South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Probation, Parole And Pardon
Section 24-21-980. Pardon obtained through fraud.

Once delivered, a pardon cannot be revoked unless it was obtained through fraud. If a pardon is obtained through fraud, it is void.
HISTORY: 1981 Act No. 100, Section 14.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 24 - Corrections, Jails, Probations, Paroles and Pardons

Chapter 21 - Probation, Parole And Pardon

Section 24-21-5. Definitions.

Section 24-21-10. Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services; Board of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services; board members; term; appointment; filing vacancies.

Section 24-21-11. Removal of director or member.

Section 24-21-12. Compensation of board members.

Section 24-21-13. Director to oversee department; development of written policies and procedures; board's duty to consider cases for parole, etc.

Section 24-21-30. Meetings; parole and pardon panels.

Section 24-21-32. Reentry supervision; revocation.

Section 24-21-35. Administrative recommendations available to victim prior to parole hearing.

Section 24-21-40. Record of proceedings.

Section 24-21-50. Hearings, arguments, and appearances by counsel or individuals.

Section 24-21-55. Hearing fee.

Section 24-21-60. Cooperation of public agencies and officials; surveys.

Section 24-21-70. Records of prisoners.

Section 24-21-80. Probationers and parolees to pay supervision fee; intensive supervision fee; hardship exemption; delinquencies; substitution of public service.

Section 24-21-85. Electronic monitoring fees.

Section 24-21-87. Extradition and maintenance polygraph fees.

Section 24-21-90. Account and receipt for fee payments; deposit of funds.

Section 24-21-100. Administrative monitoring when fines outstanding; fee.

Section 24-21-110. Administrative sanctions.

Section 24-21-220. Powers and duties of director.

Section 24-21-221. Notice of hearing to consider parole; to whom required.

Section 24-21-230. Employment of probation agents and other staff; employment and duties of hearing officers; offender supervision specialists.

Section 24-21-235. Issuance of duty clothing to department employees.

Section 24-21-237. Employee meals.

Section 24-21-240. Oath of probation agents.

Section 24-21-250. Pay and expenses of probation agents.

Section 24-21-260. Probation agents' assignment locations.

Section 24-21-270. Offices for probation agents.

Section 24-21-280. Duties and powers of probation agents; authority to enforce criminal laws.

Section 24-21-290. Information received by probation agents privileged.

Section 24-21-300. Issuance of citation to person released pursuant to Offender Management Systems Act for violation of release terms.

Section 24-21-410. Power to suspend sentence and impose probation; exceptions; search and seizure.

Section 24-21-420. Report of probation agent on offense and defendant.

Section 24-21-430. Conditions of probation.

Section 24-21-440. Period of probation.

Section 24-21-450. Arrest for violation of terms of probation; bond.

Section 24-21-460. Action of court in case of violation of terms of probation.

Section 24-21-480. Restitution Center program; distribution of offenders' salaries.

Section 24-21-485. Authority of Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services with respect to establishment and maintenance of restitution centers.

Section 24-21-490. Collection and distribution of restitution.

Section 24-21-510. Development and operation of system; basic elements.

Section 24-21-540. Community Control Centers for higher risk offenders; guidelines for placement.

Section 24-21-550. Probation terms involving fines, costs, assessments, or restitution.

Section 24-21-560. Community supervision program; eligibility; time periods, supervision, and determination of completion; violations; revocation; notification of release to community supervision.

Section 24-21-610. Eligibility for parole.

Section 24-21-615. Review of case of prisoner convicted of capital offense by Parole Board restricted.

Section 24-21-620. Review by Board of prisoner's case after prisoner has served one fourth of sentence.

Section 24-21-630. Effect of time served while awaiting trial upon determination of time required to be served for eligibility for parole.

Section 24-21-635. Earned work credits.

Section 24-21-640. Circumstances warranting parole; search and seizure; criteria; reports of parolees; records subject to Freedom of Information Act.

Section 24-21-645. Parole and provisional parole orders; search and seizure; review schedule following parole denial of prisoners confined for violent crimes.

Section 24-21-650. Order of parole.

Section 24-21-660. Effect of parole.

Section 24-21-670. Term of parole.

Section 24-21-680. Violation of parole.

Section 24-21-690. Release after service of full time less good conduct deduction.

Section 24-21-700. Special parole of persons needing psychiatric care.

Section 24-21-710. Film, videotape, or other electronic information may be considered by board in parole determination.

Section 24-21-715. Parole for terminally ill, geriatric, or permanently disabled inmates.

Section 24-21-910. Petitions for reprieve or commutation of death sentence; recommendation to governor.

Section 24-21-920. Clemency in other cases.

Section 24-21-930. Order of pardon.

Section 24-21-940. Definitions.

Section 24-21-950. Guidelines for determining eligibility for pardon.

Section 24-21-960. Pardon application fee; re-application after denial.

Section 24-21-970. Pardon considered in cases of terminal illness.

Section 24-21-980. Pardon obtained through fraud.

Section 24-21-990. Civil rights restored upon pardon.

Section 24-21-1000. Certificate of pardon.

Section 24-21-1100. Short title.

Section 24-21-1105. Purpose.

Section 24-21-1110. Definitions.

Section 24-21-1120. Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; state council; creation; commissioners and noncommissioner members; quorum; meetings; Executive Committee.

Section 24-21-1130. Powers.

Section 24-21-1140. Adoption of by-laws.

Section 24-21-1150. Conduct of business; voting; public access to meetings and official records; closed meetings; minutes; interstate movement of offender data collection.

Section 24-21-1160. Promulgation of rules and amendments; emergency rules.

Section 24-21-1170. Oversight of interstate movement of adult offenders; enforcement of compact; resolution of disputes among states; mediation.

Section 24-21-1180. Establishment and operating costs; assessments from compacting states; accounting.

Section 24-21-1190. Compact membership eligibility; effective date; amendments.

Section 24-21-1200. Withdrawal; termination and other penalties for performance default by compacting state; legal actions; dissolution.

Section 24-21-1210. Severability.

Section 24-21-1220. Construction and application.

Section 24-21-1300. Definitions.

Section 24-21-1310. Development and operation; inmate eligibility.

Section 24-21-1320. Conditions of placement; removal.

Section 24-21-1330. Pilot project day reporting center program; termination.