Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 290 - Wages, Hours and Dismissal Rights
Section 290.500 - Definitions.

Effective - 07 Dec 2006
290.500. Definitions. — As used in sections 290.500 to 290.530, the following words and phrases mean:
(1) "Agriculture", farming and all its branches including, but not limited to, the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural commodities, the raising of livestock, fish and other marine life, bees, fur-bearing animals or poultry and any practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market;
(2) "Director", the director of the department of labor and industrial relations or his authorized representative;
(3) "Employee", any individual employed by an employer, except that the term "employee" shall not include:
(a) Any individual employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity;
(b) Any individual engaged in the activities of an educational, charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization where the employer-employee relationship does not, in fact, exist or where the services rendered to the organization are on a voluntary basis;
(c) Any individual standing in loco parentis to foster children in their care;
(d) Any individual employed for less than four months in any year in a resident or day camp for children or youth, or any individual employed by an educational conference center operated by an educational, charitable or not-for-profit organization;
(e) Any individual engaged in the activities of an educational organization where employment by the organization is in lieu of the requirement that the individual pay the cost of tuition, housing or other educational fees of the organization or where earnings of the individual employed by the organization are credited toward the payment of the cost of tuition, housing or other educational fees of the organization;
(f) Any individual employed on or about a private residence on an occasional basis for six hours or less on each occasion;
(g) Any handicapped person employed in a sheltered workshop, certified by the department of elementary and secondary education;
(h) Any person employed on a casual basis to provide baby-sitting services;
(i) Any individual employed by an employer subject to the provisions of part A of subtitle IV of title 49, United States Code, 49 U.S.C. §§ 10101 et seq.;
(j) Any individual employed on a casual or intermittent basis as a golf caddy, newsboy, or in a similar occupation;
(k) Any individual whose earnings are derived in whole or in part from sales commissions and whose hours and places of employment are not substantially controlled by the employer;
(l) Any individual who is employed in any government position defined in 29 U.S.C. §§ 203(e)(2)(C)(i)-(ii);
(m) Any individual employed by a retail or service business whose annual gross volume sales made or business done is less than five hundred thousand dollars;
(n) Any individual who is an offender, as defined in section 217.010, who is incarcerated in any correctional facility operated by the department of corrections, including offenders who provide labor or services on the grounds of such correctional facility pursuant to section 217.550;
(o) Any individual described by the provisions of section 29 U.S.C. 213(a) (8);
(4) "Employer", any person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee;
(5) "Learner and apprentice", any individual under 20 years of age who has not completed the required training for a particular job. In no event shall the individual be deemed a learner or apprentice in the occupation after three months of training except where the director finds, after investigation, that for the particular occupation a minimum of proficiency cannot be acquired in three months. In no case shall a person be declared to be a learner or apprentice after six months of training for a particular employer or job. Employees of an amusement or recreation business that meets the criteria set out in 29 U.S.C. § 213(a) (3) may be deemed a learner or apprentice for ninety working days. No individual shall be deemed a learner or apprentice solely for the purpose of evading the provisions of sections 290.500 to 290.530;
(6) "Occupation", any occupation, service, trade, business, industry, or branch or group of industries or employment or class of employment in which individuals are gainfully employed;
(7) "Wage", compensation due to an employee by reason of his employment, payable in legal tender of the United States or checks on banks convertible into cash on demand at full face value;
(8) "Person", any individual, partnership, association, corporation, business, business trust, legal representative, or any organized group of persons;
(9) "Man-day", any day during which an employee performs any agricultural labor for not less than one hour.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1881 § 1, A.L. 2006 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition B, November 7, 2006)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 290 - Wages, Hours and Dismissal Rights

Section 290.010 - What constitutes a day's labor.

Section 290.020 - Limitation of working hours in certain industries, exception by consent of worker.

Section 290.030 - Penalty.

Section 290.080 - Employees paid semimonthly, exception — statement of deductions — violation, misdemeanor.

Section 290.090 - Factory employees paid semimonthly — amount withheld — penalty.

Section 290.095 - Wage subsidies, bid supplements, and rebates for employment prohibited, when — violation, penalty.

Section 290.100 - Thirty days' notice of reduction of wages, how.

Section 290.110 - Payment due discharged employee — exceptions — penalty for delay.

Section 290.120 - Employee not entitled to benefits, when.

Section 290.130 - Action by employees for breach of employment contract.

Section 290.140 - Letter of dismissal, when — failure to issue, damages — punitive damages, limitations.

Section 290.145 - Discrimination, refusal to hire or discharge employee for alcohol or tobacco use not during working hours, prohibited, exception — not cause for legal actions.

Section 290.152 - Employer response to request for information about current or former employee, contents, requirements, civil immunity, when.

Section 290.210 - Definitions.

Section 290.220 - Policy declared.

Section 290.230 - Prevailing wage rates required on construction of public works — who is deemed employed upon public works — inapplicability of prevailing wage, when.

Section 290.235 - On-the-job training periods, use of entry-level workers and apprentices — wages — aggregate limit.

Section 290.240 - Department inquiry into complaints — rulemaking authority.

Section 290.250 - Applicable wage rates, incorporation into contracts — failure to pay, penalty — complaints of violation, public body or prime contractor to withhold payment — determination of a violation, investigation required — employer's right t...

Section 290.257 - Determination of prevailing wage — annual calculation — final determination, when — occupational titles, applicability.

Section 290.260 - Determination of hourly rate for heavy and highway construction work, when made, where filed, objections, hearing, determination.

Section 290.262 - Determination of hourly rate, certification — objections, hearings — final determination — notice to department by public body, when.

Section 290.263 - Wage rates to equal or exceed federal minimum wage.

Section 290.265 - Wage rates posted, where.

Section 290.270 - Declaration as to wages final — maximum wages and hours not limited.

Section 290.280 - Administration of oaths — subpoenas — enforcement of subpoenas.

Section 290.290 - Contractor's payroll records, contents — affidavit of compliance required — signs on motor vehicles and equipment, requirements — temporary stationary sign, when — exception.

Section 290.300 - Actions for wages by worker authorized.

Section 290.305 - Rebates by workers prohibited, exception.

Section 290.315 - Deductions from wages, agreement to be written, approval of public body required.

Section 290.320 - Advertising for bids before wage rates are determined prohibited.

Section 290.325 - Awarding contract or payment without wage rate determination prohibited.

Section 290.330 - Convicted violators of sections 290.210 to 290.340 listed, effect of.

Section 290.335 - Notice of violation, failure to comply, attorney general shall sue, injunctive relief authorized.

Section 290.340 - Penalty for violation.

Section 290.350 - Request for arbitration, when, how made — board to be appointed.

Section 290.360 - Board members — selected, how — officers.

Section 290.370 - Hearing and recommendations of board.

Section 290.380 - Expenses of board members to be paid.

Section 290.400 - Definitions.

Section 290.410 - Employer not to pay female lower wage.

Section 290.420 - Female may register complaint.

Section 290.430 - Labor and industrial relations commission to mediate wage disputes.

Section 290.440 - Female may recover wages, when — burden of proof.

Section 290.450 - Actions to be instituted in circuit court — limitations.

Section 290.460 - Powers and duties of commission.

Section 290.500 - Definitions.

Section 290.502 - Minimum wage rate — increase or decrease, when.

Section 290.505 - Overtime compensation, applicable number of hours, exceptions.

Section 290.507 - Agriculture, law not applicable.

Section 290.510 - Director may investigate to prove compliance.

Section 290.512 - Gratuities, goods or services as part of wages, effect on minimum wage requirements.

Section 290.515 - Physical or mental deficiency of employee, wage rate, determined by director, how.

Section 290.517 - Learners and apprentices, wage rate, determined by director, how.

Section 290.520 - Employer to keep records — director may inspect, records to be confidential.

Section 290.522 - Summary of law and wage rate, employer to post, how.

Section 290.523 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 290.525 - Violations — penalty.

Section 290.527 - Action for underpayment of wages, employee may bring — limitation.

Section 290.528 - Minimum wage and employment benefits, limitations on political subdivisions.

Section 290.529 - Severability clause.

Section 290.530 - Law not to interfere with collective bargaining rights.

Section 290.550 - Definitions.

Section 290.555 - Law to apply to certain projects.

Section 290.560 - Certain laborers to be used on public works projects, when — contract provisions — exceptions.

Section 290.565 - Law not to apply to certain personnel.

Section 290.570 - Federal projects, statutes not enforced, when.

Section 290.575 - Penalties for failure to use certain laborers, when.

Section 290.580 - Department to enforce law — injunctive relief, when.

Section 290.590 - Labor organization membership, dues, and fees not required as condition of employment — definitions — violations, penalty — investigation of complaints — inapplicability, when.