Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 59 - Assessment of Local Taxes
Section 57c - Preliminary Tax for Real Estate and Personal Property; Notice; Installment Payments; Date of Delivery of Payments

[Section impacted by 2020, 53, Secs. 10 and 11, as amended by 2020, 92, Sec. 6, 16 and 17, effective April 3, 2020 relating to the extension of the due date for taxes and the waiver of the payment of interest and other penalty in the event of late payment in order to address disruptions caused by the outbreak of COVID-19.]
Section 57C. This section shall be applicable in any city or town which accepts this section for the purpose of establishing quarterly tax payments or semi-annual tax payments, notwithstanding section 57. Except as otherwise provided, a notice of preliminary tax for real estate and personal property shall be sent out no later than July 1 of each year. In the case of cities and towns with quarterly tax payments, the preliminary tax shall be due and payable in 2 installments, the first installment due on August 1, the second installment on November 1, after which dates if unpaid, they shall become delinquent and subject to interest as provided herein, and in the case of cities and towns with semi-annual tax payments, the preliminary tax shall be due and payable on October 1, after which date if unpaid, it shall become delinquent and subject to interest as provided herein. The preliminary tax shall in no event exceed 50 per cent of 102.5 per cent of the tax payable during the preceding fiscal year and of the amount by which such tax would have increased if any referendum question submitted to the voters under paragraph (g), (i.5), (j) or (k) of section 21C and approved for the fiscal year had been approved for the preceding fiscal year.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph, a notice of preliminary tax may be sent out after July first by cities and towns with quarterly tax payments; provided, however, that no such notice of preliminary tax shall be sent unless first approved by the commissioner of revenue; provided, further, that as a condition of such approval, the commissioner may establish such requirements as he deems appropriate, which may include, but not be limited to, the submission by the board of assessors of all information required to set the tax rate under the provisions of section twenty-three, except the assessed valuation of all real and personal property subject to taxation for the current fiscal year. Any notice of preliminary tax mailed after July first shall be due and payable in two installments, the first installment due thirty days after the mailing of the notice, the second November first, after which dates if unpaid, they shall become delinquent and subject to interest as provided herein; provided, however, that in the event that such notice is mailed after August first, the entire notice shall be due and payable November first, or thirty days after the date of mailing, whichever is later. Any notice of preliminary tax mailed after July 1 by cities and towns with semi-annual tax payments shall be due and payable October 1 after which date if unpaid, it shall become delinquent and subject to interest as provided herein; provided, however, that in the event that such notice is mailed after August 1, the notice shall be due and payable November 1, or 30 days after the date of mailing, whichever is later.
All provisions of law regarding the procedures for issuing, mailing and collecting tax assessments upon real and personal property and betterment assessments shall be applicable to the notice of preliminary tax provided hereunder, including the payment of interest. To the extent that any rights or remedies under law accrue from the date that the tax bill is issued, only the tax bill issued upon the establishment of the tax rate for the current fiscal year shall govern such rights and remedies. The provisions of section twenty-one C shall apply to the tax rate established by the city or town for the current fiscal year.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph, a city or town that seeks to issue a notice of preliminary tax for any fiscal year may require the payment of a preliminary tax in excess of fifty percent of one hundred and two and one-half percent of the tax payable during the preceding fiscal year and of the amount by which such tax would have increased if any referendum question submitted to the voters under the provisions of paragraph (g), (i.5), (j) or (k) of section twenty-one C and approved for the fiscal year had been approved for the preceding fiscal year, to the extent that such excess represents one-half of the amount of tax accruing as a result of the loss of exemption from tax that had been granted in the preceding fiscal year, improvements to the parcel, or the parcel being taxed as a separate parcel for the first time. A city or town is further authorized under this paragraph to issue a notice of preliminary tax for any property which becomes subject to taxation for the first time in a current fiscal year.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, the assessors of any city or town that issues a notice of preliminary tax may add any betterment assessment or apportionment thereof, water rate, annual sewer use charge and any other charge placed on the annual tax bill to the preliminary tax on the property to which it relates and such amount shall become part of the preliminary tax.
The assessors may, on application or on their own motion, abate so much of the preliminary tax as remains unpaid that is in excess of the property owner's proportional share.
The actual tax bill issued upon the establishment of the tax rate for the fiscal year, after credit is given for the preliminary tax payments previously made, and in the case of cities and towns with quarterly payments, shall be due and payable in 2 installments, on February 1 and on May 1 respectively, after which dates, if unpaid, they shall become delinquent and, in the case of cities and towns with semi-annual payments, shall be due and payable on April 1, after which date, if unpaid, they shall become delinquent. A first actual real estate tax bill sent out for fiscal year 2008 or any subsequent year pursuant to this section shall contain a statement that there exists a delinquency if any tax, betterment assessment or apportionment thereof, water rate, annual sewer use, or other charge which may constitute a lien is overdue for more than 90 days. Such delinquencies shall not include amounts due relating to fire service, electric, water or sewer use in any city or town served by more than 1 independent municipal or district fire, electric, water, sewer, or joint water and sewer district or in any city or town served by an independent municipal or district fire, electric, water, sewer, or joint water and sewer district that is not principally domiciled in that city or town.
In the event that actual tax bills are not mailed by December 31, then the full balance of the actual tax bill issued upon establishment of the tax rate for the fiscal year, after credit is given for the preliminary tax payments previously made, shall be due and payable on May 1, or 30 days after the date of mailing, whichever is later.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, whenever such actual tax bills cannot be mailed by December 31 by cities and towns with quarterly tax payments, an additional notice of preliminary tax may be issued and payment of a third quarter preliminary installment may be required; provided, however, that no such additional notice of preliminary tax may issue unless first approved by the commissioner of revenue; and provided, further, that as a condition of such approval, the commissioner may establish such requirements as he deems appropriate, which may include, but not be limited to, the submission by the board of assessors of all information required to set the tax rate under the provisions of section 23, except the assessed valuation of all real and personal property subject to taxation for the current fiscal year. The assessors shall establish the tax rate for the fiscal year no later than April 1. In no event shall the net amount of revenue to be raised by taxation, as submitted to the commissioner pursuant to any such requirements for approval under this section, be exceeded, except to the extent that additional new growth, as certified by the commissioner pursuant to paragraph (f) of section 21C, exceeds the prior approved amount and a referendum question submitted to the voters under the provisions of paragraph (g), (i.5), (j) or (k) of said section 21C has been approved.
In the event an additional notice of preliminary tax requiring a third quarter preliminary installment payment is issued by a city or town, such notice shall be mailed on or before December 31, or such later date as may be authorized by the commissioner, and such entire notice shall be due and payable on February 1, or 30 days after the date of mailing such notice, whichever is later, after which date if unpaid, it shall become delinquent. The amount of any third quarter preliminary installment payment shall not exceed the amount of the first quarter installment payment for the fiscal year as provided in this section. The actual tax bill issued upon the establishment of the tax rate for the fiscal year, after credit is given for the preliminary tax payments previously made, shall be due and payable on May 1, or 30 days after the date of mailing such bill, whichever is later, after which date if unpaid, it shall become delinquent. Such bill shall represent the full balance owed after credit is given for the preliminary tax payments previously made. All provisions of this section regarding procedures for issuing, mailing and collecting the notice of preliminary tax requiring first and second quarter preliminary installment payments shall be applicable to any additional notice of preliminary tax, including payment of interest.
Bills for taxes assessed under section seventy-five or section seventy-six shall be sent out seasonably upon commitment, and shall be due and payable on May first or thirty days after the date on which the said bills are mailed, whichever is later.
If any such installment, tax, betterment assessment or apportionment thereof, water rate or annual sewer use or other charge added to such tax, as reduced by any abatement is not timely paid, it shall be delinquent, and interest at the rate of fourteen percent per annum computed from the due date shall be paid. The commissioner of revenue may issue guidelines as appropriate for the implementation of this section.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs, if the last day for making a tax payment without incurring interest on a bill for real estate or personal property taxes occurs on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, or on a day on which a municipal office is closed as authorized by charter, by-law, ordinance or otherwise for a weather-related or public safety emergency, the payment may be made on the next day on which a municipal office is open, without penalty or interest.
To determine jurisdictional interest requirements on appeals brought pursuant to chapter 59, the date of delivery of a payment for taxes pursuant to this section is, after the period or date prescribed by this section, delivered by United States mail or by an alternative private delivery service permitted by the collector to the collector shall be deemed to be the date of the United States postmark, the date of a certificate of mailing stamped and postmarked by the United States Postal Service, the date of a certified mail receipt provided by the United States Postal Service or other substantiating date mark permitted by the rules of practice and procedure of the appellate tax board that is affixed on the envelope or other appropriate wrapper in which the payment is mailed or delivered if the payment was mailed in the United States in an envelope or such appropriate wrapper, first class postage prepaid, or delivered to an alternative private delivery service, properly addressed to the collector; provided, however, that a tax payer shall have the burden of providing the timely mailing of any payment of taxes to said collector pursuant to this section and the collector shall have no obligation to maintain any record relative to the date of mailing of the tax; and provided further, that nothing in this section shall be construed to place the burden of proving any untimely mailing on the collector. As used in this section, ''United States postmark'' shall mean only a postmark made by the United States Postal Service. This paragraph shall not apply to the calculation of interest set forth in the preceding paragraphs of this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title IX - Taxation

Chapter 59 - Assessment of Local Taxes

Section 2 - Property Subject to Taxation; Exceptions

Section 2a - Real Property; Mortgages; Classifications

Section 2b - Certain Types of Interest or Ownership Taxable; Liens; Public Purposes

Section 2c - Real Estate Sold by Governmental or Exempt Entities; Pro Rata Taxation; Computation; Collection Remedies

Section 2d - Taxation of Improved Real Estate Based on Value at Issuance of Occupancy Permit; Pro Rata

Section 3b - Real Estate Acquired by Eminent Domain; Exceptions

Section 3c - Pipe Lines

Section 3e - Real Estate Owned by the United States and Leased to Private Interests; Enforcement by Lien or Sale; Collection Remedies

Section 3f - Child Care Facilities; Classification as Property Used for Human Habitation

Section 4 - Property Taxable as Personal Estate

Section 5 - Property; Exemptions

Section 5b - Appeals; Eligibility for Exemption Under Sec. 5, Third Clause; Corporations or Trusts

Section 5c - Exemptions for Residential Real Property in Cities or Towns Assessing at Full and Fair Cash Valuation

Section 5c1/2 - Additional Exemption Allowed Notwithstanding Prohibition of First Paragraph of Sec. 5

Section 5c3/4 - Residential Exemption

Section 5d - Property Held by City, Town or District in Another City or Town for Water Supply, etc.; Purposes; Tax Liability; Stumpage Fees

Section 5e - Valuation of Land Held by City or Town in Another City or Town; Certification; Appeals

Section 5f - Holding Municipalities or Districts; Tax Liability for Lands Held in Other Municipalities or Districts; Stumpage Fees

Section 5g - Payment to Cities or Towns for Property Held for Water Supply or Related Purposes

Section 5h - Payments to Municipalities for Certain Watershed Land; Difference in Assessment

Section 5i - Exemption; Conditions

Section 5j - Special Assessment Policy; Historic Owner-Occupied Residences

Section 5k - Property Tax Liability Reduced in Exchange for Volunteer Services; Persons Over Age 60

Section 5l - Deferral of Taxes Due by Member of the Massachusetts National Guard or Reservist on Active Duty Outside Commonwealth

Section 5m - Exemption for Market Rate Units Contained in a Certified Housing Development Project

Section 5n - Reduction of Property Tax Obligation of Veteran in Exchange for Volunteer Services

Section 8 - Interstate, Foreign Trade or Fishing Ships or Vessels; Assessment; Abatement

Section 8a - Excise Tax on Farm Machinery and Equipment and Farm Animals; Abatement; Collection; Voter Approval to Not Impose Excise

Section 11 - Real Estate

Section 12 - Mortgaged Real Estate

Section 12a - Statement of Estate Liable to Taxation

Section 12b - Mortgagors and Mortgagees Deemed Joint Owners; Tax Bill

Section 12c - Taxes Paid by Tenant; Recovery From Landlord

Section 12d - Assessment Against Real Estate of Decedent; Liability of Heirs and Devisees

Section 12e - Assessment Against Real Estate of Decedent; Lien

Section 12f - Real Estate Unassessed Where Right or Titled Unascertained; Lien for Expenses to Determine Ownership

Section 18 - Personal Property; Assessment

Section 19 - Mortgaged or Pledged Personal Property; Assessment

Section 20 - State Treasurer; Duties

Section 20a - Increase in Assessments

Section 20b - Regional Veterans' Districts, Regional Water Districts or Regional Sewerage Districts; Increase in Assessments

Section 21 - Assessors; Duties

Section 21a - Additional Compensation of Assessors for Courses of Study

Section 21a.5 - Certified Assessors; Compensation

Section 21b - Training Programs for Assessors

Section 21c - Limitations on Total Taxes Assessed; Determination by Voters

Section 21d - Calculation of Total Limit; Adjustment of Limit; Certification of Amount of Limit; Approval

Section 23 - Annual Assessment; Amount; Deductions; Approval

Section 23a - Notice to Municipal Finance Officers

Section 23b - Notice of Abatements

Section 23d - Notice of Preliminary Tax

Section 24 - Railroad Subscriptions; Interest on Debts

Section 25 - Additional Assessments

Section 26 - Number of Assessments

Section 27 - Assessors' Neglect to Assess

Section 28 - Unpaid Taxes; Collection

Section 29 - Notice of Assessments; Lists

Section 30 - Blank Lists

Section 31 - Verification of Lists; Oaths

Section 31a - Examination of Records to Verify Completeness and Accuracy of Accounting of Taxable Personal Property Required to Be Filed Under Sec. 29

Section 32 - Inspection of Lists

Section 33 - Storage Warehouses; Information Regarding Customers

Section 34 - Mortgagors and Mortgagees; Statements

Section 36 - Failure to Furnish Lists; Estimating Value

Section 37 - Conclusiveness of Estimate

Section 38 - Fair Cash Valuation; Classification of Assessed Valuation; Taxable Valuation

Section 38a - Pipelines; Valuation; Exceptions

Section 38d - Written Return of Information to Determine Valuation of Real Property

Section 38e - Testimony Under Oath Concerning Written Return Filed Under Sec. 38d or Application for Abatement

Section 38f - Written Return of Information to Determine Valuation of Personal Property

Section 38g - Testimony Under Oath Concerning Written Return Filed Under Sec. 38f

Section 38h - Transition Payments to Municipalities in Which an Affiliated Generation Facility Is Located

Section 39 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Valuation of Machinery, Poles, Wires, Etc.

Section 40 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Assessors; Informing Commissioners

Section 41 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Returns

Section 42 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Failure to Make Returns

Section 42a - Amended Valuation of Property Held by Pipeline or Telephone or Telegraph Company; Collection of Additional Assessment; Appeals

Section 43 - Valuation and Assessment Books; Public Inspection

Section 44 - Lists; Contents

Section 45 - Books and Records of Assessors Furnished by Municipalities; Electronic Format

Section 46 - Entries in Books

Section 50 - Required Books or Records of Assessors; Explanatory Notes

Section 51 - Exempted Property; Entries on Valuation Lists

Section 52 - Valuation Lists; Statement of Assessors; Penalties

Section 52a - Plans Showing Boundaries in City or Town; Delivery to Court

Section 52b - Official Inspection of Valuation Information, Release of Comparable Sales Data

Section 52c - Public Access to Terminals or Other Data Processing Equipment

Section 53 - Tax Lists; Commitment; Warrants; Collector of Taxes

Section 54 - Tax Lists; Form; Contents

Section 55 - Warrants; Form; Contents

Section 56 - Lost or Destroyed Warrants

Section 57 - Bills for Taxes; Due Date; Interest; Amounts Overdue; Date of Delivery for Payment

Section 57a - Unpaid Taxes Not in Excess of One Hundred Dollars; Interest

Section 57c - Preliminary Tax for Real Estate and Personal Property; Notice; Installment Payments; Date of Delivery of Payments

Section 57d - Affidavit of Address

Section 58 - Discounts on Taxes

Section 58a - Minimum Abatement or Refund of Property Tax

Section 59 - Abatements

Section 59a - Abatements for Purpose of Continuing Environmental Cleanup on Sites Zoned for Commercial or Industrial Use Where There Has Been a Release of Oil or Hazardous Material

Section 60 - Records of Abatements

Section 61 - Conditions of Abatement

Section 61a - Discovery; Failure to Comply

Section 62 - Costs; Prepayment

Section 63 - Notice of Decision

Section 64 - Appeals; County Commissioners; Appellate Tax Board

Section 65 - Appeals; Appellate Tax Board

Section 65a - Sale or Taking Real Property for Taxes; Effect Upon Abatement

Section 65b - Appeals; Inability to Pay Balance of Tax

Section 65c - Late Appeals

Section 65d - Mistake in Payments; Appeal; Abatement

Section 69 - Reimbursement; Interest

Section 70 - Certificate of Abatement

Section 70a - Procedure After Abatement

Section 71 - Uncollectible Taxes; Abatement

Section 72a - Unpaid Real Estate Taxes; Abatement

Section 74 - Corporations Liable to Franchise Taxes; Abatement of Local Taxes; Notice

Section 75 - Omitted Property; Assessments

Section 76 - Revision of Valuation or Classification

Section 77 - Reassessments

Section 78 - Collection of Reassessed Taxes

Section 78a - Real Estate Divided After Assessment; Apportionment of Tax

Section 81 - Appeal From Apportionment

Section 82 - Validity of Excessive Assessments

Section 83 - Corporations Having Capital Stock Divided Into Shares; Returns by Assessors

Section 86 - Exempted Property; Returns by Assessors

Section 87 - Responsibility of Assessors

Section 89 - Compromise Assessments; Penalties

Section 90 - Evasion of Taxation; Penalties

Section 91 - Fraudulent Lists; Penalties

Section 92 - Taverns and Boarding Houses; Refusing Information; Penalties

Section 93 - Failure to Assess Required Taxes; Penalties

Section 94 - Violation of Sec. 46; Penalty