Section 34. Every race ground or trotting park established, laid out, used or continued in use contrary to this chapter is declared a common nuisance and may be abated as such; and all persons owning, keeping, using or permitting to be used such race ground or trotting park, or aiding or abetting therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 271 - Crimes Against Public Policy
Section 1 - Gaming or Betting; Forfeiture
Section 1a - ''house'', ''building'' and ''place'' Including Ship or Vessel
Section 3 - Innholders and Others Keeping or Suffering Implements to Be Used for Gaming
Section 5 - Gaming, Lottery, Pool or Betting Houses; Tables or Apparatus for Gaming
Section 5a - Gambling Devices; Forfeiture; Antique Slot Machines
Section 6a - Plans Under Which Purchasers Agree to Obtain More Purchasers; Injunction; Receivers
Section 6b - Skilo and Similar Games
Section 7 - Lotteries; Disposal of Property by Chance
Section 7a - Raffles and Bazaars; Conduct by Certain Organizations
Section 8 - Permitting Lotteries, Raffles and Games of Chance in Buildings
Section 9 - Lottery Tickets; Sale, or Possession
Section 10 - Subsequent Offenses Within Five Years of Conviction
Section 10a - Arrest Without Warrant
Section 11 - Lottery Tickets; Advertising
Section 12 - False Lottery Tickets; Creation, Sale, or Possession
Section 13 - Lottery Tickets, Tokens or Shares Deemed False
Section 14 - Forfeiture of Money, Prizes, or Other Property Disposed of by Chance; Recovery
Section 15 - Lottery for Money Drawn Out of Commonwealth; Aiding or Promoting
Section 16 - Tickets of Lottery Described in Sec. 15; Sale or Possession
Section 16a - Organizing or Promoting Gambling Facilities or Services
Section 17a - Telephones; Use for Gaming Purposes
Section 18 - Policy Lotteries or Shops; Production, Sale or Possession of Lottery Tickets or Tokens
Section 20 - Tickets, Memoranda, Books and Sheets; Nuisance; Possession; Concealment
Section 21 - Words, Figures or Characters Referring to Game or Contest; Prima Facie Evidence; Proof
Section 22 - Delivery to or From a Person Engaged in a Lottery or Other Illegal Gaming
Section 22a - Whist or Bridge for Charitable and Similar Purposes
Section 22b - Beano; Sale of Lottery Tickets
Section 24 - Race Tracks; Owners, Proprietors Of, or Persons Present
Section 25 - Obstructions Barring Access to Gaming Places; Removal; Lien of Expenses
Section 26 - Subsequent Obstructions; Removal; Punishment; Lien
Section 28 - Lotteries or Illegal Gaming; Complaints and Indictments
Section 29 - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property; Misrepresentation
Section 30 - Trading Stamps or Similar Devices; Sale or Delivery
Section 31 - Racing Horses for Bets or Stakes
Section 31a - Racing Results or Information; Transmission for Unlawful Purposes
Section 32 - Horse Racing; Fraud
Section 33 - Race Grounds in Towns
Section 34 - Race Grounds as Nuisance; Abatement
Section 35 - Definition of Words and Phrases Used in Secs. 35 to 38
Section 36 - Bucketing Contracts; Keeper of Shop; Domestic and Foreign Corporations
Section 37 - Prohibited Contracts; Price Quotations
Section 38 - Purchases and Sales of Securities or Commodities; Written Statement
Section 39 - Gifts to Influence Business Affairs; Threats
Section 41 - Offices Not Public Offices Under Sec. 40
Section 42 - Boxing Matches or Exhibitions; Betting or Selling Pools
Section 43 - Solicitation, Disclosure, Receipt or Use of Information Concerning Public Assistance
Section 44 - Hospital or Sanitarium Patient; Settlement, Release or Statement; Admissibility
Section 46 - Discarded Containers Originally Used for Refrigerative Purposes; Removal of Doors
Section 48 - Civil Service Preparatory Courses; Advertisement