[Replaced in revision by NRS 288.139.]
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 288 - Relations Between Governments and Public Employees
NRS 288.025 - "Administrative employee" defined.
NRS 288.027 - "Bargaining agent" defined.
NRS 288.028 - "Bargaining unit" defined.
NRS 288.029 - "Board" defined.
NRS 288.032 - "Collective bargaining" defined.
NRS 288.036 - "Commissioner" defined.
NRS 288.040 - "Employee organization" defined.
NRS 288.042 - "Executive Department" defined.
NRS 288.044 - "Fact-finding" defined.
NRS 288.048 - "Labor organization" defined.
NRS 288.050 - "Local government employee" defined.
NRS 288.060 - "Local government employer" defined.
NRS 288.065 - "Mediation" defined.
NRS 288.067 - "Recognition" defined.
NRS 288.074 - "Strike" defined.
NRS 288.075 - "Supervisory employee" defined.
NRS 288.080 - Creation; number, qualifications, terms of office and appointment of members.
NRS 288.090 - Officers and employees; quorum; voting; limitations on certain meetings.
NRS 288.100 - Salary and expenses of members.
NRS 288.105 - Fees assessed against local government employers.
NRS 288.120 - Subpoenas; powers of district court.
NRS 288.130 - Hearings and determinations are contested cases; judicial review.
NRS 288.132 - "Administrative employee" defined.
NRS 288.133 - "Bargaining agent" defined.
NRS 288.134 - "Bargaining unit" defined.
NRS 288.136 - "Recognition" defined.
NRS 288.138 - "Supervisory employee" defined.
NRS 288.139 - Fees assessed against local government employers.
NRS 288.475 - Fees assessed by Board against Executive Department.
NRS 288.151 - Reduction in workforce of school district.
NRS 288.155 - Agreements may extend beyond term of member or officer of local government employer.
NRS 288.165 - Recognized employee organization to file annual report with Board.
NRS 288.170 - Determination of bargaining unit; appeal to Board.
NRS 288.190 - Mediation: Selection and duties of mediator; cost.
NRS 288.195 - Right of employee organization to be represented by attorney.
NRS 288.203 - Compensation of members of panel; claims.
NRS 288.210 - Subpoenas of fact finder; powers of district court.
NRS 288.220 - Certain proceedings not required to be open or public.
NRS 288.230 - Legislative declaration; illegality of strikes.
NRS 288.240 - Injunctive relief against strike or threatened strike.
NRS 288.270 - Employer or representative; employee or employee organization.
NRS 288.280 - Controversies concerning prohibited practices to be submitted to Board.
NRS 288.400 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 288.410 - "Arbitration" defined.
NRS 288.415 - "Bargaining unit" defined.
NRS 288.420 - "Confidential employee" defined.
NRS 288.425 - "Employee" defined.
NRS 288.430 - "Exclusive representative" defined.
NRS 288.435 - "Grievance" defined.
NRS 288.580 - Requirements and standards for decision of arbitrator; decision is final and binding.
NRS 288.585 - Supplemental bargaining.
NRS 288.590 - Certain proceedings not required to be open or public.
NRS 288.700 - Legislative findings and declaration; illegality of strikes.
NRS 288.705 - Injunctive relief against strike or threatened strike.