As used in this article:
(A) "Authorized agency" means any duly constituted criminal investigative department or agency of the United States or of this State; the Department of Insurance; the Department of Revenue; the Department of Public Safety; the Department of Motor Vehicles; the Workers' Compensation Commission; the State Accident Fund; the Second Injury Fund; the Department of Employment and Workforce; the Department of Consumer Affairs; the Human Affairs Commission; the Department of Health and Environmental Control; the Department of Social Services; the Department of Health and Human Services; the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; all other state boards, commissions, and agencies; the Office of the Attorney General of South Carolina; or the prosecuting attorney of any judicial circuit, county, municipality, or political subdivision of this State or of the United States, and their respective employees or personnel acting in their official capacity.
(B) "Insurer" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 38-1-20(25) and includes any authorized insurer, self-insurer, reinsurer, broker, producer, or any agent thereof.
(C) "Person" means any natural person, company, corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, professional corporation, or other legal entity and includes any applicant, policyholder, claimant, medical providers, vocational rehabilitation provider, attorney, agent, insurer, fund, or advisory organization.
(D) "False statement or misrepresentation" means a statement or representation made by a person that is false, material, made with the person's knowledge of the falsity of the statement and made with the intent of obtaining or causing another to obtain or attempting to obtain or causing another to obtain an undeserved economic advantage or benefit or made with the intent to deny or cause another to deny any benefit or payment in connection with an insurance transaction, and such shall constitute fraud. "False statement or misrepresentation" specifically includes, but is not limited to, an intentional:
(1) false report of business activities;
(2) miscount or misclassification by an employer of its employees;
(3) failure to timely reduce reserves;
(4) failure to account for Second Injury Fund reimbursements or subrogation reimbursements; or
(5) failure to provide verifiable information to public or private rating bureaus and the Department of Insurance.
An undeserved economic benefit or advantage includes, but is not limited to, a favorable insurance premium, payment schedule, insurance award, or insurance settlement.
(E) "Immune" means that neither a civil action nor a criminal prosecution may arise from any action taken pursuant to this article unless actual malice on the part of the reporting person or gross negligence or reckless disregard for the rights of the reported person is present.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 497, Part II, Section 31A; 1996 Act No. 278, Sections 1, 2; 1996 Act No. 459, Section 59; 2007 Act No. 111, Pt I, Section 3, eff July 1, 2007, applicable to injuries that occur on or after that date.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 55 - Conduct Of Insurance Business
Section 38-55-10. No contracts may be made except under this title.
Section 38-55-20. Insurers shall do business in own name; combination policy.
Section 38-55-30. Limitation of risk; section not applicable to captive insurers.
Section 38-55-40. Certain inducements may not be offered.
Section 38-55-50. Discrimination prohibited.
Section 38-55-60. Punishment and revocation of license for discrimination.
Section 38-55-70. Secured loans lawful.
Section 38-55-75. Confidentiality of information received by Department of Insurance.
Section 38-55-80. Loans to directors or officers.
Section 38-55-90. Tontine policies prohibited.
Section 38-55-100. Tontine plans prior to May 12, 1947.
Section 38-55-110. Reserve requirements for tontine policies.
Section 38-55-120. Procedure when insurer fails to pay final judgment.
Section 38-55-130. Doing business after charter has been canceled or surrendered is unlawful.
Section 38-55-150. Accepting premiums or assessments in insolvent insurer.
Section 38-55-160. Insuring uninsurable persons with intent to defraud.
Section 38-55-170. Presenting false claims for payment.
Section 38-55-173. Unlawful vehicle glass repair business practices; penalties.
Section 38-55-310. Life insurers may not operate undertaking business.
Section 38-55-320. Insurers may not contract with undertakers for funerals.
Section 38-55-330. Funeral director may act as agent for life insurer for preneed funeral contract.
Section 38-55-510. Short title.
Section 38-55-520. Purpose of article.
Section 38-55-530. Definitions.