Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 90 - Motor Vehicles and Aircraft
Section 32g - Instruction for Hire in Operation of Motor Vehicles; Driver School; Licensing; Application; Fees; Qualifications of Applicant; Suspension or Revocation of License or Instructor's Certificate; Procedures

Section 32G. No person, no authority established under chapter 161B and no public high school, vocational school, municipal or regional school committee or private high school teaching driver education to students enrolled in its academic school program or in a school under its authority or as a continuing education program, shall engage in the business of giving instruction for hire in the operation of motor vehicles without being licensed for that purpose and designated by the registrar as a licensed private driver school, which shall include any form of instruction for compensation, for each class of driver's license recognized under law. Every person giving instruction for hire shall maintain an office as prescribed by the registrar, and a separate license shall be secured for each such place of business. Application for a license under this section may be filed with the registrar and shall contain such information as he shall prescribe. Each such application shall be accompanied by an application fee, which in no event shall be refunded. If an application is approved by the registrar, the applicant upon payment of an additional fee for a main office and for a branch office shall be granted a license, which shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of its issuance. There shall be an annual fee for each renewal thereof for a main office and for a branch office. Application, license, and renewal fees shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven. The registrar shall issue a license certificate to each licensee, which certificate shall be conspicuously displayed in the place of business of the licensee. In case of the loss, mutilation, or destruction of a license certificate, the registrar shall issue a duplicate certificate upon a proper proof thereof and the payment of a fee to be determined also under the aforementioned chapter seven provision. Every motor vehicle or semitrailer unit used exclusively in or upon any private area and which is operated by a student driver shall comply with standards for safety, performance and equipment established under section seven. Such vehicles or units shall be available for inspection by the registrar or his representative during reasonable business hours.
A public high school, vocational school or municipal or regional school committee that previously provided a driver education instruction program pursuant to section 13D of chapter 71 or that wishes to establish a driver education program pursuant to this section shall be licensed and only driving instructors certified by the registrar may provide driver education instruction. A public high school teacher or a vocational school teacher, so certified, shall be exempt from the initial certification fee and each renewal fee, as long as the teacher remains employed by the public high school, vocational school or municipal or regional school committee and provided that the instructor only provides driver education pursuant to his employment as a high school teacher. For the purposes of this section, a private high school that provides driver education instruction to its own students through the school's own academic teachers shall be subject to the same requirements as if the driver education instruction were provided by a public high school, vocational school or municipal or regional school committee, and a private academic teacher providing driver education instruction for a private high school shall be subject to the same requirements as a high school teacher providing driver education instruction on behalf of a public high school, vocational school or municipal or regional school committee, but a driver education instructor in a private high school shall not be exempt from the initial certification fee or any renewal fee for the certificate.
No license shall be issued to a person to conduct a driver school as an individual unless he shall have been the holder of an instructor's certificate issued by the registrar under this section for at least two years, nor shall such a license be issued to a partnership unless at least one of the partners shall have held such a certificate for at least two years, nor to a corporation unless at least one of the directors shall have held a certificate for at least two years. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any person, partnership or corporation to whom a license to conduct a driver school had been issued prior to November third, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, and which license has not been suspended or revoked.
No license shall be issued or renewed for conducting a driver school in a city having a population of fifty thousand or more, if the place of business of such school or branch thereof is within fifteen hundred feet of a building owned, leased or used by the registry of motor vehicles for the examination of applicants for operators' licenses or for the issuance of operators' licenses to the public, but the registrar may waive this provision. The said distance of fifteen hundred feet shall be measured along the public streets by the nearest route from such place of business, or branch thereof, to such building.
The registrar may deny the application of any person for a license, if, in his discretion, he determines that—
(a) Such applicant has made a material false statement or concealed a material fact in connection with his application.
(b) Such applicant, any officer, director, stockholder or partner, or any other person directly or indirectly interested in the business was the former holder, or was an officer, director, stockholder or partner, in a corporation or partnership which was the former holder of a driver school license which was revoked or suspended by the registrar.
(c) Such applicant or any officer, director, stockholder, partner, employee, or any other person directly or indirectly interested in the business, has been convicted of a felony, or of any crime involving violence, dishonesty, deceit, indecency, degeneracy or moral turpitude.
(d) Such applicant has failed to furnish satisfactory evidence of good character, reputation and fitness.
(e) Such applicant is not the true owner of the driver school.
The registrar may suspend or revoke a license or refuse to issue a renewal thereof or impose a civil administrative penalty for any of the following causes:—(a) the conviction of the licensee or any partner, officer, agent or employee of such licensee, of a felony, or of any crime involving violence, dishonesty, deceit, indecency, degeneracy or moral turpitude; (b) where the licensee has made a material false statement or concealed a material fact in connection with his application for the license or a renewal thereof; (c) where the licensee has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this section or any of the rules and regulations of the registrar made pursuant thereto; (d) where the licensee or any partner, officer, agent or employee of such licensee has been guilty of fraud or fraudulent practices in relation to the business conducted under the license, or guilty of inducing another to resort to fraud or fraudulent practices in relation to securing for himself or another a license to drive a motor vehicle; (e) for any other good cause. The term ''fraudulent practices'' as used in this section shall include, but shall not be limited to, any conduct or representation on the part of the licensee, or any partner, officer, agent or employee of a licensee, tending to induce another or to give the impression that a license to operate a motor vehicle, or any other license, registration or service granted by the registrar may be obtained by any means other than those prescribed by law, or furnishing or obtaining the same by illegal or improper means, or requesting, accepting, exacting or collecting money for such purpose.
Notwithstanding the renewal of a license, the registrar may revoke or suspend a license for causes and violations, as prescribed by this section. The registrar shall establish by regulation the terms and conditions under which a driver education program may operate. The registrar shall require each program to post a bond to ensure that enrolled students shall have their tuition reimbursed if the program is closed for a license suspension or revocation or any other reason prior to the students' completion of a paid course of study. The registrar may, after an opportunity for a hearing, impose civil administrative penalties not to exceed $5,000 for the failure of a program to comply with the law or regulations governing driver education programs.
Except where a refusal to issue a license or renewal, or revocation or suspension, is based solely on a court conviction or convictions, a licensee or applicant shall have an opportunity to be heard, such hearing to be held at such time and place as the registrar shall prescribe.
A licensee or applicant entitled to a hearing shall be given due notice thereof. The sending of a notice of a hearing by mail to the last known address of a licensee or applicant ten days prior to the date of the hearing shall be deemed due notice.
The registrar shall prescribe such reasonable rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this section; provided, however, that as a condition of granting or renewing a license pursuant to this section he shall require that alcohol education be included in the licensee's course of instruction.
Every licensee shall keep such records as the registrar may by regulation require. The records of the licensee shall be open to the inspection of the registrar or his representatives at all times during reasonable business hours.
No person shall be employed by a licensee or by a public high school, vocational school or municipal or regional school committee, or by a private high school as a driving instructor, nor shall any person give instructions for hire in the operation of motor vehicles unless such person is duly licensed by his state of residence and has a valid instructor's certificate issued by the registrar. Such certificate shall be issued only to persons of good reputation and moral character.
The registrar may deny the application of a person for a certificate as a driving instructor if, in his discretion, he determines that the applicant:
(a) has made a material false statement or concealed a material fact in connection with his application;
(b) is the former holder of driver school instructor certificate which was revoked or suspended by the registrar;
(c) has been convicted of a felony or of a crime involving violence, dishonesty, deceit, indecency or moral turpitude; or
(d) has failed to furnish satisfactory evidence of good character, reputation and fitness.
No authority established under chapter 161B and no public high school, vocational school, municipal or regional school committee or private high school shall continue to employ a driver school or a driving instructor in a driver education program, if the license of the driver education program or the certificate of the instructor has been suspended, revoked or not renewed by the registrar.
The registrar may suspend or revoke an instructor's certificate for any of the following causes:—(1) expiration, suspension or revocation of the operator's license of such instructor; (2) such instructor has failed to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by the registrar; (3) conviction of such instructor of a felony or any crime involving violence, dishonesty, deceit, indecency, degeneracy or moral turpitude; (4) such instructor has been guilty of fraud or fraudulent practices; and (5) for any other good cause. Except where a refusal to issue or renew the certificate of a driving instructor or a revocation or suspension of the certificate is based solely on a court conviction, a driving instructor or applicant shall be entitled to a hearing upon his written request. The hearing shall be held at such time and place as the registrar shall prescribe and due notice of the hearing shall be sent to the driving instructor or applicant at his last known address at least 10 days before the hearing date.
No licensee shall knowingly employ, in connection with a driver school in any capacity whatsoever, any person who has been convicted of a felony, or of any crime involving violence, dishonesty, deceit, indecency, degeneracy or moral turpitude.
A licensee, a public high school, vocational school, municipal or regional school committee and private high school shall only use a vehicle for road instruction that is equipped with a functional safety belt for each occupant and an air bag for the driver. The student driver and each occupant of the vehicle shall wear the safety belt in a properly secured manner whenever the vehicle is in motion.
The licensee shall include in the course of instruction a motorcycle awareness program module, as approved by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, to ensure that new operators of motor vehicles have some knowledge and awareness of motorcycles on roadways for the safety of motorcyclists. Two dollars from each motorcycle registration fee paid under section 34 shall fund the cost of the required materials for the motorcycle awareness program module required by this section.
The registrar shall establish, by regulation, a driver education curriculum to be used by all persons and entities licensed under this section and shall have exclusive authority over the licensing and disciplining of those persons and entities required to be licensed under this section. The curriculum shall include a module on the science related to addiction and addictive substances, which shall also include the impact of psychoactive substances on the brain and the effect of such substances on a person while operating a motor vehicle. The registrar shall establish and administer a standardized written test to students in licensed driver education programs. The test shall be administered at registry branch offices or as directed by the registrar after the completion of the classroom portion of the driver education course. The registrar may use the results of the tests to measure the degree of compliance with the curriculum in driver education instruction. The registrar may utilize the results of the tests to issue driver education certificates and to evaluate the quality of instruction received in the various licensed programs. The curriculum shall include a requirement that schools licensed under this section have the ability to communicate with the registry of motor vehicles by electronic mail to send and receive official records and other communications as the registrar may require. The registrar shall suspend, revoke or otherwise discipline a school or an instructor licensed or certified under this section who fails to comply with the rules and regulations promulgated by the registrar. The registrar shall inspect the programs for compliance and require licensed schools and certified instructors to provide such information, documents and records as the registrar deems necessary to enforce the regulations. The registrar may make such rules and regulations as he deems necessary to ensure compliance with this section.
An authority established under chapter 161B and licensed pursuant to this section shall be limited to giving instruction for hire in the operation of commercial motor vehicles, as defined in section 1 of chapter 90F.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIV - Public Ways and Works

Chapter 90 - Motor Vehicles and Aircraft

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Registration of Motor Vehicles; Liability Insurance, Failure to Maintain; Revocation of Certificate of Registration; Exemptions; School Buses

Section 1b - Motorized Bicycles; Operation Regulations

Section 1c - Motorized Bicycles and Scooters; Compliance With Federal Standards

Section 1d - Motorized Bicycles; Sales; Number Sticker or Plate

Section 1e - Motorized Scooters; Operation Regulations

Section 1f - Low-Speed Motor Vehicles; Express State Highway and Public Way Restrictions; Additional Municipality Restrictions

Section 1g - Notice of Disclosure Required Upon Sale, Lease or Rental of Low-Speed Motor Vehicles

Section 1h - Registration of Motor Vehicles Designed for Operation on Public Ways but Not Capable of Exceeding 40 Miles per Hour

Section 1i - 3–wheeled Motor Vehicle Registered as Motorcycle; Qualification

Section 2 - Registration of Motor Vehicles and Trailers; Applications; Reciprocal State Agreements; Transfer of Ownership; Plates; Fraud or Misrepresentation; Penalties; License Plate Retention Program for Deployed Residents

Section 2a - Minors, Application for Registration of Motor Vehicle or Trailer

Section 2b - Removal of Registration Upon Transfer of Ownership

Section 2d - Temporary Registration Plates

Section 2e - Distinctive Registration Plates; Environmental Trust Fund; Child Care Quality Fund; 9/11 Victims and Military Heroes Funds; Boston Marathon Tragedy Funds

Section 2f - Distinctive Registration Plates; Submission of Applications; Eligible Organizations

Section 2g - Passenger Plates for Low-Speed Motor Vehicles; Fee

Section 2h - Certificates of Registration and Number Plates for Street Rods, Replica and Other Custom Vehicles; Determination of Title Year and Make, Model and Model Year

Section 2i - Registration Prerequisites for Certain Custom Vehicles; Salvage Inspection; State-Assigned Vin; Safety Belts; Air Bags

Section 3 - Operation of Motor Vehicles Owned by Non-Residents; Liability Insurance; Vehicles Used in Connection With Place of Business; Suspension or Revocation of Right to Operate Vehicle; Registration

Section 31/2 - Commonwealth Residency Factors; Access to Information in Nonpublic Records; Certification of Facts; Motor Vehicle Registration Misrepresentations; Penalties and Fines

Section 3a - Appointment of Registrar as Attorney as Result of Acceptance of Rights and Privileges of Sec. 3 by Non-Resident

Section 3b - Appointment of Registrar as Attorney as Result of Operation of Motor Vehicle by Any Person

Section 3c - Service of Process; Notice of Service; Continuance

Section 3d - Appointment of Registrar as Result of Application for Registration or License to Operate Motor Vehicle; Service of Process on Registrar

Section 3e - Fee Paid to Registrar; Records of Registrar

Section 3f - Separability of Secs. 3a to 3e; Effect of Unconstitutionality

Section 3g - Security From Nonresidents for Damage Caused by Operation of Motor Vehicles; Procedure; Contents of Motion

Section 5 - General Registrations; General Registration Number Plates; Eligibility

Section 5a - Application for General Distinguishing Mark for Motor Vehicles Under Control of Military Forces of Commonwealth

Section 5b - Persons in Military Service; Vehicles Purchased in Another State; Registration

Section 6 - Display of Number Plates; Temporary Number Plates

Section 6a - Number Plates for Antique Motor Cars

Section 6b - One Number Plate; Display

Section 6c - Return of Number Plates by Repossessor; Penalty

Section 7 - Brakes, Braking Systems, Mufflers, Horns, Lights, Audible Warning Systems, and Other Equipment; Compliance With Safety Standards; Stickers and Emblems

Section 7a - Rules and Regulations for Periodic Inspections of Motor Vehicles; School Buses; Fees

Section 7b - Equipment and Operation of School Buses

Section 7c - Minimum Standards for Construction and Equipment of School Buses

Section 7d - Application of Sec. 7b; Additional Equipment

Section 7d1/2 - Transportation of Vocational School Students; Motor Vehicle Requirements; Seat Belts

Section 7e - Display of Red or Blue Lights on Vehicles; Permits; Revocation; Violations

Section 7g - Used Brake Drums; Servicing, Sale or Grinding; Prohibition

Section 7h - Brake Linings; Minimum Safety Standards

Section 7i - Emergency Disaster Service Vehicles of Charitable Corporations; Identification and Equipment

Section 7j - Handlebars on Motorcycles; Rules and Regulations; Penalty

Section 7k - Tires; Minimum Safety Standards; Penalty

Section 7l - Standing in School Buses; Penalty

Section 7m - Retread or Recapped Tires; Sale; Marking Quality

Section 7n - Voiding Contracts of Sale

Section 7n1/4 - Express Warranty by Dealer of Used Motor Vehicle; Issuance; Consumer's Rights and Remedies

Section 7n1/2 - Defective or Malfunctioning New Motor Vehicles; Sale and Repair or Replacement

Section 7o - Motor Vehicle Pollutant Control Devices; Removal

Section 7p - Height of Motor Vehicles; Alteration Restricted

Section 7q - Tire Tread Depth Regulations; Compliance; Operation of Vehicle Prohibited

Section 7r - Vehicle Identification Number; Display in Certain Motor Vehicles

Section 7r1/2 - Dealers Insignias, Logos or Plates; Placement on Motor Vehicles; Consent

Section 7s - Motorcycle Sound Emissions; Definitions

Section 7t - Motorcycle Sound Levels; Testing Regulations

Section 7u - Motorcycles; Maximum Sound Levels

Section 7v - Certificates of Inspection; Rules and Regulations

Section 7w - Licensing of Safety and Emissions Inspection Facilities and Technicians; Rules and Regulations; Penalties; Computerized Communication System

Section 7x - Designation of Referee Stations

Section 7y - Certification and Training of Inspectors; Rules and Regulations

Section 7z - Entry on Premises of Inspection Stations; Examination of Records

Section 7aa - Child Passenger Restraints; Fine; Violation as Evidence in Civil Action

Section 7cc - Transporting of Special Needs Children

Section 8 - Operator's Licenses; Applications; Examinations

Section 8a - Operators of School Buses; Licensing; Training; Instructors

Section 8a1/2 - Operators of School Buses Under Sec. 7d; Licensing; Exceptions

Section 8b - Learner's Permits

Section 8c - Medical Advisory Board; Standards of Fitness for Applicants for Learner's Permits or Licenses

Section 8d - Donor Registry and Anatomical Gift Act; Information to Be Included With Notice of License and Registration Renewal; Symbol on License; Charitable Donations; Liability of Government Employees; Transmission of Information to Organ Procurem...

Section 8e - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Application; Real Id–compliance; Fee; Organ Donor Status; Provision of Donor Information to Eye and Tissue Banks; Expiration

Section 8g - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Lost, Destroyed or Mutilated Cards; Change of Name; Duplicate Cards

Section 8h - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Fictitious, Fraudulent, or Altered Cards; Possession

Section 8i - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Description

Section 8j - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Change of Address

Section 8k - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Cancellation

Section 8l - Voter Registration Agency

Section 8m - Use of Mobile Telephone, Hands-Free Mobile Telephone or Mobile Electronic Device by Person Under 18 Years of Age While Operating Motor Vehicle Prohibited; Penalties;affirmative Defenses

Section 9 - Operation of Unregistered or Improperly Equipped Motor Vehicles, Tractors, Trailers, Etc.

Section 9a - Safety Glass; Windshields, Windows

Section 9b - Registration of Vehicles; Display of Number Plates; Application of Law

Section 9c - Repair of Tires on Trucks, Etc.

Section 9d - Windshields and Windows Obscured by Nontransparent Materials

Section 10 - Operation of Motor Vehicle Without License; Members of Armed Forces; Nonresidents; Suspension or Revocation of License

Section 11 - Carrying Certificate of Registration and License; Presentation After Accident Upon Request

Section 12 - Employing Unlicensed Motor Vehicle Operator; Permitting Person With Suspended or Revoked License to Operate Motor Vehicle; Permitting Person With Ignition Interlock Devise License Restriction to Operate Motor Vehicle Without Devise; Pena...

Section 12a - Use of Mobile Telephone, Hands-Free Mobile Telephone or Other Mobile Electronic Device by Operator of Vehicle or Vessel Used in Public Transportation Prohibited; Penalties; Affirmative Defenses

Section 13 - Safety Precautions for Proper Operation and Parking of Vehicles and Buses

Section 13a - Seat Belt Use Required; Exemptions; Penalty

Section 13b - Composing, Sending or Reading of Electronic Messages While Operating a Motor Vehicle Prohibited; Emergencies; Penalties

Section 13c - Amphibious Sight-Seeing Vehicles; Operation on Public Ways; Penalties

Section 14 - Precautions for Safety of Other Travelers

Section 14a - Protection of Blind Pedestrians Crossing or Attempting to Cross Ways

Section 14b - Uniform Stopping and Turning Signals on Ways

Section 15 - Precautions at Railroad Crossings

Section 16 - Offensive or Illegal Operation of Motor Vehicles

Section 16a - Stopped Motor Vehicles; Operation of Engine; Time Limit; Penalty

Section 16b - Idling of a Motor Vehicle Engine on School Property; Penalties; Adoption of Regulations

Section 17 - Speed Limits

Section 17a - Speed Limit; Massachusetts Turnpike

Section 17b - Drag Racing; Penalties

Section 17c - Establishment of 25-Miles-per-Hour Speed Limit in Thickly Settled or Business District in City or Town; Violation

Section 17d - Speed Limits in Active Construction Zones

Section 18 - Special Regulations, Speed and Use of Vehicles

Section 18a - Pedestrians, Use of Ways; Rules and Regulations; Violations; Notice

Section 18b - Establishment of Designated Safety Zones for Ways in City or Town; Violation

Section 19 - Dimensions and Weights of Motor Vehicles, Trucks and Trailers

Section 19a - Weight Limitations for Certain Motor Vehicles, Semi-Trailers, etc.; Scales; Penalties for Violations

Section 19d - Permit Stickers; Issuance; Application; Certificate of Gross Vehicle Weight Rating; Violations; Penalties

Section 19e - Operation of Motor Vehicles and Certain Trailers and Semi-Trailers on Interstate and Defense Highways

Section 19f - Vehicles Authorized to Operate on National Network

Section 19g - Vehicles Authorized to Operate on Routes of Reasonable Access; Safety Evaluations

Section 19i - Maximum Width and Weight Limitations and Minimum Speed Limits; Exception for Certain Construction Vehicles

Section 19j - Maximum Vehicle Widths, Axle Weights and Minimum Speed Limits; Exception for Certain Snow Clearing Duties

Section 19k - Hitching Mechanism

Section 19l - Regulations to Ensure Compliance of Interstate and Intrastate Motor Carriers With Federal and State Laws; Inspection of Records; Penalties

Section 20 - Penalties and Punishments

Section 20a - Parking Regulations; Violations; Notice to Appear; Failure to Appear; Adjudication by Mail

Section 20a1/2 - Cities of Boston and Cambridge; Parking Violations; Tags; Appearance; Failure to Appear; Adjudication by Mail

Section 20c - Nature of Proceedings Under Secs. 20a and 20a1/2; Fines

Section 20d - Tampering or Destruction of Parking Tags; Penalty

Section 20e - Liability of Lessors of Motor Vehicles for Parking Violations

Section 20g - Failure to Appear in Accordance With Notice Issued Pursuant to Department of Transportation Regulation; Failure to Pay Violation; Motor Vehicle License Renewals; Registration of Motor Vehicles

Section 20h - Failure to Pay Required Toll; Tobin Bridge; Motor Vehicle License Renewals; Registration of Motor Vehicles

Section 21 - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 22 - Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Registration or License; Notice

Section 221/2 - Suspension of Right to Operate Based Upon Violation of Sec. 32e of Chapter 94c

Section 22a - Suspension of Operator's License or Registration Certificates, Unsatisfied Judgment; Reinstatement of License

Section 22b - Abandonment of Motor Vehicles; Penalties; Non-Criminal Proceedings

Section 22c - Abandoned Motor Vehicles; Removal and Disposal

Section 22d - Suspension of License for Automobile Law Violation; Reinstatement

Section 22e - Abandoned Vehicles; Removal of Parts; Penalty

Section 22f - Habitual Traffic Offender; Revocation of License; Reinstatement

Section 22g - Littering; Suspension of License

Section 22h - Safe Transportation of Animals

Section 22i - Suspension of License Upon Report of Health Care Provider or Law Enforcement Officer of Operator's Cognitive or Functional Impairment or Incapability to Operate Motor Vehicle Safely; Contents of Report; Immunity From Liability; Review b...

Section 23 - Operation of Motor Vehicle After Suspension or Revocation of License; Concealment of Identity of Motor Vehicle

Section 24 - Driving While Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor, etc.; Second and Subsequent Offenses; Punishment; Treatment Programs; Reckless and Unauthorized Driving; Failure to Stop After Collision

Section 241/2 - Ignition Interlock Device License Restriction; Revocation of License for Failure to Install or Maintain Device; Revocation of License for Attempt to Operate Motor Vehicle With Elevated Blood Alcohol Level

Section 24a - Use of Motor Vehicles in Commission of Felony, Larceny or Other Crimes

Section 24b - Stealing, Forging or Other Falsification of Learner's Permit, Operator's License, Disability Placard Certificate of Registration or Inspection Sticker; Use or Possession; Penalties; Suspension and Reinstatement of License or Right to Op...

Section 24d - Probation of Persons Convicted of Driving Under the Influence; Driver Alcohol Education Program; Alcohol Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs; Fees; Indigents; Gifts and Grants; Report

Section 24e - Dismissal of Charges Upon Compliance With Terms of Probation; Records; Reports

Section 24f - Civil Liability to Owner for Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle

Section 24g - Homicide by Motor Vehicle; Punishment

Section 24h - Removal of Abandoned or Stolen Vehicles From Public Places; Towing Vehicles; Machines That Crush, Mutilate or Destroy Vehicles; Salvage or Junk Yard Owners or Agents

Section 24i - Possession of Alcoholic Beverages in Motor Vehicles

Section 24j - Inquiry of Defendant Convicted of Driving Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquors as to Establishment Serving Alcohol

Section 24k - Chemical Breath Analysis; Validity; Testing Procedures; Report Forms

Section 24l - Serious Bodily Injury by Motor Vehicle While Under Influence of Intoxicating Substance; Penalties

Section 24m - Training for Law Enforcement Personnel Regarding Alcohol-Related Offenses; Alcohol Sensitive Selective Traffic Enforcement Program

Section 24n - Suspension of Operator's License Upon Issuance of Complaint; Hearing

Section 24o - Statement to Defendant Regarding Further Violations

Section 24p - Minors; Further Violations; Education and Treatment Programs

Section 24q - Alcohol or Drug Assessment as Condition for Certain Sentences Imposed Under Chapter

Section 24r - Revocation for Life of License or Right to Operate

Section 24s - Operation of Motor Vehicle on Public Way in Violation of Ignition Interlock Device License Restriction; Penalties

Section 24t - Tampering With Ignition Interlock Device; Penalties

Section 24u - Starting Motor Vehicle Equipped With Ignition Interlock Device for Another Person Under a Restricted License

Section 24v - Child Endangerment While Operating a Motor Vehicle or Vessel Under the Influence; Penalties; Suspension of License

Section 24w - Forfeiture of Motor Vehicle Owned by Certain Drunk Driving Offenders; Procedure; Operating Under the Influence Deterrent Trust Fund

Section 24x - Cancellation of Registration for Motor Vehicles Owned by Certain Drunk Driving Offenders

Section 25 - Refusal to Submit to Police Officer

Section 26 - Accident Reports; Supplemental Report; Penalty for Violation

Section 26a - Licenses and Learner's Permits; Reporting Changes of Name and Address

Section 27 - Court Records; Motor Vehicle Violations

Section 28 - Appeals and Hearings

Section 29 - Deputy Registrar, Chief Deputy Registrar, etc.; Appointment; Duties; Investigation of Motor Vehicle Accidents; Suspension or Revocation of Licenses

Section 30 - Records of Registrar; Certified Copies; Destruction

Section 30a - Computer Terminals Under Control of Registrar; Restricted Use

Section 30a1/2 - Agreements With Third Party Entities by Registrar

Section 30b - Interstate Compact; Motor Vehicle Convictions

Section 31 - Use and Operation of Motor Vehicles or Trailers; Conduct of Operators and Chauffeurs; Rules and Regulations

Section 31a - Transportation by Motor Vehicle of Personal Property; Rules and Regulations

Section 32 - Records; Manufacturers and Dealers of Motor Vehicles or Trailers; Garages and Open Air Parking Spaces

Section 32a - Restoration of Original Identifying Number of Motor Vehicle; Certificate

Section 32c - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Registration of Distance by Mechanical Devices; Deception by Lessor or Lessee; Leasing to Intoxicated or Unlicensed Persons; Redelivery

Section 32d - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Records

Section 32e - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Operation of Vehicles or Use of Trailers; Insurance Coverage

Section 32e1/2 - Rental Agreements; Collision Damage Waivers; Notices; Exclusions; Penalties

Section 32e3/4 - Rental Agreements; Separately Stated Surcharges, Fees or Charges; Vehicle License Cost Recovery Fee

Section 32e7/8 - Police Training Surcharge Upon Vehicular Rental Transaction Contracts

Section 32f - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Fraud; Violations; Penalties

Section 32g - Instruction for Hire in Operation of Motor Vehicles; Driver School; Licensing; Application; Fees; Qualifications of Applicant; Suspension or Revocation of License or Instructor's Certificate; Procedures

Section 32g1/2 - Advanced Driver Training Program Certification

Section 32h - Lessors of Motorcycles; Licensing

Section 32j - Vehicles in Fleet of Car-Sharing Organization; Display of Registration Plates

Section 33 - Fees

Section 33a - Motor Vehicles; Certificates of Registration; Signatures

Section 33b - Traffic Control Signs, Safety Devices and Improvements; Installation and Construction Costs; High-Accident Locations; Funding Limits

Section 34 - Disposition of Fees

Section 34a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 34a to 34n

Section 34b - Certificates of Insurance or Surety Companies; Contents; Copies

Section 34c - Single Motor Vehicle Liability Policy or Bond Covering Several Motor Vehicles

Section 34d - Registration Application; Cash Deposit in Lieu of Liability Bond or Policy; Satisfaction of Judgment

Section 34e - Receipt for and Retention of Cash or Securities Deposited

Section 34f - Notice to Registrar Upon Service of Writ or Summons in Action Against Depositor

Section 34g - Actions Against Surety Company

Section 34h - Revocation of Registration of Motor Vehicle Upon Notice of Cancellation of Motor Vehicle Liability Policy or Bond; Notice to Owner; New Certificate

Section 34i - Records and Books of Registrar

Section 34j - Operating Motor Vehicle Without Liability Policy, Bond or Security Deposit

Section 34k - Cancellation of Policies; Notice

Section 34m - Personal Injury Protection

Section 34n - Assigned Claims Plan

Section 34o - Property Damage Liability Insurance or Bonds

Section 34p - Notice to Law Enforcement Officials; Failure to Provide or Maintain Liability Policy, Bond or Deposit; Seizure of Registration Plates

Section 34q - Nonowner Operators, Hired Motor Vehicles; Insurance Coverage by Endorsements

Section 34r - Estimate of Cost of Exterior Repairs; Notice

Section 35 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 35 to 52

Section 35a - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Regulation of Location and Height

Section 35b - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Permits for Erection or Addition

Section 35c - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Application for Permit; Notice of Denial; Hearing

Section 35d - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Maintenance, Repair or Replacement; Initial Approval

Section 39 - Aeronautics Commission; Powers; Rules and Regulations

Section 39a - Plan for Development of Airports and Air Navigation Facilities

Section 39b - Certificate of Approval; Municipal Airport Site or Restricted Landing Area; Application; Hearing; Issuance

Section 39c - Reimbursement of Towns and Cities for Airport Construction; Federal Funds

Section 39e - Engineering or Technical Services of Commission to Cities and Towns

Section 39f - Reimbursement of City or Town Constructing, Establishing or Enlarging Airport

Section 39g - Applicability of Secs. 35 to 52 to Counties

Section 40 - Purposes of Aeronautics Commission; Discretionary Powers of Commission; Enforcement of Laws

Section 40a - Airport Approach Regulations by Cities or Towns

Section 40b - Reasonableness of Airport Approach Regulations

Section 40c - Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Airport Approach Regulations; Public Hearing

Section 40d - Erection, Replacement or Alteration of Structures or Trees; Variance

Section 40e - Administrative Agency

Section 40f - Removal of Structures Erected in Violation of Regulations; Trees; Procedure

Section 40g - Protection of Airport Approaches; Removal of Structures and Trees; Compensation

Section 40h - Appeal by Aggrieved Corporations

Section 40i - Approval of Regulations by Commission

Section 41 - Investigations or Hearings; Accidents

Section 42 - Equitable Jurisdiction of Superior Court

Section 43 - Public Inspection of Copies of Orders, Rules and Regulations

Section 44 - Penalties

Section 45 - Appeals

Section 46 - Altitude of Aircraft Flights

Section 47 - Federal Pilot's License, Permit or Certificate

Section 48 - Aircraft License, Permit or Certificate

Section 49 - Registration of Federal Certificates; Fees; Exceptions

Section 49a - Retention of Court Records of Cases Involving Violations of Secs. 35 to 52; Abstracts

Section 49b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49b to 49r

Section 49c - Administration and Enforcement of Secs. 49b to 49r; Hearings; Judicial Review

Section 49d - Accident Reports; Security; Suspension of Aircraft Registration; Waiver

Section 49e - Policy or Bond of Insurer or Surety Company

Section 49f - Restoration or Renewal of Registration or Non-Resident's Operating Privilege

Section 49g - Certificate of Self-Insurance

Section 49h - Certificate of Registration or Non-Resident's Operating Privilege; Allowance; Suspension; Notice

Section 49i - Security; Form; Limits; Reduction or Increase

Section 49j - Delivery and Release of Security

Section 49k - Commission; Availability of Information and Material

Section 49l - Transfer of Aircraft Registration Following Suspension of Owner's Registration

Section 49m - Return of Suspended Registration Certificate

Section 49n - Illegal Operation of Aircraft; Failure to Return Suspended Registration Certificate

Section 49o - Application of Secs. 49b to 49r to Certain Aircraft

Section 49p - Availability of Other Legal Processes; Enforcement

Section 49q - Service of Process; Proof of Service

Section 49r - Discharge in Bankruptcy

Section 49s - Severability; Constitutionality

Section 49t - Interpretation and Construction of Uniform Aircraft Financial Responsibility Act

Section 50 - Appointment of Administrator for Aeronautics as Attorney for Service of Process

Section 51d - Municipal Airports and Air Navigation Facilities

Section 51e - Airport Commissions for Municipal Airports; Members; Vacancies; Airport Managers

Section 51f - Leasing of Land at Airports

Section 51g - Acquisition of Property to Establish Airport; Eminent Domain; Purchase; Lease

Section 51h - Charges or Rentals for Use of Properties, Facilities, Installations; Terms and Conditions of Contracts

Section 51i - Power of Commission; Expenditure of Funds; Contracts for Maintenance, Operation, Construction and Enlargement of Airports

Section 51j - Rules and Regulations; Use of Airports; Safety of Public

Section 51k - Federal Funds; Receipt by Aeronautics Commission; Bids; Contracts; Loans in Anticipation of Funds

Section 51l - Contracts for Construction, Enlargement or Improvement of Airports by Airport Commission

Section 51m - Exclusive Contracts, Permits or Licenses to Transport Persons for Hire or to Receive or Deliver Passengers at Airports

Section 51n - Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Airport by Municipalities as Joint Enterprise; Contents of Agreement; Joint Airport Commission

Section 52 - Partial Unconstitutionality and Invalidity of Secs. 35 to 51

Section 61 - Logan Airport Security Zone; Access; Penalties

Section 62 - Notice to Police Department Regarding Suspensions or Revocations Pursuant to Subsection (A) or (B) of Sec. 22, Secs. 22f, 22i, 24, 24.5, 24d, 24g or 24l

Section 63 - Collection and Maintenance of Traffic Stop Data; Use and Storage of Data; Preparation of Analysis and Report; Annual Public Report; Public Hearings