Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.
28A.657.050 - Required action plans—Development—Publication of guidelines, research, and models—Submission—Contents—Effect on existing collective bargaining agreements.

RCW 28A.657.050
Required action plans—Development—Publication of guidelines, research, and models—Submission—Contents—Effect on existing collective bargaining agreements.

(1)(a) The local district superintendent and local school board of a school district designated as a required action district must submit a required action plan to the state board of education for approval. Unless otherwise required by subsection (3) of this section, the plan must be submitted under a schedule as required by the state board. A required action plan must be developed in collaboration with administrators, teachers, and other staff, parents, unions representing any employees within the district, students, and other representatives of the local community.
(b) The superintendent of public instruction shall provide a district with assistance in developing its plan if requested, and shall develop and publish guidelines for the development of required action plans. The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the state board of education, shall also publish a list of research and evidence-based school improvement models, consistent with turnaround principles, that are approved for use in required action plans.
(c) The school board must conduct a public hearing to allow for comment on a proposed required action plan. The local school district shall submit the plan first to the office of the superintendent of public instruction to review and approve that the plan is consistent with federal and state guidelines, as applicable. After the office of the superintendent of public instruction has approved that the plan is consistent with federal and state guidelines, the local school district must submit its required action plan to the state board of education for approval.
(2) A required action plan must include all of the following:
(a) Implementation of an approved school improvement model required for the receipt of federal or state funds for school improvement for those persistently lowest-achieving schools that the district will be focusing on for required action. The approved school improvement model selected must address the concerns raised in the academic performance audit and be intended to improve student performance to allow a school district to be removed from the list of districts designated as a required action district by the state board of education within three years of implementation of the plan. The required action plan for districts with multiple persistently lowest-achieving schools must include separate plans for each school as well as a plan for how the school district will support the schools collectively;
(b) Submission of an application for federal or state funds for school improvement to the superintendent of public instruction;
(c) A budget that provides for adequate resources to implement the model selected and any other requirements of the plan;
(d) A description of the changes in the district's or school's existing policies, structures, agreements, processes, and practices that are intended to attain significant achievement gains for all students enrolled in the school and how the district intends to address the findings of the academic performance audit; and
(e) Identification of the measures that the school district will use in assessing student achievement at a school identified as a persistently lowest-achieving school, which include closing the educational opportunity gap, improving mathematics and reading or English language arts student achievement, and improving graduation rates as defined by the office of the superintendent of public instruction that enable the school to no longer be identified as a persistently lowest-achieving school.
(3)(a) For any district designated for required action, the parties to any collective bargaining agreement negotiated, renewed, or extended under chapter 41.59 or 41.56 RCW after June 10, 2010, must reopen the agreement, or negotiate an addendum, if needed, to make changes to terms and conditions of employment that are necessary to implement a required action plan.
(b) If the school district and the employee organizations are unable to agree on the terms of an addendum or modification to an existing collective bargaining agreement, the parties, including all labor organizations affected under the required action plan, shall request the public employment relations commission to, and the commission shall, appoint an employee of the commission to act as a mediator to assist in the resolution of a dispute between the school district and the employee organizations. Beginning in 2011, and each year thereafter, mediation shall commence no later than April 15th. All mediations held under this section shall include the employer and representatives of all affected bargaining units.
(c) If the executive director of the public employment relations commission, upon the recommendation of the assigned mediator, finds that the employer and any affected bargaining unit are unable to reach agreement following a reasonable period of negotiations and mediation, but by no later than May 15th of the year in which mediation occurred, the executive director shall certify any disputed issues for a decision by the superior court in the county where the school district is located. The issues for determination by the superior court must be limited to the issues certified by the executive director.
(d) The process for filing with the court in this subsection (3)(d) must be used in the case where the executive director certifies issues for a decision by the superior court.
(i) The school district shall file a petition with the superior court, by no later than May 20th of the same year in which the issues were certified, setting forth the following:
(A) The name, address, and telephone number of the school district and its principal representative;
(B) The name, address, and telephone number of the employee organizations and their principal representatives;
(C) A description of the bargaining units involved;
(D) A copy of the unresolved issues certified by the executive director for a final and binding decision by the court; and
(E) The academic performance audit that the office of the superintendent of public instruction completed for the school district.
(ii) Within seven days after the filing of the petition, each party shall file with the court the proposal it is asking the court to order be implemented in a required action plan for the district for each issue certified by the executive director. Contemporaneously with the filing of the proposal, a party must file a brief with the court setting forth the reasons why the court should order implementation of its proposal in the final plan.
(iii) Following receipt of the proposals and briefs of the parties, the court must schedule a date and time for a hearing on the petition. The hearing must be limited to argument of the parties or their counsel regarding the proposals submitted for the court's consideration. The parties may waive a hearing by written agreement.
(iv) The court must enter an order selecting the proposal for inclusion in a required action plan that best responds to the issues raised in the school district's academic performance audit, and allows for the award of federal or state funds for school improvement to the district from the office of the superintendent of public instruction to implement an approved school improvement model. The court's decision must be issued no later than June 15th of the year in which the petition is filed and is final and binding on the parties; however the court's decision is subject to appeal only in the case where it does not allow the school district to implement a required action plan consistent with the requirements for the award of federal or state funds for school improvement by the superintendent of public instruction.
(e) Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys' fees incurred under this statute.
(f) Any party that proceeds with the process in this section after knowledge that any provision of this section has not been complied with and who fails to state its objection in writing is deemed to have waived its right to object.
(4) All contracts entered into between a school district and an employee must be consistent with this section and allow school districts designated as required action districts to implement an approved school improvement model in a required action plan.

[ 2013 c 159 § 6; (2013 c 159 § 5 expired June 30, 2019); (2012 c 53 § 10 expired June 30, 2019); 2010 c 235 § 105.]

Effective date—2013 c 159 § 6: "Section 6 of this act takes effect June 30, 2019." [ 2013 c 159 § 16.]

Expiration date—2013 c 159 § 5: "Section 5 of this act expires June 30, 2019." [ 2013 c 159 § 15.]

Finding—2010 c 235: See note following RCW 28A.405.245.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.

28A.657.005 - Findings.

28A.657.010 - Definitions.

28A.657.020 - Persistently lowest-achieving schools—Challenged schools—Identification—Criteria—Washington achievement index.

28A.657.030 - Required action districts—Recommendation for designation—Reconsideration—Designation—Notice.

28A.657.040 - Academic performance audits of lowest-achieving schools in required action districts—External review teams—Audit findings.

28A.657.050 - Required action plans—Development—Publication of guidelines, research, and models—Submission—Contents—Effect on existing collective bargaining agreements.

28A.657.060 - Required action plans—Approval or nonapproval by state board of education—Resubmission or reconsideration—Implementation.

28A.657.070 - Required action plan review panel—Membership—Duties—Timelines and procedures for deliberations.

28A.657.080 - Redirecting Title I funds based on academic performance audit findings.

28A.657.090 - Required action plans—Implementation—Technical assistance and funds—Progress report.

28A.657.100 - Required action districts—Progress reports—Release from designation—Assignment to level two of the required action process.

28A.657.105 - Required action process—Level two schools and plans.

28A.657.110 - Accountability framework for system of support for challenged schools—Washington achievement index—Recognition of schools for exemplary performance—Use of state system to replace federal accountability system.

28A.657.120 - Rules.

28A.657.150 - Identification of schools with highest growth in English language learner students—Cultural competence professional development and training.