Section 12. (a) Whoever knowingly employs for hire as a motor vehicle operator any person not licensed in accordance with this chapter shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of not more than $1,000 and, for a second or subsequent offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $1,500 or imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than 1 year, or both such fine and imprisonment.
(b) Whoever, being the owner or person in control of a motor vehicle, knowingly permits such motor vehicle to be operated by a person who is unlicensed or whose license has been suspended or revoked shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 1 year or, for a second or subsequent offense by a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $1,500 or imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 2 .5 years, or both such fine and imprisonment.
(c) Whoever knowingly permits a motor vehicle owned by him or under his control, which is not equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device, to be operated by a person who has an ignition interlock restricted license shall be punished by 1 year in the house of correction and a fine of not more than $500 for a first offense or, for a second or subsequent offense by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 2 .5 years, or both. For the purposes of this section the term ''certified ignition interlock device'' shall mean an alcohol breath screening device that prevents a vehicle from starting if it detects a blood alcohol concentration over a preset limit of.02 or 20 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.
(d) The registrar may suspend for not more than 1 year the motor vehicle registration of a vehicle used in the commission of a violation of this section or the license or right to operate of the person who commits a violation of this section, or both.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XIV - Public Ways and Works
Chapter 90 - Motor Vehicles and Aircraft
Section 1b - Motorized Bicycles; Operation Regulations
Section 1c - Motorized Bicycles and Scooters; Compliance With Federal Standards
Section 1d - Motorized Bicycles; Sales; Number Sticker or Plate
Section 1e - Motorized Scooters; Operation Regulations
Section 1g - Notice of Disclosure Required Upon Sale, Lease or Rental of Low-Speed Motor Vehicles
Section 1i - 3–wheeled Motor Vehicle Registered as Motorcycle; Qualification
Section 2a - Minors, Application for Registration of Motor Vehicle or Trailer
Section 2b - Removal of Registration Upon Transfer of Ownership
Section 2d - Temporary Registration Plates
Section 2f - Distinctive Registration Plates; Submission of Applications; Eligible Organizations
Section 2g - Passenger Plates for Low-Speed Motor Vehicles; Fee
Section 3c - Service of Process; Notice of Service; Continuance
Section 3e - Fee Paid to Registrar; Records of Registrar
Section 3f - Separability of Secs. 3a to 3e; Effect of Unconstitutionality
Section 5 - General Registrations; General Registration Number Plates; Eligibility
Section 5b - Persons in Military Service; Vehicles Purchased in Another State; Registration
Section 6 - Display of Number Plates; Temporary Number Plates
Section 6a - Number Plates for Antique Motor Cars
Section 6b - One Number Plate; Display
Section 6c - Return of Number Plates by Repossessor; Penalty
Section 7a - Rules and Regulations for Periodic Inspections of Motor Vehicles; School Buses; Fees
Section 7b - Equipment and Operation of School Buses
Section 7c - Minimum Standards for Construction and Equipment of School Buses
Section 7d - Application of Sec. 7b; Additional Equipment
Section 7d1/2 - Transportation of Vocational School Students; Motor Vehicle Requirements; Seat Belts
Section 7e - Display of Red or Blue Lights on Vehicles; Permits; Revocation; Violations
Section 7g - Used Brake Drums; Servicing, Sale or Grinding; Prohibition
Section 7h - Brake Linings; Minimum Safety Standards
Section 7j - Handlebars on Motorcycles; Rules and Regulations; Penalty
Section 7k - Tires; Minimum Safety Standards; Penalty
Section 7l - Standing in School Buses; Penalty
Section 7m - Retread or Recapped Tires; Sale; Marking Quality
Section 7n - Voiding Contracts of Sale
Section 7n1/2 - Defective or Malfunctioning New Motor Vehicles; Sale and Repair or Replacement
Section 7o - Motor Vehicle Pollutant Control Devices; Removal
Section 7p - Height of Motor Vehicles; Alteration Restricted
Section 7q - Tire Tread Depth Regulations; Compliance; Operation of Vehicle Prohibited
Section 7r - Vehicle Identification Number; Display in Certain Motor Vehicles
Section 7r1/2 - Dealers Insignias, Logos or Plates; Placement on Motor Vehicles; Consent
Section 7s - Motorcycle Sound Emissions; Definitions
Section 7t - Motorcycle Sound Levels; Testing Regulations
Section 7u - Motorcycles; Maximum Sound Levels
Section 7v - Certificates of Inspection; Rules and Regulations
Section 7x - Designation of Referee Stations
Section 7y - Certification and Training of Inspectors; Rules and Regulations
Section 7z - Entry on Premises of Inspection Stations; Examination of Records
Section 7aa - Child Passenger Restraints; Fine; Violation as Evidence in Civil Action
Section 7cc - Transporting of Special Needs Children
Section 8 - Operator's Licenses; Applications; Examinations
Section 8a - Operators of School Buses; Licensing; Training; Instructors
Section 8a1/2 - Operators of School Buses Under Sec. 7d; Licensing; Exceptions
Section 8b - Learner's Permits
Section 8i - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Description
Section 8k - Identification Cards for Persons Not Possessing Motor Vehicle Licenses; Cancellation
Section 8l - Voter Registration Agency
Section 9a - Safety Glass; Windshields, Windows
Section 9b - Registration of Vehicles; Display of Number Plates; Application of Law
Section 9c - Repair of Tires on Trucks, Etc.
Section 9d - Windshields and Windows Obscured by Nontransparent Materials
Section 12 - Employing Unlicensed Motor Vehicle Operator; Permitting Person With Suspended or Revoked License to Operate Motor Vehicle; Permitting Person With Ignition Interlock Devise License Restriction to Operate Motor Vehicle Without Devise; Pena...
Section 13 - Safety Precautions for Proper Operation and Parking of Vehicles and Buses
Section 13a - Seat Belt Use Required; Exemptions; Penalty
Section 13c - Amphibious Sight-Seeing Vehicles; Operation on Public Ways; Penalties
Section 14 - Precautions for Safety of Other Travelers
Section 14a - Protection of Blind Pedestrians Crossing or Attempting to Cross Ways
Section 14b - Uniform Stopping and Turning Signals on Ways
Section 15 - Precautions at Railroad Crossings
Section 16 - Offensive or Illegal Operation of Motor Vehicles
Section 16a - Stopped Motor Vehicles; Operation of Engine; Time Limit; Penalty
Section 17a - Speed Limit; Massachusetts Turnpike
Section 17b - Drag Racing; Penalties
Section 17d - Speed Limits in Active Construction Zones
Section 18 - Special Regulations, Speed and Use of Vehicles
Section 18a - Pedestrians, Use of Ways; Rules and Regulations; Violations; Notice
Section 18b - Establishment of Designated Safety Zones for Ways in City or Town; Violation
Section 19 - Dimensions and Weights of Motor Vehicles, Trucks and Trailers
Section 19f - Vehicles Authorized to Operate on National Network
Section 19g - Vehicles Authorized to Operate on Routes of Reasonable Access; Safety Evaluations
Section 19k - Hitching Mechanism
Section 20 - Penalties and Punishments
Section 20c - Nature of Proceedings Under Secs. 20a and 20a1/2; Fines
Section 20d - Tampering or Destruction of Parking Tags; Penalty
Section 20e - Liability of Lessors of Motor Vehicles for Parking Violations
Section 21 - Arrest Without Warrant
Section 22 - Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Registration or License; Notice
Section 221/2 - Suspension of Right to Operate Based Upon Violation of Sec. 32e of Chapter 94c
Section 22b - Abandonment of Motor Vehicles; Penalties; Non-Criminal Proceedings
Section 22c - Abandoned Motor Vehicles; Removal and Disposal
Section 22d - Suspension of License for Automobile Law Violation; Reinstatement
Section 22e - Abandoned Vehicles; Removal of Parts; Penalty
Section 22f - Habitual Traffic Offender; Revocation of License; Reinstatement
Section 22g - Littering; Suspension of License
Section 22h - Safe Transportation of Animals
Section 24a - Use of Motor Vehicles in Commission of Felony, Larceny or Other Crimes
Section 24e - Dismissal of Charges Upon Compliance With Terms of Probation; Records; Reports
Section 24f - Civil Liability to Owner for Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle
Section 24g - Homicide by Motor Vehicle; Punishment
Section 24i - Possession of Alcoholic Beverages in Motor Vehicles
Section 24k - Chemical Breath Analysis; Validity; Testing Procedures; Report Forms
Section 24n - Suspension of Operator's License Upon Issuance of Complaint; Hearing
Section 24o - Statement to Defendant Regarding Further Violations
Section 24p - Minors; Further Violations; Education and Treatment Programs
Section 24q - Alcohol or Drug Assessment as Condition for Certain Sentences Imposed Under Chapter
Section 24r - Revocation for Life of License or Right to Operate
Section 24t - Tampering With Ignition Interlock Device; Penalties
Section 25 - Refusal to Submit to Police Officer
Section 26 - Accident Reports; Supplemental Report; Penalty for Violation
Section 26a - Licenses and Learner's Permits; Reporting Changes of Name and Address
Section 27 - Court Records; Motor Vehicle Violations
Section 28 - Appeals and Hearings
Section 30 - Records of Registrar; Certified Copies; Destruction
Section 30a - Computer Terminals Under Control of Registrar; Restricted Use
Section 30a1/2 - Agreements With Third Party Entities by Registrar
Section 30b - Interstate Compact; Motor Vehicle Convictions
Section 31a - Transportation by Motor Vehicle of Personal Property; Rules and Regulations
Section 32a - Restoration of Original Identifying Number of Motor Vehicle; Certificate
Section 32d - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Records
Section 32e1/2 - Rental Agreements; Collision Damage Waivers; Notices; Exclusions; Penalties
Section 32e7/8 - Police Training Surcharge Upon Vehicular Rental Transaction Contracts
Section 32f - Leasing Motor Vehicles on Mileage Basis; Fraud; Violations; Penalties
Section 32g1/2 - Advanced Driver Training Program Certification
Section 32h - Lessors of Motorcycles; Licensing
Section 32j - Vehicles in Fleet of Car-Sharing Organization; Display of Registration Plates
Section 33a - Motor Vehicles; Certificates of Registration; Signatures
Section 34 - Disposition of Fees
Section 34a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 34a to 34n
Section 34b - Certificates of Insurance or Surety Companies; Contents; Copies
Section 34c - Single Motor Vehicle Liability Policy or Bond Covering Several Motor Vehicles
Section 34e - Receipt for and Retention of Cash or Securities Deposited
Section 34f - Notice to Registrar Upon Service of Writ or Summons in Action Against Depositor
Section 34g - Actions Against Surety Company
Section 34i - Records and Books of Registrar
Section 34j - Operating Motor Vehicle Without Liability Policy, Bond or Security Deposit
Section 34k - Cancellation of Policies; Notice
Section 34m - Personal Injury Protection
Section 34n - Assigned Claims Plan
Section 34o - Property Damage Liability Insurance or Bonds
Section 34q - Nonowner Operators, Hired Motor Vehicles; Insurance Coverage by Endorsements
Section 34r - Estimate of Cost of Exterior Repairs; Notice
Section 35 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 35 to 52
Section 35a - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Regulation of Location and Height
Section 35b - Structures Within Airport Approaches; Permits for Erection or Addition
Section 39 - Aeronautics Commission; Powers; Rules and Regulations
Section 39a - Plan for Development of Airports and Air Navigation Facilities
Section 39c - Reimbursement of Towns and Cities for Airport Construction; Federal Funds
Section 39e - Engineering or Technical Services of Commission to Cities and Towns
Section 39f - Reimbursement of City or Town Constructing, Establishing or Enlarging Airport
Section 39g - Applicability of Secs. 35 to 52 to Counties
Section 40a - Airport Approach Regulations by Cities or Towns
Section 40b - Reasonableness of Airport Approach Regulations
Section 40c - Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Airport Approach Regulations; Public Hearing
Section 40d - Erection, Replacement or Alteration of Structures or Trees; Variance
Section 40e - Administrative Agency
Section 40f - Removal of Structures Erected in Violation of Regulations; Trees; Procedure
Section 40g - Protection of Airport Approaches; Removal of Structures and Trees; Compensation
Section 40h - Appeal by Aggrieved Corporations
Section 40i - Approval of Regulations by Commission
Section 41 - Investigations or Hearings; Accidents
Section 42 - Equitable Jurisdiction of Superior Court
Section 43 - Public Inspection of Copies of Orders, Rules and Regulations
Section 46 - Altitude of Aircraft Flights
Section 47 - Federal Pilot's License, Permit or Certificate
Section 48 - Aircraft License, Permit or Certificate
Section 49 - Registration of Federal Certificates; Fees; Exceptions
Section 49a - Retention of Court Records of Cases Involving Violations of Secs. 35 to 52; Abstracts
Section 49b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49b to 49r
Section 49c - Administration and Enforcement of Secs. 49b to 49r; Hearings; Judicial Review
Section 49d - Accident Reports; Security; Suspension of Aircraft Registration; Waiver
Section 49e - Policy or Bond of Insurer or Surety Company
Section 49f - Restoration or Renewal of Registration or Non-Resident's Operating Privilege
Section 49g - Certificate of Self-Insurance
Section 49i - Security; Form; Limits; Reduction or Increase
Section 49j - Delivery and Release of Security
Section 49k - Commission; Availability of Information and Material
Section 49l - Transfer of Aircraft Registration Following Suspension of Owner's Registration
Section 49m - Return of Suspended Registration Certificate
Section 49n - Illegal Operation of Aircraft; Failure to Return Suspended Registration Certificate
Section 49o - Application of Secs. 49b to 49r to Certain Aircraft
Section 49p - Availability of Other Legal Processes; Enforcement
Section 49q - Service of Process; Proof of Service
Section 49r - Discharge in Bankruptcy
Section 49s - Severability; Constitutionality
Section 49t - Interpretation and Construction of Uniform Aircraft Financial Responsibility Act
Section 50 - Appointment of Administrator for Aeronautics as Attorney for Service of Process
Section 51d - Municipal Airports and Air Navigation Facilities
Section 51e - Airport Commissions for Municipal Airports; Members; Vacancies; Airport Managers
Section 51f - Leasing of Land at Airports
Section 51g - Acquisition of Property to Establish Airport; Eminent Domain; Purchase; Lease
Section 51j - Rules and Regulations; Use of Airports; Safety of Public
Section 52 - Partial Unconstitutionality and Invalidity of Secs. 35 to 51