Section 20. All lottery, policy or pool tickets, slips or checks, memoranda of any combination or other bet, manifold or other policy or pool books or sheets, are hereby declared a common nuisance and the possession thereof unlawful; and the possession of any such article, or of any other implements, apparatus or materials of any other form of gaming, shall be prima facie evidence of their use, by the person having them in possession, in the form of gaming in which like articles are commonly used. Any such article found upon the person of one lawfully arrested for violation of any law relative to lotteries, policy lotteries or policy, the buying or selling of pools or registering of bets or other form of gaming shall be competent evidence upon the trial of a complaint or indictment to which it may be relevant. If a person so arrested in a building or structure or part thereof conceals or attempts to conceal such articles upon his person or elsewhere, the possession and concealment or attempt at concealment thereof shall be prima facie evidence that the place in which the same occurs is kept, maintained, used or occupied for the form of gaming in which like articles are commonly used. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a gaming establishment licensed under chapter 23K from posting, advertising or displaying materials relevant to its gaming operations.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 271 - Crimes Against Public Policy
Section 1 - Gaming or Betting; Forfeiture
Section 1a - ''house'', ''building'' and ''place'' Including Ship or Vessel
Section 3 - Innholders and Others Keeping or Suffering Implements to Be Used for Gaming
Section 5 - Gaming, Lottery, Pool or Betting Houses; Tables or Apparatus for Gaming
Section 5a - Gambling Devices; Forfeiture; Antique Slot Machines
Section 6a - Plans Under Which Purchasers Agree to Obtain More Purchasers; Injunction; Receivers
Section 6b - Skilo and Similar Games
Section 7 - Lotteries; Disposal of Property by Chance
Section 7a - Raffles and Bazaars; Conduct by Certain Organizations
Section 8 - Permitting Lotteries, Raffles and Games of Chance in Buildings
Section 9 - Lottery Tickets; Sale, or Possession
Section 10 - Subsequent Offenses Within Five Years of Conviction
Section 10a - Arrest Without Warrant
Section 11 - Lottery Tickets; Advertising
Section 12 - False Lottery Tickets; Creation, Sale, or Possession
Section 13 - Lottery Tickets, Tokens or Shares Deemed False
Section 14 - Forfeiture of Money, Prizes, or Other Property Disposed of by Chance; Recovery
Section 15 - Lottery for Money Drawn Out of Commonwealth; Aiding or Promoting
Section 16 - Tickets of Lottery Described in Sec. 15; Sale or Possession
Section 16a - Organizing or Promoting Gambling Facilities or Services
Section 17a - Telephones; Use for Gaming Purposes
Section 18 - Policy Lotteries or Shops; Production, Sale or Possession of Lottery Tickets or Tokens
Section 20 - Tickets, Memoranda, Books and Sheets; Nuisance; Possession; Concealment
Section 21 - Words, Figures or Characters Referring to Game or Contest; Prima Facie Evidence; Proof
Section 22 - Delivery to or From a Person Engaged in a Lottery or Other Illegal Gaming
Section 22a - Whist or Bridge for Charitable and Similar Purposes
Section 22b - Beano; Sale of Lottery Tickets
Section 24 - Race Tracks; Owners, Proprietors Of, or Persons Present
Section 25 - Obstructions Barring Access to Gaming Places; Removal; Lien of Expenses
Section 26 - Subsequent Obstructions; Removal; Punishment; Lien
Section 28 - Lotteries or Illegal Gaming; Complaints and Indictments
Section 29 - Sale, Exchange or Disposition of Property; Misrepresentation
Section 30 - Trading Stamps or Similar Devices; Sale or Delivery
Section 31 - Racing Horses for Bets or Stakes
Section 31a - Racing Results or Information; Transmission for Unlawful Purposes
Section 32 - Horse Racing; Fraud
Section 33 - Race Grounds in Towns
Section 34 - Race Grounds as Nuisance; Abatement
Section 35 - Definition of Words and Phrases Used in Secs. 35 to 38
Section 36 - Bucketing Contracts; Keeper of Shop; Domestic and Foreign Corporations
Section 37 - Prohibited Contracts; Price Quotations
Section 38 - Purchases and Sales of Securities or Commodities; Written Statement
Section 39 - Gifts to Influence Business Affairs; Threats
Section 41 - Offices Not Public Offices Under Sec. 40
Section 42 - Boxing Matches or Exhibitions; Betting or Selling Pools
Section 43 - Solicitation, Disclosure, Receipt or Use of Information Concerning Public Assistance
Section 44 - Hospital or Sanitarium Patient; Settlement, Release or Statement; Admissibility
Section 46 - Discarded Containers Originally Used for Refrigerative Purposes; Removal of Doors
Section 48 - Civil Service Preparatory Courses; Advertisement