Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 49.12 - Industrial Welfare.
49.12.130 - Witness protected—Penalty.

RCW 49.12.130
Witness protected—Penalty.

Any employer who discharges, or in any other manner discriminates against any employee because such employee has testified or is about to testify, or because such employer believes that said employee may testify in any investigation or proceedings relative to the enforcement of RCW 49.12.010 through 49.12.180, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of from twenty-five dollars to one hundred dollars for each such misdemeanor.

[ 1913 c 174 § 16; RRS § 7635.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 49 - Labor Regulations

Chapter 49.12 - Industrial Welfare.

49.12.005 - Definitions.

49.12.010 - Declaration.

49.12.020 - Conditions of employment—Wages.

49.12.033 - Administration and enforcement of chapter by director of labor and industries.

49.12.041 - Investigation of wages, hours and working conditions—Statements, inspections authorized.

49.12.050 - Employer's record of employees.

49.12.091 - Investigation information—Findings—Rules prescribing minimum wages, working conditions.

49.12.101 - Hearing.

49.12.105 - Variance order—Application—Issuance—Contents—Termination.

49.12.110 - Exceptions to minimum scale—Special certificate or permit.

49.12.121 - Wages and working conditions of minors—Special rules—Work permits.

49.12.123 - Work permit for minor required.

49.12.124 - Actors or performers—Work permits and variances for minors.

49.12.130 - Witness protected—Penalty.

49.12.140 - Complaint of noncompliance.

49.12.150 - Civil action to recover underpayment.

49.12.170 - Penalty.

49.12.180 - Annual report.

49.12.185 - Exemptions from chapter.

49.12.187 - Collective bargaining rights not affected.

49.12.200 - Women may pursue any calling open to men.

49.12.240 - Employee inspection of personnel file.

49.12.250 - Employee inspection of personnel file—Erroneous or disputed information.

49.12.260 - Employee inspection of personnel file—Limitations.

49.12.265 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Definitions.

49.12.270 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members.

49.12.275 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Poster required.

49.12.280 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Administration and enforcement.

49.12.285 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Monetary penalties.

49.12.287 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Discharge of employee not permitted.

49.12.290 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Collective bargaining agreement not reduced.

49.12.295 - Sick leave, time off—Care of family members—Notification of employers.

49.12.300 - House-to-house sales by minor—Registration of employer.

49.12.310 - House-to-house sales by minor—Advertising by employer—Penalty.

49.12.320 - Definitions.

49.12.330 - Rules.

49.12.350 - Parental leave—Legislative findings.

49.12.360 - Parental leave—Discrimination prohibited.

49.12.370 - Parental leave—Collective bargaining agreement or employee benefit plan—Application.

49.12.380 - Child labor laws—Information program.

49.12.390 - Child labor laws—Violations—Civil penalties—Restraining orders.

49.12.400 - Child labor laws—Appeal.

49.12.410 - Child labor laws—Violations—Criminal penalties.

49.12.420 - Child labor laws—Exclusive remedies.

49.12.450 - Compensation for required employee work apparel—Exceptions—Changes.

49.12.460 - Volunteer firefighters, reserve officers, civil air patrol members—Employer duties—Violations—Definitions.

49.12.471 - Farm internship pilot project.

49.12.480 - Meal and rest breaks for health care facility employees.

49.12.902 - Effective date—1991 c 303 §§ 3-7.

49.12.903 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.