Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.
28A.657.110 - Accountability framework for system of support for challenged schools—Washington achievement index—Recognition of schools for exemplary performance—Use of state system to replace federal accountability system.

RCW 28A.657.110
Accountability framework for system of support for challenged schools—Washington achievement index—Recognition of schools for exemplary performance—Use of state system to replace federal accountability system.

(1) By November 1, 2013, the state board of education shall propose rules for adoption establishing an accountability framework that creates a unified system of support for challenged schools that aligns with basic education, increases the level of support based upon the magnitude of need, and uses data for decisions. The board must seek input from the public and interested groups in developing the framework. Based on the framework, the superintendent of public instruction shall design a comprehensive system of specific strategies for recognition, provision of differentiated support and targeted assistance, and, if necessary, requiring intervention in schools and school districts. The superintendent shall submit the system design to the state board of education for review. The state board of education shall recommend approval or modification of the system design to the superintendent no later than January 1, 2014, and the system must be implemented statewide no later than the 2014-15 school year. To the extent state funds are appropriated for this purpose, the system must apply equally to Title I, Title I-eligible, and non-Title I schools in the state.
(2) The state board of education shall develop a Washington achievement index to identify schools and school districts for recognition, for continuous improvement, and for additional state support. The index shall be based on criteria that are fair, consistent, and transparent. Performance shall be measured using multiple outcomes and indicators including, but not limited to, graduation rates and results from statewide assessments. The index shall be developed in such a way as to be easily understood by both employees within the schools and school districts, as well as parents and community members. It is the legislature's intent that the index provide feedback to schools and school districts to self-assess their progress, and enable the identification of schools with exemplary performance and those that need assistance to overcome challenges in order to achieve exemplary performance.
(3) The state board of education, in cooperation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall annually recognize schools for exemplary performance as measured on the Washington achievement index. The state board of education shall have ongoing collaboration with the educational opportunity gap oversight and accountability committee regarding the measures used to measure the closing of the achievement gaps and the recognition provided to the school districts for closing the achievement gaps.
(4) In coordination with the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education shall seek approval from the United States department of education for use of the Washington achievement index and the state system of differentiated support, assistance, and intervention to replace the federal accountability system under P.L. 107-110, the no child left behind act of 2001.
(5) The state board of education shall work with the education data center established within the office of financial management and the technical working group established in *RCW 28A.290.020 to determine the feasibility of using the prototypical funding allocation model as not only a tool for allocating resources to schools and school districts but also as a tool for schools and school districts to report to the state legislature and the state board of education on how the state resources received are being used.

[ 2013 c 159 § 12; 2010 c 235 § 111; 2009 c 548 § 503. Formerly RCW 28A.305.225.]

*Reviser's note: RCW 28A.290.020 was repealed by 2016 c 162 § 5.

Finding—2010 c 235: See note following RCW 28A.405.245.

Intent—2009 c 548: See RCW 28A.150.1981.

Finding—2009 c 548: See note following RCW 28A.410.270.

Intent—Finding—2009 c 548: See note following RCW 28A.305.130.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.

28A.657.005 - Findings.

28A.657.010 - Definitions.

28A.657.020 - Persistently lowest-achieving schools—Challenged schools—Identification—Criteria—Washington achievement index.

28A.657.030 - Required action districts—Recommendation for designation—Reconsideration—Designation—Notice.

28A.657.040 - Academic performance audits of lowest-achieving schools in required action districts—External review teams—Audit findings.

28A.657.050 - Required action plans—Development—Publication of guidelines, research, and models—Submission—Contents—Effect on existing collective bargaining agreements.

28A.657.060 - Required action plans—Approval or nonapproval by state board of education—Resubmission or reconsideration—Implementation.

28A.657.070 - Required action plan review panel—Membership—Duties—Timelines and procedures for deliberations.

28A.657.080 - Redirecting Title I funds based on academic performance audit findings.

28A.657.090 - Required action plans—Implementation—Technical assistance and funds—Progress report.

28A.657.100 - Required action districts—Progress reports—Release from designation—Assignment to level two of the required action process.

28A.657.105 - Required action process—Level two schools and plans.

28A.657.110 - Accountability framework for system of support for challenged schools—Washington achievement index—Recognition of schools for exemplary performance—Use of state system to replace federal accountability system.

28A.657.120 - Rules.

28A.657.150 - Identification of schools with highest growth in English language learner students—Cultural competence professional development and training.