Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 153 | Public Improvements
Section 153.03 | Contracts to Require Drug-Free Workplace Program.

Effective: September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Contracting authority" means any state agency or other state instrumentality that is authorized to award a public improvement contract.
(2) "Bidder" means a person who submits a bid to a contracting authority to perform work under a public improvement contract.
(3) "Contractor" means any person with whom a contracting authority has entered into a public improvement contract to provide labor for a public improvement and includes a construction manager at risk and a design-build firm.
(4) "Subcontractor" means any person who undertakes to provide any part of the labor on the site of a public improvement under a contract with any person other than the contracting authority, including all such persons in any tier.
(5) "Construction manager" has the same meaning as in section 9.33 of the Revised Code.
(6) "Construction manager at risk" has the same meaning as in section 9.33 of the Revised Code.
(7) "Design-build firm" has the same meaning as in section 153.65 of the Revised Code.
(8) "Labor" means any activity performed by a person that contributes to the direct installation of a product, component, or system, or that contributes to the direct removal of a product, component, or system.
(9) "Public improvement contract" means any contract that is financed in whole or in part with money appropriated by the general assembly, or that is financed in any manner by a contracting authority, and that is awarded by a contracting authority for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public building, public highway, or other public improvement.
(10) "State agency" means every organized body, office, or agency established by the laws of this state for the exercise of any function of state government.
(B) A contracting authority shall not award a public improvement contract to a bidder, and a construction manager at risk or design-build firm shall not award a subcontract, unless the contract or subcontract contains both of the following:
(1) The statements described in division (E) of this section;
(2) Terms that require the contractor or subcontractor to be enrolled in and be in good standing in the drug-free workplace program of the bureau of workers' compensation or a comparable program approved by the bureau that requires an employer to do all of the following:
(a) Develop, implement, and provide to all employees a written substance use policy that conveys full and fair disclosure of the employer's expectations that no employee be at work with alcohol or drugs in the employee's system, and specifies the consequences for violating the policy.
(b) Conduct drug and alcohol tests on employees in accordance with division (B)(2)(c) of this section and under the following conditions:
(i) Prior to an individual's employment or during an employee's probationary period for employment, which shall not exceed one hundred twenty days after the probationary period begins;
(ii) At random intervals while an employee provides labor or on-site supervision of labor for a public improvement contract. The employer shall use the neutral selection procedures required by the United States department of transportation to determine which employees to test and when to test those employees.
(iii) After an accident at the site where labor is being performed pursuant to a public improvement contract. For purposes of this division, "accident" has the meaning established in rules the administrator of workers' compensation adopts pursuant to Chapters 4121. and 4123. of the Revised Code for the bureau's drug-free workplace program, as those rules exist on March 30, 2007.
(iv) When the employer, construction manager, construction manager at risk, or design-build firm has reasonable suspicion that prior to an accident an employee may be in violation of the employer's written substance use policy. For purposes of this division, "reasonable suspicion" has the meaning established in rules the administrator adopts pursuant to Chapters 4121. and 4123. of the Revised Code for the bureau's drug-free workplace program, as those rules exist on March 30, 2007.
(v) Prior to an employee returning to a work site to provide labor for a public improvement contract after the employee tested positive for drugs or alcohol, and again after the employee returns to that site to provide labor under that contract, as required by either the employer, construction manager, construction manager at risk, design-build firm, or conditions in the contract.
(c) Use the following types of tests when conducting a test on an employee under the conditions described in division (B)(2)(b) of this section:
(i) Drug and alcohol testing that uses the federal testing model that the administrator has incorporated into the bureau's drug-free workplace program;
(ii) Testing to determine whether the concentration of alcohol on an employee's breath is equal to or in excess of the level specified in division (A)(1)(d) or (h) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, which is obtained through an evidentiary breath test conducted by a breath alcohol technician using breath testing equipment that meets standards established by the United States department of transportation, or, if such technician and equipment are unavailable, a blood test may be used to determine whether the concentration of alcohol in an employee's blood is equal to or in excess of the level specified in division (A)(1)(b) or (f) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code.
(d) Require all employees to receive at least one hour of training that increases awareness of and attempts to deter substance abuse and supplies information about employee assistance to deal with substance abuse problems, and require all supervisors to receive one additional hour of training in skill building to teach a supervisor how to observe and document employee behavior and intervene when reasonable suspicion exists of substance use;
(e) Require all supervisors and employees to receive the training described in division (B)(2)(d) of this section before work for a public improvement contract commences or during the term of a public improvement contract;
(f) Require that the training described in division (B)(2)(d) of this section be provided using material prepared by an individual who has credentials or experience in substance abuse training;
(g) Assist employees by providing, at a minimum, a list of community resources from which an employee may obtain help with substance abuse problems, except that this requirement does not preclude an employer from having a policy that allows an employer to terminate an employee's employment the first time the employee tests positive for drugs or alcohol or if an employee refuses to be tested for drugs, alcohol, or both.
(C) Any time the United States department of health and human services changes the federal testing model that the administrator has incorporated into the bureau's drug-free workplace program in a manner that allows additional or new products, protocols, procedures, and standards in the model, the administrator may adopt rules establishing standards to allow employers to use those additional or new products, protocols, procedures, or standards to satisfy the requirements of division (B)(2)(c) of this section, and the bureau may approve an employer's drug-free workplace program that meets the administrator's standards and the other requirements specified in division (B)(2) of this section.
(D) A contracting authority shall ensure that money appropriated by the general assembly for the contracting authority's public improvement contract or, in the case of a state institution of higher education, the institution's financing for the public improvement contract, is not expended unless the contractor for that contract is enrolled in and in good standing in a drug-free workplace program described in division (B) of this section. Prior to awarding a contract to a bidder, a contracting authority shall verify that the bidder is enrolled in and in good standing in such a program.
(E) A contracting authority shall include all of the following statements in the public improvement contract entered into between the contracting authority and a contractor for the public improvement:
(1) "Each contractor shall require all subcontractors with whom the contractor is in contract for the public improvement to be enrolled in and be in good standing in the Bureau of Workers' Compensation's Drug-Free Workplace Program or a comparable program approved by the Bureau that meets the requirements specified in section 153.03 of the Revised Code prior to a subcontractor providing labor at the project site of the public improvement."
(2) "Each subcontractor shall require all lower-tier subcontractors with whom the subcontractor is in contract for the public improvement to be enrolled in and be in good standing in the Bureau of Workers' Compensation's Drug-Free Workplace Program or a comparable program approved by the Bureau that meets the requirements specified in section 153.03 of the Revised Code prior to a lower-tier subcontractor providing labor at the project site of the public improvement."
(3) "Failure of a contractor to require a subcontractor to be enrolled in and be in good standing in the Bureau of Workers' Compensation's Drug-Free Workplace Program or a comparable program approved by the Bureau that meets the requirements specified in section 153.03 of the Revised Code prior to the time that the subcontractor provides labor at the project site will result in the contractor being found in breach of the contract and that breach shall be used in the responsibility analysis of that contractor or the subcontractor who was not enrolled in a program for future contracts with the state for five years after the date of the breach."
(4) "Failure of a subcontractor to require a lower-tier subcontractor to be enrolled in and be in good standing in the Bureau of Workers' Compensation's Drug-Free Workplace Program or a comparable program approved by the Bureau that meets the requirements specified in section 153.03 of the Revised Code prior to the time that the lower-tier subcontractor provides labor at the project site will result in the subcontractor being found in breach of the contract and that breach shall be used in the responsibility analysis of that subcontractor or the lower-tier subcontractor who was not enrolled in a program for future contracts with the state for five years after the date of the breach."
(F) In the event a construction manager, construction manager at risk, or design-build firm intends and is authorized to provide labor for a public improvement contract, a contracting authority shall verify, prior to awarding a contract for construction management services or design-build services, that the construction manager, construction manager at risk, or design-build firm was enrolled in and in good standing in a drug-free workplace program described in division (B) of this section prior to entering into the public improvement contract. The contracting authority shall not award a contract for construction manager services or design-build services if the construction manager, construction manager at risk, or design-build firm is not enrolled in or in good standing in such a program.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 1 | State Government

Chapter 153 | Public Improvements

Section 153.01 | Architect Must Submit Accurate Plans, Estimates, Bills of Materials, and Details to Scale.

Section 153.011 | Using Domestic Steel Products in State Supported Projects.

Section 153.012 | Preference to Contractors Having Principal Place of Business in Ohio.

Section 153.013 | Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board - Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract.

Section 153.02 | Debarment of Contractor From Contract Awards.

Section 153.03 | Contracts to Require Drug-Free Workplace Program.

Section 153.031 | Rc 153.03 Requirements Limited to State Improvements.

Section 153.04 | Forms for Providing Bidding Information - Life-Cycle Costs.

Section 153.05 | Actions to Enforce Bond.

Section 153.06 | Form of Bids.

Section 153.07 | Publishing Notice of Bids.

Section 153.08 | Opening Bids and Awarding Contract.

Section 153.09 | New Proposals When Necessary - Change in Work or Materials.

Section 153.10 | No Change in Plans Without Approval of Owner.

Section 153.11 | Change of Plans Becomes Part of Original Contract.

Section 153.12 | Awarding and Executing Contract.

Section 153.13 | Estimates of Labor and Materials - Funds in Escrow Account.

Section 153.14 | Estimates to Be Filed With Executive Director - Payment on Materials Delivered - Payment Procedure.

Section 153.15 | Assessment of Asbestos Hazard.

Section 153.16 | Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Contract Documents in Conjunction With Administration of Public Works Contracts.

Section 153.17 | Requisition Upon Contractor for Additional Specific Force or Materials.

Section 153.18 | Certification of Additional Force or Materials.

Section 153.19 | Contract Shall Contain Provision as to Time of Completion.

Section 153.20 | Duty of Attorney General.

Section 153.21 | Building Commission.

Section 153.22 | Compensation of Commissioners.

Section 153.23 | Expenses of Building Commission.

Section 153.24 | Oath and Bond.

Section 153.25 | Vacancies.

Section 153.26 | Contracts.

Section 153.27 | Architects - Superintendents - Employees.

Section 153.28 | Plans, Drawings, and Cost Estimates Filed With County Auditor.

Section 153.29 | Proceedings of Building Commission.

Section 153.30 | Record of Proceedings.

Section 153.31 | Plans and Estimates for Construction - Construction Project Manager or Consultants.

Section 153.311 | Construction of Public Building in Stages.

Section 153.32 | Contracts for Erection and Repair of Superstructures.

Section 153.33 | Bids on Other Plans May Be Considered.

Section 153.34 | Contents of Advertisement.

Section 153.35 | Plans Shall Be Kept on File in County Auditor's Office.

Section 153.36 | Approval of Plans for Courthouse or Jail.

Section 153.37 | Approval of Plans for County Home.

Section 153.38 | Approval of Plans for Bridge.

Section 153.39 | Approval of Plans for Children's Home.

Section 153.44 | Contracts Submitted to Prosecuting Attorney.

Section 153.45 | Commissioners May Annul Old and Make New Contracts.

Section 153.49 | Duty of County Treasurer.

Section 153.50 | Separate Bids for Work and Materials.

Section 153.501 | Subcontracts Awarded by Construction Manager at Risk, Design-Build Firm, or General Contracting Firm; Utilization of Design-Assist Firm; Self-Performed Portions of Work.

Section 153.502 | Construction Management or Design-Build Contracts; Prequalification of Bidders.

Section 153.503 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 153.51 | Separate Contracts - Single, Aggregate Contract.

Section 153.52 | Awarding of Contracts to Separate Bidders.

Section 153.53 | Adjusting Threshold in Section 153.01 for Inflation.

Section 153.54 | Bid Guaranty to Be Filed With Bid.

Section 153.55 | Dividing Project Into Parts to Avoid Threshold Prohibited; Costs Included in Threshold Amount.

Section 153.56 | Creditor Shall Furnish Statement of Amount Due - Service of Notice of Furnishing.

Section 153.57 | Form of Bond.

Section 153.571 | Form of Bond.

Section 153.58 | Prohibition.

Section 153.581 | Contracts for Construction Definitions.

Section 153.59 | Discrimination and Intimidation on Account of Race, Religion, Sex, Disability, National Origin or Ancestry.

Section 153.591 | Hiring Hall Contract or Agreement.

Section 153.60 | Forfeiture.

Section 153.61 | Agreement for Joint Construction and Management.

Section 153.62 | Issuing Change Order for Additional Work.

Section 153.63 | Agreement for Escrow Account for Contractor.

Section 153.64 | Protecting Underground Utility Facilities During Construction of Public Improvement.

Section 153.65 | Professional Design Services Definitions.

Section 153.66 | Submitting Statement of Qualifications.

Section 153.67 | Announcing Contracts Available for Professional Design or Design-Build Services.

Section 153.68 | Instituting Prequalification Requirements.

Section 153.69 | Evaluating and Selecting Firms.

Section 153.691 | No Fee Estimate on Contract for Professional Design Services.

Section 153.692 | Obtaining Services of Criteria Architect or Engineer.

Section 153.693 | Evaluation of Design-Build Firms.

Section 153.694 | Conflicts of Interest.

Section 153.70 | Requiring Professional Liability Insurance.

Section 153.71 | Administrative Rules.

Section 153.72 | Authority of Design-Build Firm.

Section 153.73 | Construction of Statutes.

Section 153.80 | Reducing Bond.

Section 153.81 | Indemnity Provisions in Public Works Design Contracts.

Section 153.83 | Hearings Related to Contractor Labor Agreements.

Section 153.99 | Penalty.