Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.
28A.657.070 - Required action plan review panel—Membership—Duties—Timelines and procedures for deliberations.

RCW 28A.657.070
Required action plan review panel—Membership—Duties—Timelines and procedures for deliberations.

(1) A required action plan review panel shall be established to offer an objective, external review of a request from a school district for reconsideration of the state board of education's rejection of the district's required action plan or reconsideration of a level two required action plan developed only by the superintendent of public instruction as provided under RCW 28A.657.105. The review and reconsideration by the panel shall be based on whether the state board of education or the superintendent of public instruction gave appropriate consideration to the unique circumstances and characteristics identified in the academic performance audit or level two needs assessment and review of the local school district.
(2)(a) The panel shall be composed of five individuals with expertise in school improvement, school and school district restructuring, or parent and community involvement in schools. Two of the panel members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; two shall be appointed by the president of the senate; and one shall be appointed by the governor.
(b) The speaker of the house of representatives, president of the senate, and governor shall solicit recommendations for possible panel members from the Washington association of school administrators, the Washington state school directors' association, the association of Washington school principals, the educational opportunity gap oversight and accountability committee, and associations representing certificated teachers, classified school employees, and parents.
(c) Members of the panel shall be appointed no later than December 1, 2010, but the superintendent of public instruction shall convene the panel only as needed to consider a school district's request for reconsideration. Appointments shall be for a four-year term, with opportunity for reappointment. Reappointments in the case of a vacancy shall be made expeditiously so that all requests are considered in a timely manner.
(3)(a) In the case of a rejection of a required action plan, the required action plan review panel may reaffirm the decision of the state board of education, recommend that the state board reconsider the rejection, or recommend changes to the required action plan that should be considered by the district and the state board of education to secure approval of the plan. The state board of education shall consider the recommendations of the panel and issue a decision in writing to the local school district and the panel. If the school district must submit a new required action plan to the state board of education, the district must submit the plan within forty days of the board's decision.
(b) In the case of a level two required action plan where the local school district and the superintendent of public instruction have not come to agreement, the required action plan review panel may reaffirm the level two required action plan submitted by the superintendent of public instruction or recommend changes to the plan that should be considered by the state board of education, the superintendent of public instruction, and the local school district. The state board of education shall consider the recommendations of the panel and issue a decision in writing to the local school district, the superintendent of public instruction, and the panel.
(4) The state board of education and superintendent of public instruction must develop timelines and procedures for the deliberations under this section so that school districts can implement a required action plan within the time frame required under RCW 28A.657.060.

[ 2013 c 159 § 8; 2010 c 235 § 107.]

Finding—2010 c 235: See note following RCW 28A.405.245.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.657 - Accountability System.

28A.657.005 - Findings.

28A.657.010 - Definitions.

28A.657.020 - Persistently lowest-achieving schools—Challenged schools—Identification—Criteria—Washington achievement index.

28A.657.030 - Required action districts—Recommendation for designation—Reconsideration—Designation—Notice.

28A.657.040 - Academic performance audits of lowest-achieving schools in required action districts—External review teams—Audit findings.

28A.657.050 - Required action plans—Development—Publication of guidelines, research, and models—Submission—Contents—Effect on existing collective bargaining agreements.

28A.657.060 - Required action plans—Approval or nonapproval by state board of education—Resubmission or reconsideration—Implementation.

28A.657.070 - Required action plan review panel—Membership—Duties—Timelines and procedures for deliberations.

28A.657.080 - Redirecting Title I funds based on academic performance audit findings.

28A.657.090 - Required action plans—Implementation—Technical assistance and funds—Progress report.

28A.657.100 - Required action districts—Progress reports—Release from designation—Assignment to level two of the required action process.

28A.657.105 - Required action process—Level two schools and plans.

28A.657.110 - Accountability framework for system of support for challenged schools—Washington achievement index—Recognition of schools for exemplary performance—Use of state system to replace federal accountability system.

28A.657.120 - Rules.

28A.657.150 - Identification of schools with highest growth in English language learner students—Cultural competence professional development and training.