Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4123 | Workers' Compensation
Section 4123.59 | Benefits in Case of Death - Dependency.

Effective: September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation: House Bill 52 - 131st General Assembly
In case an injury to or an occupational disease contracted by an employee causes the employee's death, benefits shall be in the amount and to the persons following:
(A) If there are no dependents, the disbursements from the state insurance fund is limited to the expenses provided for in section 4123.66 of the Revised Code.
(B) If there are wholly dependent persons at the time of the death, the weekly payment is sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the average weekly wage, but not to exceed a maximum aggregate amount of weekly compensation which is equal to sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code, and not in any event less than a minimum amount of weekly compensation which is equal to fifty per cent of the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code, regardless of the average weekly wage; provided however, that if the death is due to injury received or occupational disease first diagnosed after January 1, 1976, the weekly payment is sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the average weekly wage but not to exceed a maximum aggregate amount of weekly compensation which is equal to the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code; provided that when any claimant is receiving total disability compensation at the time of death the wholly dependent person is eligible for the maximum compensation provided for in this section. Where there is more than one person who is wholly dependent at the time of the death of the employee, the administrator of workers' compensation shall promptly apportion the weekly amount of compensation payable under this section among the dependent persons as provided in division (D) of this section.
(1) The payment as provided in this section shall continue from the date of death of an injured or disabled employee until the death or remarriage of such dependent spouse. If the dependent spouse remarries, an amount equal to two years of compensation benefits at the weekly amount determined to be applicable to and being paid to the dependent spouse shall be paid in a lump sum to such spouse and no further compensation shall be paid to such spouse.
(2) That portion of the payment provided in division (B) of this section applicable to wholly dependent persons other than a spouse shall continue from the date of death of an injured or disabled employee to a dependent as of the date of death, other than a spouse, at the weekly amount determined to be applicable and being paid to such dependent other than a spouse, until the dependent:
(a) Reaches eighteen years of age;
(b) If pursuing a full time educational program while enrolled in an accredited educational institution and program, reaches twenty-five years of age;
(c) If mentally or physically incapacitated from having any earnings, is no longer so incapacitated.
(3)(a) Payments under division (B) of this section to a dependent described in division (B)(2)(c) of this section shall not be terminated due to the dependent's employment in a sheltered workshop if the dependent does not receive income, compensation, or remuneration from that employment in excess of two thousand dollars in any calendar quarter.
(b) As used in division (B)(3) of this section, "sheltered workshop" has the same meaning as in section 4123.58 of the Revised Code.
(C) If there are partly dependent persons at the time of the death the weekly payment is sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the employee's average weekly wage, not to exceed sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the statewide average weekly wage as defined in division (C) of section 4123.62 of the Revised Code, and shall continue for such time as the administrator in each case determines.
(D) The following persons are presumed to be wholly dependent for their support upon a deceased employee:
(1) A surviving spouse who was living with the employee at the time of death or a surviving spouse who was separated from the employee at the time of death because of the aggression of the employee;
(2) A child under the age of eighteen years, or twenty-five years if pursuing a full-time educational program while enrolled in an accredited educational institution and program, or over said age if physically or mentally incapacitated from earning, upon only the one parent who is contributing more than one-half of the support for such child and with whom the child is living at the time of the death of such parent, or for whose maintenance such parent was legally liable at the time of the parent's death.
It is presumed that there is sufficient dependency to entitle a surviving natural parent or surviving natural parents, share and share alike, with whom the decedent was living at the time of the decedent's death, to a total minimum award of three thousand dollars.
The administrator may take into consideration any circumstances which, at the time of the death of the decedent, clearly indicate prospective dependency on the part of the claimant and potential support on the part of the decedent. No person shall be considered a prospective dependent unless such person is a member of the family of the deceased employee and bears to the deceased employee the relation of surviving spouse, lineal descendant, ancestor, or brother or sister. The total award for any or all prospective dependency to all such claimants, except to a natural parent or natural parents of the deceased, shall not exceed three thousand dollars to be apportioned among them as the administrator orders.
In all other cases, the question of dependency, in whole or in part, shall be determined in accordance with the facts in each particular case existing at the time of the injury resulting in the death of such employee, but no person shall be considered as dependent unless such person is a member of the family of the deceased employee, or bears to the deceased employee the relation of surviving spouse, lineal descendant, ancestor, or brother or sister.
(E) An order issued by the administrator under this section is appealable pursuant to sections 4123.511 to 4123.512 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 41 | Labor and Industry

Chapter 4123 | Workers' Compensation

Section 4123.01 | Workers' Compensation Definitions.

Section 4123.02 | Policemen and Firemen Excepted.

Section 4123.021 | State Active Duty Defined.

Section 4123.022 | Employment Status While on Active Duty.

Section 4123.023 | Benefits for Members of Organized Militia.

Section 4123.024 | Administrative and Other Costs to Be Paid From State Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.025 | Benefits for One Killed Performing Request or Order of a Duly Authorized Public Official.

Section 4123.026 | Costs of Post-Exposure Medical Diagnostic Services After Peace Officer, Firefighter, Emergency Medical Worker, or Detention Facility Employees' Exposure to Blood or Other Body Fluid.

Section 4123.03 | Employees Performing Special Services for the State or a Political Subdivision.

Section 4123.031 | Emergency Management Worker Definitions.

Section 4123.032 | Benefits for Emergency Management Workers.

Section 4123.033 | Compensation for Accidental Injury While Performing Emergency Management Duties.

Section 4123.034 | Unpaid Emergency Management Workers Qualify for Maximum Benefits.

Section 4123.035 | Finality of Decision as to Emergency Management Claimants.

Section 4123.036 | Participation in Emergency Management Benefits.

Section 4123.037 | Loyalty Oath for Emergency Management Workers.

Section 4123.038 | Apprentice Definitions.

Section 4123.039 | Eligibility for Benefits of Apprentices.

Section 4123.04 | Application to Intrastate, Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

Section 4123.05 | Rules.

Section 4123.06 | Rules Regarding Fees.

Section 4123.07 | Bureau to Prepare and Furnish Application Forms.

Section 4123.08 | Powers of Officers in Administrative Proceedings.

Section 4123.09 | Depositions.

Section 4123.10 | Industrial Commission Not Bound by Rules of Evidence.

Section 4123.11 | Stenographer's Copy Received in Evidence.

Section 4123.12 | Attachment Proceeding to Compel Obedience.

Section 4123.13 | Fees of Officers and Witnesses.

Section 4123.15 | Recognized Religious Sect Employer May Apply for Exemption.

Section 4123.19 | Expenditures to Establish Rate Classes - Salaries and Compensation Paid by Warrant.

Section 4123.20 | Publication and Distribution of Classifications, Rates, and Rules of Procedure.

Section 4123.21 | Injunction Shall Not Issue Suspending or Restraining Actions.

Section 4123.22 | Annual Report.

Section 4123.23 | Inspection of Books, Records, and Payrolls.

Section 4123.24 | Payroll to Be Kept.

Section 4123.25 | Misrepresentation as to Amount or Classification of Payroll or Amount of Compensation Paid.

Section 4123.26 | Annual Statement by Employer - Forfeiture.

Section 4123.27 | Use of and Access to Information Provided by Employers.

Section 4123.271 | Administrator May Request Report of Employer Payments From Tax Commissioner.

Section 4123.28 | Record of Injuries and Occupational Diseases - Report.

Section 4123.29 | Duties of Administrator.

Section 4123.291 | Appeal From Adjudicating Committee Decisions.

Section 4123.292 | Election to Obtain Other-States' Coverage.

Section 4123.30 | Public Fund - Private Fund - Contributions - Disbursements.

Section 4123.31 | Workers' Compensation Fund.

Section 4123.311 | Direct Deposit of Funds by Electronic Transfer - Debit Card Access.

Section 4123.32 | Rules for Administering State Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.321 | Disposition of Insurance Fund Excess Surplus.

Section 4123.322 | Rules for System of Prospective Payment of Workers' Compensation Premiums.

Section 4123.323 | Payment Due Dates.

Section 4123.324 | Waiver or Reduction of Experience Transfer.

Section 4123.33 | Certificate of Protection for Period of Less Than One Year.

Section 4123.34 | Solvency of Funds - Premium Rates.

Section 4123.341 | Contributions Toward Payment of Administrative Costs and Expenses.

Section 4123.342 | Allocating Costs.

Section 4123.343 | Employing and Retaining Handicapped Employees.

Section 4123.344 | Suspension of Premium Increase Pending Conclusion of Subrogation Claims.

Section 4123.35 | Payment of Premiums by Employers; Self-Insurance.

Section 4123.351 | Self-Insuring Employers' Guaranty Fund.

Section 4123.352 | Self-Insuring Employers Evaluation Board.

Section 4123.353 | Public Employer Granted Self-Insuring Employer Status.

Section 4123.36 | Covering Default When Account Uncollectible.

Section 4123.37 | Failure to Pay Premiums by Amenable Employer.

Section 4123.38 | Contributions to Public Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.39 | Contributions by State and Subdivisions.

Section 4123.391 | Remedies for Learn to Earn Participants.

Section 4123.40 | Estimating State's Contribution.

Section 4123.401 | Estimated Number of State Employees.

Section 4123.402 | Department of Administrative Services - Powers and Duties.

Section 4123.41 | Annual Payments by County, Taxing District and Institution to Public Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.411 | Levying Assessments for Disabled Workers' Relief Fund.

Section 4123.412 | Disabled Workers' Relief Fund.

Section 4123.413 | Eligibility for Participation in Fund.

Section 4123.414 | Receiving Payments From Fund.

Section 4123.415 | Payments Made to Show Source of Funds.

Section 4123.416 | List of Names and Addresses of Person Receiving Compensation.

Section 4123.417 | Investigation and Determination of Right of Persons to Participate in Disabled Workers' Relief Fund.

Section 4123.418 | Bureau Employees.

Section 4123.419 | Establishing Assessment Rate.

Section 4123.42 | Custodian of State Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.43 | Deposit of Funds Not Required for Immediate Use.

Section 4123.44 | Investment of Surplus or Reserve of State Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.441 | Chief Investment Adviser for Bureau - Duties.

Section 4123.442 | Development of Investment Policy - Duties of Committee.

Section 4123.443 | Rental Payments for Leased Buildings.

Section 4123.444 | Duties of Administrator Regarding Investment Manager Contracts.

Section 4123.445 | Contract With Investment Manager Convicted of Financial Crime Prohibited.

Section 4123.446 | Report Regarding Minority and Women's Business Enterprises.

Section 4123.45 | Printing or Lithographing of Bonds - Denomination - Compliance by Taxing Authorities.

Section 4123.452 | No Compensation for Injury Sustained in Ridesharing Arrangement.

Section 4123.46 | Payments From State Insurance Fund.

Section 4123.47 | Actuarial Analysis of Fund; Audits of Effectiveness of Administration - Retention of Actuary.

Section 4123.48 | Individual Accounts to Be Kept by Bureau - Default in Payment.

Section 4123.50 | Failure to Comply With Law.

Section 4123.51 | Place for Filing Claims or Appeals - Required Statement.

Section 4123.511 | Notice of Receipt of Claim.

Section 4123.512 | Appeal to Court.

Section 4123.52 | Continuing Jurisdiction of Commission.

Section 4123.521 | Appeal for Purpose of Delay or Other Vexatious Reason and Without Reasonable Ground.

Section 4123.522 | Right to Receive Written Notice of Action.

Section 4123.53 | Medical Examinations - Vocational Evaluation or Questionnaire.

Section 4123.54 | Compensation in Case of Injury or Death - Agreement if Work Performed in Another State.

Section 4123.541 | Reduction of Benefits in Proportion to Benefits Received Under Other Act or Program.

Section 4123.542 | Successful Claimant Not to File Duplicative Claim.

Section 4123.55 | No Compensation for First Week After Injury.

Section 4123.56 | Compensation in Case of Temporary Disability.

Section 4123.57 | Partial Disability Compensation.

Section 4123.571 | Prior Claims.

Section 4123.58 | Compensation for Permanent Total Disability.

Section 4123.59 | Benefits in Case of Death - Dependency.

Section 4123.591 | Providing List of Person Receiving Spousal Death Benefit to Tax Commissioner.

Section 4123.60 | Persons Eligible for Death Benefits - Limitations.

Section 4123.61 | Basis for Computation of Benefits.

Section 4123.62 | Consideration of Expected Wage Increases.

Section 4123.63 | Service-Connected Injury.

Section 4123.64 | Commutation to Lump Sum.

Section 4123.65 | Application for Approval of Final Settlement.

Section 4123.651 | Employer Initiating Medical Examinations.

Section 4123.66 | Making Additional Payments for Medical or Funeral Expenses.

Section 4123.67 | Compensation Exempt From Attachment or Execution.

Section 4123.68 | Schedule of Compensable Occupational Diseases.

Section 4123.69 | Persons Entitled to Benefits.

Section 4123.70 | Preexisitng Disease.

Section 4123.71 | Time for Report of Physician.

Section 4123.73 | Participation by Employers of Less Than Three Persons.

Section 4123.74 | Immunity of Employer.

Section 4123.741 | Immunity of Fellow Employees.

Section 4123.75 | Remedy of Employee Against Noncomplying Employer.

Section 4123.751 | Service on Nonresident Employer.

Section 4123.752 | Manner of Service.

Section 4123.753 | Service Fee.

Section 4123.754 | Continuance.

Section 4123.755 | Applicability to Residents Who Become Nonresidents.

Section 4123.756 | Death of Employer Prior to Commencement of Civil Action.

Section 4123.76 | Claim Against Noncomplying Employer a Lien.

Section 4123.77 | Common Law Defenses Denied to Noncomplying Employers.

Section 4123.78 | Recording of Certificate of Noncompliance.

Section 4123.79 | Party May Enjoin Operation of Noncomplying Employer - Construction Contractor or Subcontractor.

Section 4123.80 | Agreement to Waive Rights Void - Exceptions.

Section 4123.81 | Prohibition Against Deduction for Premium.

Section 4123.82 | Contracts Indemnifying or Insuring Employer Void.

Section 4123.83 | Posting of Notice by Employer.

Section 4123.84 | Claims for Injury or Death Barred After One Year - Exceptions.

Section 4123.85 | Claims for Compensation or Benefits in Cases of Occupational Diseases.

Section 4123.86 | Report Regarding Cancer Claims.

Section 4123.88 | False Representation or Solicitation of Authority.

Section 4123.89 | Minor Is Sui Juris - Additional Award for Violation.

Section 4123.90 | Discrimination Against Alien Dependents Unlawful.

Section 4123.91 | Information From Consular Officials.

Section 4123.92 | Attorney General, Prosecuting Attorney - Prosecution and Defense of Actions.

Section 4123.93 | Subrogation Definitions.

Section 4123.931 | Statutory Subrogee Subrogated to Rights of Claimant Against Third Party.

Section 4123.932 | Claims Likely to Be Subrogated by a Third Party.

Section 4123.94 | Preference of Judgments.

Section 4123.95 | Liberal Construction of Chapter.

Section 4123.96 | Solicitation of Claims Prohibited.

Section 4123.99 | Penalty.