Rule 4514. Impeachment of witness by prior inconsistent statement. In
addition to impeachment in the manner permitted by common law, any party
may introduce proof that any witness has made a prior statement
inconsistent with his testimony if the statement was made in a writing
subscribed by him or was made under oath.
Structure New York Laws
CVP - Civil Practice Law and Rules
4504 - Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Chiropractor and Nurse.
4505 - Confidential Communication to Clergy Privileged.
4506 - Eavesdropping Evidence; Admissibility; Motion to Suppress in Certain Cases.
4510 - Rape Crisis Counselor or Domestic Violence Advocate.
R4511 - Judicial Notice of Law.
4512 - Competency of Interested Witness or Spouse.
4513 - Competency of Person Convicted of Crime.
R4514 - Impeachment of Witness by Prior Inconsistent Statement.
R4515 - Form of Expert Opinion.
R4516 - Proof of Age of Child.
R4517 - Prior Testimony in a Civil Action.
4519-A - Possession of Opioid Antagonists; Receipt Into Evidence.
R4520 - Certificate or Affidavit of Public Officer.
R4522 - Ancient Filed Maps, Surveys and Records Affecting Real Property.
R4523 - Search by Title Insurance or Abstract Company.
R4524 - Conveyance of Real Property Without the State.
R4525 - Copies of Statements Under Article Nine of the Uniform Commercial Code.
4527 - Death or Other Status of Missing Person.
R4529 - Inspection Certificate Issued by United States Department of Agriculture.
4530 - Certificate of Population.
R4531 - Affidavit of Service or Posting Notice by Person Unavailable at Trial.
R4532 - Self-Authentication of Newspapers and Periodicals of General Circulation.
4532-B - Enacted Without Section Heading
R4533-A - Prima Facie Proof of Damages.
R4533-B - Proof of Payment by Joint Tort-Feasor.
R4534 - Standard of Measurement Used by Surveyor.
R4536 - Proof of Writing by Comparison of Handwriting.
R4537 - Proof of Writing Subscribed by Witness.
R4538 - Acknowledged, Proved or Certified Writing; Conveyance of Real Property Without the State.
R4539 - Reproductions of Original.
R4540 - Authentication of Official Record of Court or Government Office in the United States.
R4541 - Proof of Proceedings Before Justice of the Peace.
R4542 - Proof of Foreign Records and Documents.
4543 - Proof of Facts or Writing by Methods Other Than Those Authorized in This Article.
4544 - Contracts in Small Print.
4545 - Admissibility of Collateral Source of Payment.
4547 - Compromise and Offers to Compromise.
4548 - Privileged Communications; Electronic Communication Thereof.
4549 - Admissibility of an Opposing Party's Statement.
4550 - Admissibility of Evidence Related to Legally Protected Health Activity.