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Section 1 - Gaming or Betting; Forfeiture - Section 1. Whoever, on a prosecution commenced within eighteen months...
Section 1a - ''house'', ''building'' and ''place'' Including Ship or Vessel - Section 1A. The words ''house'', ''building'' and ''place'' used severally...
Section 2 - Gaming or Betting in Public Conveyance or Place or While Trespassing in Private Place; Arrest Without Warrant - Section 2. Whoever, in a public conveyance or public place,...
Section 3 - Innholders and Others Keeping or Suffering Implements to Be Used for Gaming - Section 3. Except as permitted under chapter 23K, every innholder,...
Section 4 - Gaming in Inns and Other Occupied Places; Use of Billiard Table, Bowling Alley or Other Implement for Gaming - Section 4. Whoever, in any place mentioned in the preceding...
Section 5 - Gaming, Lottery, Pool or Betting Houses; Tables or Apparatus for Gaming - Section 5. Whoever, except as permitted under chapter 23K, keeps...
Section 5a - Gambling Devices; Forfeiture; Antique Slot Machines - Section 5A. Whoever manufactures, transports, sells, offers for sale, stores,...
Section 5b - Unlawful Possession of Electronic Machine or Device for Conducting or Promoting Sweepstakes Through Entertaining Display; Lawful Exceptions; Penalty - Section 5B. (a) As used in this section the following...
Section 6 - Gaming Relative to Cattle Shows, Military Muster or Public Gathering; Arrest Without Warrant - Section 6. Whoever, during or within twelve hours of the...
Section 6a - Plans Under Which Purchasers Agree to Obtain More Purchasers; Injunction; Receivers - Section 6A. Whoever sets up or promotes a plan by...
Section 6b - Skilo and Similar Games - Section 6B. Whoever, except as provided in section twenty-two B,...
Section 7 - Lotteries; Disposal of Property by Chance - Section 7. Whoever sets up or promotes a lottery for...
Section 7a - Raffles and Bazaars; Conduct by Certain Organizations - Section 7A. In this section the following words shall have...
Section 8 - Permitting Lotteries, Raffles and Games of Chance in Buildings - Section 8. Whoever owns, occupies or is in control of...
Section 9 - Lottery Tickets; Sale, or Possession - Section 9. Whoever, for himself or for another, sells or...
Section 10 - Subsequent Offenses Within Five Years of Conviction - Section 10. Whoever, within five years after being convicted of...
Section 10a - Arrest Without Warrant - Section 10A. Any person who is discovered by a police...
Section 11 - Lottery Tickets; Advertising - Section 11. Whoever, himself or by another, advertises a lottery...
Section 12 - False Lottery Tickets; Creation, Sale, or Possession - Section 12. Whoever makes or sells, or has in his...
Section 13 - Lottery Tickets, Tokens or Shares Deemed False - Section 13. Upon the trial of a person charged with...
Section 14 - Forfeiture of Money, Prizes, or Other Property Disposed of by Chance; Recovery - Section 14. Money or other thing of value drawn as...
Section 15 - Lottery for Money Drawn Out of Commonwealth; Aiding or Promoting - Section 15. Whoever, except as provided in section five of...
Section 16 - Tickets of Lottery Described in Sec. 15; Sale or Possession - Section 16. Whoever sells, for himself or another, or offers...
Section 16a - Organizing or Promoting Gambling Facilities or Services - Section 16A. Whoever knowingly organizes, supervises, manages or finances at...
Section 17 - Place for Registering Bets or Dealing in Pools; Owner or Occupant; Custodian or Depository - Section 17. Whoever keeps a building or room, or any...
Section 17a - Telephones; Use for Gaming Purposes - [ Text of section effective until July 31, 2022. See...
Section 17b - Use of Electronic Communications Records in Ongoing Criminal Investigations; Subpoena of Records - Section 17B. Except as otherwise prohibited under section 2703 of...
Section 18 - Policy Lotteries or Shops; Production, Sale or Possession of Lottery Tickets or Tokens - Section 18. Whoever keeps, sets up, promotes or is concerned...
Section 19 - Production, Advertisement or Delivery of Tickets; Receipt of Money; Prima Facie Evidence - Section 19. The printing, writing, advertising, issuing or delivery of...
Section 20 - Tickets, Memoranda, Books and Sheets; Nuisance; Possession; Concealment - Section 20. All lottery, policy or pool tickets, slips or...
Section 21 - Words, Figures or Characters Referring to Game or Contest; Prima Facie Evidence; Proof - Section 21. In a prosecution or proceeding relative to lotteries,...
Section 22 - Delivery to or From a Person Engaged in a Lottery or Other Illegal Gaming - Section 22. Whoever receives a letter, package or parcel for...
Section 22a - Whist or Bridge for Charitable and Similar Purposes - Section 22A. Nothing in this chapter shall authorize the prosecution,...
Section 22b - Beano; Sale of Lottery Tickets - Section 22B. Nothing in this chapter shall authorize the prosecution,...
Section 23 - Oath and Warrant to Enter Gaming or Lottery Place, Arrest Persons and Seize Implements and Materials; Disposal of Articles - Section 23. If a person makes oath before a district...
Section 24 - Race Tracks; Owners, Proprietors Of, or Persons Present - Section 24. This chapter shall not authorize the arrest or...
Section 25 - Obstructions Barring Access to Gaming Places; Removal; Lien of Expenses - Section 25. If a captain of police in Boston or...
Section 26 - Subsequent Obstructions; Removal; Punishment; Lien - Section 26. If, within one year after removal of said...
Section 27 - Judicial Notice of Methods and Character of Lotteries, Policy Games, Pools and Betting; Prima Facie Evidence - Section 27. Any court or magistrate having criminal jurisdiction may...
Section 28 - Lotteries or Illegal Gaming; Complaints and Indictments - Section 28. No plea of misnomer shall be received to...
Section 29 - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property; Misrepresentation - Section 29. Whoever sells, exchanges or disposes of any property,...
Section 30 - Trading Stamps or Similar Devices; Sale or Delivery - Section 30. Whoever, in connection with the sale of any...
Section 31 - Racing Horses for Bets or Stakes - Section 31. Whoever, except in trials of speed of horses...
Section 31a - Racing Results or Information; Transmission for Unlawful Purposes - Section 31A. Whoever transmits the results of a race, or...
Section 32 - Horse Racing; Fraud - Section 32. Whoever, for the purpose of competing for a...
Section 33 - Race Grounds in Towns - Section 33. No land within a town shall be laid...
Section 34 - Race Grounds as Nuisance; Abatement - Section 34. Every race ground or trotting park established, laid...
Section 35 - Definition of Words and Phrases Used in Secs. 35 to 38 - Section 35. The following words and phrases used in this...
Section 36 - Bucketing Contracts; Keeper of Shop; Domestic and Foreign Corporations - Section 36. Whoever makes, or offers to make, any contract...
Section 37 - Prohibited Contracts; Price Quotations - Section 37. Whoever shall communicate, receive, exhibit or display in...
Section 38 - Purchases and Sales of Securities or Commodities; Written Statement - Section 38. Every person shall furnish, upon demand, to any...
Section 39 - Gifts to Influence Business Affairs; Threats - Section 39. (a) Whoever, in relation to any transaction or...
Section 39a - Gifts to Influence Action of Participants In, and Others Connected With, a Game or Contest - Section 39A. Whoever gives, promises or offers to any professional...
Section 40 - Appointment, Reinstatement or Discharge of Employee of Public Service Corporation or Racing Licensee on Recommendation of Public Officer, Officer Elect or Candidate - Section 40. No railroad, street railway, electric light, gas, telegraph,...
Section 41 - Offices Not Public Offices Under Sec. 40 - Section 41. The offices of probation officer, notary public, justice...
Section 42 - Boxing Matches or Exhibitions; Betting or Selling Pools - Section 42. Whoever bets or wagers or sells pools on...
Section 43 - Solicitation, Disclosure, Receipt or Use of Information Concerning Public Assistance - Section 43. Any person who, except for purposes directly connected...
Section 44 - Hospital or Sanitarium Patient; Settlement, Release or Statement; Admissibility - Section 44. Except as provided below, no settlement or general...
Section 46 - Discarded Containers Originally Used for Refrigerative Purposes; Removal of Doors - Section 46. Whoever fails to remove the door or doors...
Section 47 - Telephones; Gambling Convictions; Approval for Installation; Notices of Convictions and Removals - Section 47. A telephone shall not be installed for a...
Section 48 - Civil Service Preparatory Courses; Advertisement - Section 48. Any school or person offering courses in preparation...
Section 49 - Criminal Usury - Section 49. (a) Whoever in exchange for either a loan...
Section 50 - Sale of Research Papers, etc.; Taking of Examinations for Another at Educational Institutions - Section 50. Whoever, alone or in concert with others, sells...