RCW 41.06.280
Personnel service fund—Created—Charges to agencies, payment—Use, disbursement.
(1) There is hereby created a fund within the state treasury, designated as the "personnel service fund," to be used by the office of financial management as a revolving fund for the payment of salaries, wages, and operations required for the administration of the provisions of this chapter, applicable provisions of chapter 41.04 RCW, and chapter 41.60 RCW. An amount not to exceed one and one-half percent of the salaries and wages for all positions in the classified service in each of the agencies subject to this chapter, except the institutions of higher education, shall be charged to the operations appropriations of each agency and credited to the personnel service fund as the allotments are approved pursuant to chapter 43.88 RCW. Subject to the above limitations, the amount shall be charged against the allotments pro rata, at a rate to be fixed by the director from time to time which, together with income derived from services rendered under RCW 41.06.080, will provide the office of financial management with funds to meet its anticipated expenditures during the allotment period, including the training requirements in RCW 41.06.500 and 41.06.530. All revenues, net of expenditures, previously derived from services provided by the department of enterprise services under RCW 41.06.080 must be transferred to the enterprise services account.
(2) The director shall fix the terms and charges for services rendered by the office of financial management pursuant to RCW 41.06.080, which amounts shall be credited to the personnel service fund and charged against the proper fund or appropriation of the recipient of such services on a monthly basis. Payment for services so rendered under RCW 41.06.080 shall be made on a monthly basis to the state treasurer and deposited in the personnel service fund.
(3) Moneys from the personnel service fund shall be disbursed by the state treasurer by warrants on vouchers duly authorized by the office of financial management.
(4) The office of financial management may use the personnel service fund to administer an employee transit pass program and other employment benefits. The office of financial management must bill state agencies for the total cost of administering the program and payments received from agencies must be deposited in the personnel service fund.
[ 2022 c 157 § 12; 2021 c 334 § 964; 2019 c 415 § 957; 2016 sp.s. c 36 § 919; 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4 § 968; 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4 § 967; 2013 c 251 § 1; 2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 419; 1993 c 379 § 309; 1993 c 281 § 34; 1987 c 248 § 4; 1984 c 7 § 45; 1982 c 167 § 13; 1963 c 215 § 1; 1961 c 1 § 28 (Initiative Measure No. 207, approved November 8, 1960).]
Conflict with federal requirements—Effective date—2021 c 334: See notes following RCW 43.79.555.
Effective date—2019 c 415: See note following RCW 28B.20.476.
Effective date—2016 sp.s. c 36: See note following RCW 18.20.430.
Effective dates—2013 2nd sp.s. c 4: See note following RCW 2.68.020.
Residual balance of funds—2013 c 251: "Any residual balance of funds remaining in the public printing revolving account repealed by section 13 of this act on June 30, 2013, shall be transferred to the enterprise services account. Any residual balance of funds remaining in the Puyallup tribal settlement account repealed by section 13 of this act on June 30, 2013, shall be transferred to the motor vehicle fund. Any residual balance of funds remaining in any other account abolished in this act on June 30, 2013, shall be transferred by the state treasurer to the state general fund." [ 2013 c 251 § 17.]
Effective date—2013 c 251: "Except for section 4 of this act, this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect June 30, 2013." [ 2013 c 251 § 18.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.
Intent—Severability—Effective date—1993 c 379: See notes following RCW 28B.10.029.
Effective date—1993 c 281: See note following RCW 41.06.022.
Legislative findings—Purpose—1987 c 248: See note following RCW 41.04.362.
Severability—1982 c 167: See note following RCW 41.60.015.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 41 - Public Employment, Civil Service, and Pensions
Chapter 41.06 - State Civil Service Law.
41.06.010 - Declaration of purpose.
41.06.022 - "Manager"—Definition.
41.06.070 - Exemptions to chapter—Right of reversion.
41.06.071 - Department of corrections—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.073 - Department of ecology—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.074 - Department of health—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.075 - Office of financial management—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.076 - Department of social and health services—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.077 - Department of veterans affairs—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.079 - Department of transportation—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.083 - Law revision commission—Personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.084 - Department of agriculture—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.085 - World fair commission—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.086 - Washington state school directors' association—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.088 - State internship program—Positions exempt from chapter.
41.06.093 - Washington state patrol—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.094 - Consolidated technology services agency—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.095 - Office of archaeology and historic preservation—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.096 - Life sciences discovery fund authority—Personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.097 - Department of children, youth, and families—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.0971 - Department of children, youth, and families—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.098 - Puget Sound partnership—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.099 - Department of enterprise services—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.101 - Office of the chief information officer—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.102 - Criminal justice training commission—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.103 - Office of independent investigations—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.133 - Rules of director—Personnel administration—Required agency report.
41.06.150 - Rules of director—Mandatory subjects—Personnel administration.
41.06.152 - Job classification revisions, class studies, salary adjustments—Limitations.
41.06.155 - Salaries—Implementation of changes to achieve comparable worth.
41.06.157 - Comprehensive classification plan for classified positions—Contents—Salary surveys.
41.06.162 - State salary schedule.
41.06.170 - Reduction, suspension, dismissal, demotion of employee—Right to appeal.
41.06.176 - Employee performance evaluations—Written notification of deficiencies.
41.06.186 - Employee performance evaluations—Termination of employment—Rules.
41.06.204 - Use of false academic credentials—Penalties.
41.06.220 - Reinstatement after appeal, guaranteed rights and benefits.
41.06.250 - Political activities.
41.06.260 - Conflict with federal requirements—Effect—Rules to conform chapter.
41.06.280 - Personnel service fund—Created—Charges to agencies, payment—Use, disbursement.
41.06.285 - Higher education personnel service fund.
41.06.290 - Personnel subject to chapter 47.64 RCW not affected.
41.06.350 - Acceptance of federal funds authorized.
41.06.395 - Training programs on sexual harassment.
41.06.410 - Agency training and career development plans—Budget.
41.06.450 - Destruction or retention of information relating to employee misconduct.
41.06.455 - Destruction of employee records authorized if consistent with other laws.
41.06.460 - Application of RCW 41.06.450 and 41.06.455 to classified and exempt employees.
41.06.475 - Employees with unsupervised access to children—Rules for background investigation.
41.06.476 - Background investigation rules—Updating.
41.06.490 - State employee return-to-work program.
41.06.500 - Managers—Rules—Goals.
41.06.510 - Institutions of higher education—Designation of personnel officer.
41.06.530 - Personnel resource and management policy—Implementation.
41.06.540 - Joint employee-management committees.
41.06.550 - Volunteer firefighters—Call to duty.
41.06.560 - Monetary performance-based awards or incentives—Restrictions.
41.06.570 - Executive agencies—Paid leave for life-giving procedures—Limitations—Intent—Definition.
41.06.580 - Energy facility site evaluation council—Certain personnel exempted from chapter.
41.06.912 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.