Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 271 - Crimes Against Public Policy
Section 7a - Raffles and Bazaars; Conduct by Certain Organizations

Section 7A. In this section the following words shall have the following meanings:
  "Raffle'', an arrangement for raising money by the sale of tickets, certain among which, as determined by chance after the sale, entitle the holders to prizes.
  "Bazaar'', a place maintained by the sponsoring organization for disposal by means of chance of one or both of the following types of prizes: (1) merchandise, of any value, (2) cash awards, not to exceed $250 each.
  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, raffles and bazaars may be promoted, operated and conducted under permits issued in accordance with the provisions of this section.
  No organization, society, church or club which conducts a raffle or bazaar under the provisions of this section shall be deemed to have set up and promoted a lottery and nothing in this chapter shall authorize the prosecution, arrest or conviction of any person connected with the operation of any such raffle or bazaar; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed as permitting the game commonly known as "beano'' or any similar game regardless of name.
[ Sixth paragraph effective until July 18, 2021. For text effective July 18, 2021, see below.]
  No raffle or bazaar shall be promoted, operated or conducted by any person or organization, unless the same is sponsored and conducted exclusively by (a) a veterans' organization chartered by the Congress of the United States or included in clause (12) of section five of chapter forty of the General Laws; (b) a church or religious organization; (c) a fraternal or fraternal benefit society; (d) an educational or charitable organization; (e) a civic or service club or organization; and (f) clubs or organizations organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other nonprofit purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member or shareholder. Such organization shall have been organized and actively functioning as a nonprofit organization in the commonwealth for a period of not less than two years before it may apply for a permit. The promotion and operation of the raffle or bazaar shall be confined solely to the qualified members of the sponsoring organization and no such member shall receive remuneration in any form for time or effort devoted to the promotion or operation of such raffle or bazaar. All funds derived from any raffle or bazaar shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated in the application of the sponsoring organization which purposes shall be limited to educational, charitable, religious, fraternal or civic purposes or for veterans' benefits. An organization which meets the qualifications required by this section and which desires to conduct or operate a raffle or bazaar within the commonwealth shall apply for a permit to conduct raffles and bazaars from the clerk of the city or town in which the raffle will be drawn or the bazaar held. The application form shall be approved by the commissioner of the division of professional licensure and shall include the name and address of the applicant, the evidence on which the applicant relies in order to qualify under this section, the names of three officers or members of the organization who shall be responsible for the operation of the raffle or bazaar, and the uses to which the net proceeds will be applied. Unless otherwise established in a town by town meeting action and in a city by city council action, and in a town with no town meeting by town council action, by adoption of appropriate by-laws and ordinances to set such fees, a fee of ten dollars shall accompany each such application and shall be retained by the city or town, but in no event shall any such fee be greater than fifty dollars. Upon receipt of such application, the clerk shall determine whether it is in conformity with this section. If the clerk so determines, he shall forward the application to the chief of police of the city or town, who shall determine whether the applicant is qualified to operate raffles and bazaars under this section. If the chief of police so determines, he shall endorse the application and return it to the clerk, who shall forthwith issue a permit, which shall be valid for one year from the date of its issuance. The clerk shall retain a copy of the application and shall send a copy to the commissioner of the division of professional licensure. If there is any change in the facts set forth in the application for a permit subsequent to the making of such application, the applicant shall forthwith notify the authority granting such permit of such change, and such authority shall issue such permit if the applicant is qualified, or, if a permit has already been issued and the change in the facts set forth in the application disqualify the applicant revoke such permit.
[ Sixth paragraph as as amended by 2021, 39, Sec. 124 effective July 18, 2021. See 2021, 39, Sec. 128. For text effective until July 18, 2021, see above.]
  No raffle or bazaar shall be promoted, operated or conducted by any person or organization, unless the same is sponsored and conducted exclusively by (a) a veterans' organization chartered by the Congress of the United States or included in clause (12) of section five of chapter forty of the General Laws; (b) a church or religious organization; (c) a fraternal or fraternal benefit society; (d) an educational or charitable organization; (e) a civic or service club or organization; and (f) clubs or organizations organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other nonprofit purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member or shareholder. Such organization shall have been organized and actively functioning as a nonprofit organization in the commonwealth for a period of not less than two years before it may apply for a permit. The promotion and operation of the raffle or bazaar shall be confined solely to the qualified members of the sponsoring organization and no such member shall receive remuneration in any form for time or effort devoted to the promotion or operation of such raffle or bazaar. All funds derived from any raffle or bazaar shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated in the application of the sponsoring organization which purposes shall be limited to educational, charitable, religious, fraternal or civic purposes or for veterans' benefits. An organization which meets the qualifications required by this section and which desires to conduct or operate a raffle or bazaar within the commonwealth shall apply for a permit to conduct raffles and bazaars from the clerk of the city or town in which the raffle will be drawn or the bazaar held. The application form shall be approved by the commissioner of the division of occupational licensure and shall include the name and address of the applicant, the evidence on which the applicant relies in order to qualify under this section, the names of three officers or members of the organization who shall be responsible for the operation of the raffle or bazaar, and the uses to which the net proceeds will be applied. Unless otherwise established in a town by town meeting action and in a city by city council action, and in a town with no town meeting by town council action, by adoption of appropriate by-laws and ordinances to set such fees, a fee of ten dollars shall accompany each such application and shall be retained by the city or town, but in no event shall any such fee be greater than fifty dollars. Upon receipt of such application, the clerk shall determine whether it is in conformity with this section. If the clerk so determines, he shall forward the application to the chief of police of the city or town, who shall determine whether the applicant is qualified to operate raffles and bazaars under this section. If the chief of police so determines, he shall endorse the application and return it to the clerk, who shall forthwith issue a permit, which shall be valid for one year from the date of its issuance. The clerk shall retain a copy of the application and shall send a copy to the commissioner of the division of occupational licensure. If there is any change in the facts set forth in the application for a permit subsequent to the making of such application, the applicant shall forthwith notify the authority granting such permit of such change, and such authority shall issue such permit if the applicant is qualified, or, if a permit has already been issued and the change in the facts set forth in the application disqualify the applicant revoke such permit.
  If an application is not acted upon within thirty days after it is submitted, or if the organization is refused a permit, or if a permit is revoked, any person named on the application may obtain judicial review of such refusal or revocation by filing within ten days of such refusal or revocation or within ten days of the expiration of such thirty day period a petition for review in the district court having jurisdiction in the city or town in which such application was filed. A justice of said court, after a hearing, may direct that such permit be issued, if he is satisfied that there was no reasonable ground for refusing such permit, and that the applicant was not prohibited by law from holding raffles or bazaars.
[ Eighth paragraph effective until July 18, 2021. For text effective July 18, 2021, see below.]
  An organization issued a permit under this section shall within thirty days of the expiration of its permit submit a report on a form to be approved by the commissioner of the division of professional licensure. Such form shall require information concerning the number of raffles and bazaars held, the amount of money received, the expenses connected with the raffle or bazaar, the names of the winners of prizes exceeding $250 in value, the net proceeds of the raffles and bazaars, and the uses to which the net proceeds were applied. The organization shall maintain and keep such books and records as may be necessary to substantiate the particulars of such report, which books and records shall be preserved for at least one year from the date of such report and shall be available for inspection. Such report shall be certified to by the three persons designated in the permit application as being responsible for such raffle or bazaar and by an accountant. Two copies of said report shall be filed with city or town clerk. The clerk shall send one copy to the commissioner of the division of professional licensure. Failure to file said report shall constitute sufficient grounds for refusal to renew a permit to conduct raffles or bazaars. The fee for renewal of such permit shall be ten dollars.
[ Eighth paragraph as as amended by 2021, 39, Sec. 124 effective July 18, 2021. See 2021, 39, Sec. 128. For text effective until July 18, 2021, see above.]
  An organization issued a permit under this section shall within thirty days of the expiration of its permit submit a report on a form to be approved by the commissioner of the division of occupational licensure. Such form shall require information concerning the number of raffles and bazaars held, the amount of money received, the expenses connected with the raffle or bazaar, the names of the winners of prizes exceeding $250 in value, the net proceeds of the raffles and bazaars, and the uses to which the net proceeds were applied. The organization shall maintain and keep such books and records as may be necessary to substantiate the particulars of such report, which books and records shall be preserved for at least one year from the date of such report and shall be available for inspection. Such report shall be certified to by the three persons designated in the permit application as being responsible for such raffle or bazaar and by an accountant. Two copies of said report shall be filed with city or town clerk. The clerk shall send one copy to the commissioner of the division of occupational licensure. Failure to file said report shall constitute sufficient grounds for refusal to renew a permit to conduct raffles or bazaars. The fee for renewal of such permit shall be ten dollars.
  The authority granting any permit under this section shall immediately revoke the same for a violation of any provision of this section and shall not issue any permit to such permittee within three years from the date of such violation. Any person aggrieved by the action of such authority revoking such permit may appeal to the district court having jurisdiction in the city or town where the permit was issued; provided that such appeal shall be filed in such court within twenty days following receipt of notification by said authority. The court shall hear all pertinent evidence and determine the facts and upon the facts so determined annul such action or make such decision as equity may require. The foregoing remedy shall be exclusive.
  Any organization conducting or operating a raffle or bazaar under this section shall file a return with the state lottery commission, on a form prepared by it, within ten days after the raffle or bazaar is held and shall pay therewith a tax of five per cent of the gross proceeds derived from such raffle or bazaar.
  All sums received by said commission from the tax imposed by this section as taxes, interest thereon, fees, penalties, forfeitures, costs of suits or fines, less all amounts refunded thereon, together with any interest or costs paid on account of such refunds, shall be paid into the treasury of the commonwealth.
  Whoever violates any provision of this section or submits false information on an application or report required under this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than one year, or both.
  No person who prints or produces tickets, cards or any similar article used in the conduct of a bazaar or raffle pursuant to a permit issued under the provisions of this section shall be subject to any penalty therefor, provided that a certified copy of such permit was presented to him prior to his undertaking to print or produce such tickets or cards.
  No organization issued a permit under this section shall conduct more than three bazaars in any single calendar year nor shall such organization conduct more than one bazaar in any single calendar day. The operation of a bazaar shall be limited to five consecutive hours.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases

Title I - Crimes and Punishments

Chapter 271 - Crimes Against Public Policy

Section 1 - Gaming or Betting; Forfeiture

Section 1a - ''house'', ''building'' and ''place'' Including Ship or Vessel

Section 2 - Gaming or Betting in Public Conveyance or Place or While Trespassing in Private Place; Arrest Without Warrant

Section 3 - Innholders and Others Keeping or Suffering Implements to Be Used for Gaming

Section 4 - Gaming in Inns and Other Occupied Places; Use of Billiard Table, Bowling Alley or Other Implement for Gaming

Section 5 - Gaming, Lottery, Pool or Betting Houses; Tables or Apparatus for Gaming

Section 5a - Gambling Devices; Forfeiture; Antique Slot Machines

Section 5b - Unlawful Possession of Electronic Machine or Device for Conducting or Promoting Sweepstakes Through Entertaining Display; Lawful Exceptions; Penalty

Section 6 - Gaming Relative to Cattle Shows, Military Muster or Public Gathering; Arrest Without Warrant

Section 6a - Plans Under Which Purchasers Agree to Obtain More Purchasers; Injunction; Receivers

Section 6b - Skilo and Similar Games

Section 7 - Lotteries; Disposal of Property by Chance

Section 7a - Raffles and Bazaars; Conduct by Certain Organizations

Section 8 - Permitting Lotteries, Raffles and Games of Chance in Buildings

Section 9 - Lottery Tickets; Sale, or Possession

Section 10 - Subsequent Offenses Within Five Years of Conviction

Section 10a - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 11 - Lottery Tickets; Advertising

Section 12 - False Lottery Tickets; Creation, Sale, or Possession

Section 13 - Lottery Tickets, Tokens or Shares Deemed False

Section 14 - Forfeiture of Money, Prizes, or Other Property Disposed of by Chance; Recovery

Section 15 - Lottery for Money Drawn Out of Commonwealth; Aiding or Promoting

Section 16 - Tickets of Lottery Described in Sec. 15; Sale or Possession

Section 16a - Organizing or Promoting Gambling Facilities or Services

Section 17 - Place for Registering Bets or Dealing in Pools; Owner or Occupant; Custodian or Depository

Section 17a - Telephones; Use for Gaming Purposes

Section 17b - Use of Electronic Communications Records in Ongoing Criminal Investigations; Subpoena of Records

Section 18 - Policy Lotteries or Shops; Production, Sale or Possession of Lottery Tickets or Tokens

Section 19 - Production, Advertisement or Delivery of Tickets; Receipt of Money; Prima Facie Evidence

Section 20 - Tickets, Memoranda, Books and Sheets; Nuisance; Possession; Concealment

Section 21 - Words, Figures or Characters Referring to Game or Contest; Prima Facie Evidence; Proof

Section 22 - Delivery to or From a Person Engaged in a Lottery or Other Illegal Gaming

Section 22a - Whist or Bridge for Charitable and Similar Purposes

Section 22b - Beano; Sale of Lottery Tickets

Section 23 - Oath and Warrant to Enter Gaming or Lottery Place, Arrest Persons and Seize Implements and Materials; Disposal of Articles

Section 24 - Race Tracks; Owners, Proprietors Of, or Persons Present

Section 25 - Obstructions Barring Access to Gaming Places; Removal; Lien of Expenses

Section 26 - Subsequent Obstructions; Removal; Punishment; Lien

Section 27 - Judicial Notice of Methods and Character of Lotteries, Policy Games, Pools and Betting; Prima Facie Evidence

Section 28 - Lotteries or Illegal Gaming; Complaints and Indictments

Section 29 - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property; Misrepresentation

Section 30 - Trading Stamps or Similar Devices; Sale or Delivery

Section 31 - Racing Horses for Bets or Stakes

Section 31a - Racing Results or Information; Transmission for Unlawful Purposes

Section 32 - Horse Racing; Fraud

Section 33 - Race Grounds in Towns

Section 34 - Race Grounds as Nuisance; Abatement

Section 35 - Definition of Words and Phrases Used in Secs. 35 to 38

Section 36 - Bucketing Contracts; Keeper of Shop; Domestic and Foreign Corporations

Section 37 - Prohibited Contracts; Price Quotations

Section 38 - Purchases and Sales of Securities or Commodities; Written Statement

Section 39 - Gifts to Influence Business Affairs; Threats

Section 39a - Gifts to Influence Action of Participants In, and Others Connected With, a Game or Contest

Section 40 - Appointment, Reinstatement or Discharge of Employee of Public Service Corporation or Racing Licensee on Recommendation of Public Officer, Officer Elect or Candidate

Section 41 - Offices Not Public Offices Under Sec. 40

Section 42 - Boxing Matches or Exhibitions; Betting or Selling Pools

Section 43 - Solicitation, Disclosure, Receipt or Use of Information Concerning Public Assistance

Section 44 - Hospital or Sanitarium Patient; Settlement, Release or Statement; Admissibility

Section 46 - Discarded Containers Originally Used for Refrigerative Purposes; Removal of Doors

Section 47 - Telephones; Gambling Convictions; Approval for Installation; Notices of Convictions and Removals

Section 48 - Civil Service Preparatory Courses; Advertisement

Section 49 - Criminal Usury

Section 50 - Sale of Research Papers, etc.; Taking of Examinations for Another at Educational Institutions