K) If the consent of a party to receive certain notices or documents in an electronic form is on file with an insurer before the effective date of this section and if, pursuant to this section, an insurer intends to deliver additional notices or documents to the party in an electronic form, then, prior to delivering such additional notices or documents electronically, the insurer shall notify the party of:
(1) the notices or documents that may be delivered by electronic means under this section that were not previously delivered electronically; and
(2) the party's right to withdraw at any time consent to have notices or documents delivered by electronic means.
(L) If a provision of this title or applicable law requires a signature, notice, or document to be notarized, acknowledged, verified, or made under oath, then the requirement is satisfied if the electronic signature of the person authorized to perform those acts, together with all other information required to be included by the provision, is attached to or logically associated with the signature, notice, or document.
(M) This section may not be construed to modify, limit, or supersede the provisions of the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, Public Law 106-229, as amended. It is intended to provide an insurer additional options for the delivery of electronic notices and documents. An insurer choosing to use procedures outlined in ESIGN, UETA, or other applicable law or regulation governing such notice or documents must be considered to be in compliance with this section.
(N) An insurer delivering a notice or document by electronic means shall take appropriate and necessary measures reasonably calculated to ensure that the system for furnishing the notices of documents is secure and protects the confidentiality of information as defined by applicable law. An insurer who is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 45 C.F.R. 164.512(b), or the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, 16 C.F.R. 314.1, must be considered to be in compliance with this section.
(O) An insurer delivering a notice or other document pursuant to this article shall retain records in the manner provided in Sections 26-6-120, 38-13-120, 38-13-140, and 38-13-160.
(P) The director or his designee may promulgate, by bulletin, regulation, or order the requirements necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
HISTORY: 2017 Act No. 70 (H.3488), Section 1, eff January 1, 2018.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 55 - Conduct Of Insurance Business
Section 38-55-10. No contracts may be made except under this title.
Section 38-55-20. Insurers shall do business in own name; combination policy.
Section 38-55-30. Limitation of risk; section not applicable to captive insurers.
Section 38-55-40. Certain inducements may not be offered.
Section 38-55-50. Discrimination prohibited.
Section 38-55-60. Punishment and revocation of license for discrimination.
Section 38-55-70. Secured loans lawful.
Section 38-55-75. Confidentiality of information received by Department of Insurance.
Section 38-55-80. Loans to directors or officers.
Section 38-55-90. Tontine policies prohibited.
Section 38-55-100. Tontine plans prior to May 12, 1947.
Section 38-55-110. Reserve requirements for tontine policies.
Section 38-55-120. Procedure when insurer fails to pay final judgment.
Section 38-55-130. Doing business after charter has been canceled or surrendered is unlawful.
Section 38-55-150. Accepting premiums or assessments in insolvent insurer.
Section 38-55-160. Insuring uninsurable persons with intent to defraud.
Section 38-55-170. Presenting false claims for payment.
Section 38-55-173. Unlawful vehicle glass repair business practices; penalties.
Section 38-55-310. Life insurers may not operate undertaking business.
Section 38-55-320. Insurers may not contract with undertakers for funerals.
Section 38-55-330. Funeral director may act as agent for life insurer for preneed funeral contract.
Section 38-55-510. Short title.
Section 38-55-520. Purpose of article.
Section 38-55-530. Definitions.