Massachusetts General Laws
Article III - Probate of Wills and Administration
Section 3-715 - Transactions Authorized for Personal Representatives; Exceptions

Section 3–715. [Transactions Authorized for Personal Representatives; Exceptions.]
(a) Except as restricted or otherwise provided by the will or by an order in a formal proceeding and subject to the priorities stated in section 3–902, a personal representative other than a special personal representative, acting reasonably for the benefit of the interested persons, may properly:
(1) retain assets owned by the decedent pending distribution or liquidation including those in which the representative is personally interested or which are otherwise improper for trust investment;
(2) receive assets from fiduciaries, or other sources;
(3) perform, compromise or refuse performance of the decedent's contracts that continue as obligations of the estate, as he may determine under the circumstances. In performing enforceable contracts by the decedent to convey or lease land, the personal representative, among other possible courses of action, may:
(i) execute and deliver a deed of conveyance for cash payment of all sums remaining due or the purchaser's note for the sum remaining due secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on the land; or
(ii) deliver a deed in escrow with directions that the proceeds, when paid in accordance with the escrow agreement, be paid to the successors of the decedent, as designated in the escrow agreement;
(4) satisfy written charitable pledges of the decedent irrespective of whether the pledges constituted binding obligations of the decedent or were properly presented as claims, if in the judgment of the personal representative the decedent would have wanted the pledges completed under the circumstances;
(5) if funds are not needed to meet debts and expenses currently payable and are not immediately distributable, deposit or invest liquid assets of the estate, including moneys received from the sale of other assets, in federally insured interest-bearing accounts, readily marketable secured loan arrangements or other prudent investments which would be reasonable for use by trustees generally;
(6) acquire or dispose of tangible and intangible personal property for cash or on credit, at public or private sale; and manage, develop, improve, exchange, change the character of, or abandon an estate asset;
(7) make repairs or alterations in buildings or other structures, demolish any improvements, structures, raze existing or erect new party walls or buildings;
(8) subdivide, develop or dedicate land to public use; adjust boundaries; or adjust differences in valuation by giving or receiving considerations; or dedicate easements to public use without consideration;
(9) enter for any purpose into a lease as lessor or lessee, with or without option to purchase or renew, for a term within or extending beyond the period of administration;
(10) enter into a lease or arrangement for exploration and removal of minerals or other natural resources or enter into a pooling or unitization agreement;
(11) abandon property when, in the opinion of the personal representative, it is valueless, or is so encumbered, or is in condition that it is of no benefit to the estate;
(12) vote stocks or other securities in person or by general or limited proxy;
(13) pay calls, assessments, and other sums chargeable or accruing against or on account of securities, unless barred by the provisions relating to claims;
(14) hold a security in the name of a nominee or in other form without disclosure of the interest of the estate but the personal representative is liable for any act of the nominee in connection with the security so held;
(15) insure the assets of the estate against damage, loss and liability and the personal representative against liability as to third persons;
(16) borrow money with or without security to be repaid from the estate assets or otherwise; and advance money for the protection of the estate;
(17) effect a fair and reasonable compromise with any debtor or obligor, or extend, renew or in any manner modify the terms of any obligation owing to the estate. If the personal representative holds a mortgage, pledge or other lien upon property of another person, the personal representative may, in lieu of foreclosure, accept a conveyance or transfer of encumbered assets from the owner thereof in satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by lien;
(18) pay taxes, assessments, compensation of a personal representative other than a special personal representative, and other expenses incident to the administration of the estate;
(19) sell or exercise stock subscription or conversion rights; consent, directly or through a committee or other agent, to the reorganization, consolidation, merger, dissolution, or liquidation of a corporation or other business enterprise;
(20) allocate items of income or expense to either estate income or principal, as permitted or provided by law;
(21) employ persons, including attorneys, auditors, investment advisors, or agents, even if they are associated with the personal representative, to advise or assist the personal representative in the performance of administrative duties; act without independent investigation upon their recommendations; and instead of acting personally, employ 1 or more agents to perform any act of administration, whether or not discretionary;
(22) defend and prosecute claims, or proceedings in any jurisdiction for the protection of the estate and of the personal representative in the performance of duties;
(23) sell, or lease any personal property of the estate or any interest therein for cash, credit, or for part cash and part credit, and with or without security for unpaid balances;
(23.5) sell, lease or encumber to an arm's length third party any real estate of the estate, or an interest in that real estate, for cash, credit or for part cash and part credit, with or without security for unpaid balances and whether the personal representative has been appointed formally or informally; the sale, lease or encumbrance shall be conclusive notwithstanding section 3–302 or any contest of the informal probate proceeding, provided that: (i) if the decedent died without a will, a license has been issued under chapter 202; or (ii) if the decedent died with a will, either: (a) the will, probated formally or informally, empowered the personal representative to sell, lease or encumber that real estate or an interest in that real estate, or (b) a license has been issued under chapter 202.
(24) continue any unincorporated business or venture in which the decedent was engaged at the time of death (i) in the same business form for a period of not more than 4 months from the date of appointment of a general personal representative if continuation is a reasonable means of preserving the value of the business including good will, (ii) in the same business form for any additional period of time that may be approved by order of the court in a formal proceeding to which the persons interested in the estate are parties; or (iii) throughout the period of administration if the business is incorporated by the personal representative and if none of the probable distributees of the business who are competent adults object to its incorporation and retention in the estate;
(25) incorporate any business or venture in which the decedent was engaged at the time of death;
(26) provide for exoneration of the personal representative from personal liability in any contract entered into on behalf of the estate;
(27) satisfy and settle claims and distribute the estate as provided in this code.
(b) Except as restricted or otherwise provided by the will or by an order in a formal proceeding and subject to the priorities stated in section 3–902, a special personal representative acting reasonably for the benefit of the interested persons, may properly exercise only those powers set forth in subsections (1), (2), (3), (5), (7), (12), (15), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (24) and (26) of paragraph (a).

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title II - Descent and Distribution, Wills, Estates of Deceased Persons and Absentees, Guardianship, Conservatorship and Trusts

Chapter 190b - Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code

Article III - Probate of Wills and Administration

Section 3-101 - Devolution of Estate at Death; Restrictions

Section 3-102 - Necessity of Order of Probate for Will

Section 3-103 - Necessity of Appointment for Administration

Section 3-104 - Claims Against Decedent; Necessity of Administration

Section 3-105 - Proceedings Affecting Devolution and Administration

Section 3-106 - Proceedings Within the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Court; Service; Jurisdiction Over Persons

Section 3-107 - Scope of Proceedings; Proceedings Independent; Exception

Section 3-108 - Probate, Testacy and Appointment Proceedings; Ultimate Time Limit

Section 3-109 - Statutes of Limitation on Decedent's Cause of Action

Section 3-201 - Venue for First and Subsequent Estate Proceedings; Location of Property

Section 3-202 - Appointment or Testacy Proceedings; Conflicting Claim of Domicile in Another State

Section 3-203 - Priority Among Persons Seeking Appointment as Personal Representative

Section 3-205 - Judge or Register as Personal Representative

Section 3-301 - Informal Probate or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents

Section 3-302 - Informal Probate; Duty of Magistrate; Effect of Informal Probate

Section 3-303 - Informal Probate; Proof and Findings Required

Section 3-304 - Informal Probate; Unavailable in Certain Cases

Section 3-305 - Informal Probate; Magistrate Not Satisfied

Section 3-306 - Informal Probate; Notice Requirements

Section 3-307 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Delay in Order; Duty of Magistrate; Effect of Appointment

Section 3-308 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Proof and Findings Required

Section 3-309 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Magistrate Not Satisfied

Section 3-311 - Informal Appointment Unavailable in Certain Cases

Section 3-401 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Nature; When Commenced

Section 3-402 - Formal Testacy or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents

Section 3-403 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Notice of Hearing on Petition

Section 3-405 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Uncontested Cases; Hearings and Proof

Section 3-406 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Contested Cases; Testimony of Attesting Witnesses

Section 3-408 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Will Construction; Effect of Final Order in Another Jurisdiction

Section 3-409 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Order; Foreign Will

Section 3-410 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Probate of More Than One Instrument

Section 3-411 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Partial Intestacy

Section 3-412 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Effect of Order; Vacation

Section 3-413 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Vacation of Order for Other Cause

Section 3-414 - Formal Proceedings Concerning Appointment of Personal Representative

Section 3-501 - Supervised Administration; Nature of Proceeding

Section 3-502 - Supervised Administration; Petition; Order

Section 3-503 - Supervised Administration; Effect on Other Proceedings

Section 3-504 - Supervised Administration; Powers of Personal Representative

Section 3-505 - Supervised Administration; Interim Orders; Distribution and Closing Orders

Section 3-601 - Qualification

Section 3-602 - Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 3-603 - Bond Without Sureties

Section 3-604 - Bond With Sureties; Procedure; Reduction

Section 3-605 - Demand for Sureties by Interested Person

Section 3-606 - Terms and Conditions of Bonds

Section 3-607 - Order Restraining Personal Representative

Section 3-608 - Termination of Appointment; General

Section 3-609 - Termination of Appointment; Death or Disability

Section 3-610 - Resignation by Personal Representative

Section 3-611 - Termination of Appointment by Removal; Cause; Procedure

Section 3-612 - Termination of Appointment; Change of Testacy Status

Section 3-613 - Successor Personal Representative

Section 3-614 - Special Representative; Appointment

Section 3-615 - Special Representative; Who May Be Appointed

Section 3-617 - Special Representative; Formal Proceedings; Power and Duties

Section 3-618 - Termination of Appointment; Special Representative

Section 3-701 - Time of Accrual of Duties and Powers

Section 3-702 - Priority Among Different Letters

Section 3-703 - General Duties; Relation and Liability to Persons Interested in Estate; Standing to Sue

Section 3-704 - Personal Representative to Proceed Without Court Order; Exception

Section 3-706 - Duty of Personal Representative; Inventory and Appraisement

Section 3-707 - Employment of Appraisers

Section 3-709 - Duty of Personal Representative; Possession of Estate

Section 3-710 - Power to Avoid Transfers

Section 3-712 - Improper Exercise of Power; Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Section 3-713 - Sale, Encumbrance or Transaction Involving Conflict of Interest; Voidable; Exceptions

Section 3-714 - Persons Dealing With Personal Representative; Protection

Section 3-715 - Transactions Authorized for Personal Representatives; Exceptions

Section 3-716 - Powers and Duties of Successor Personal Representative

Section 3-717 - Co-Representatives; When Joint Action Required

Section 3-718 - Powers of Surviving Personal Representative

Section 3-719 - Compensation of Personal Representative

Section 3-720 - Expenses in Estate Litigation

Section 3-802 - Statute of Limitations

Section 3-803 - Limitations on Presentation of Claims

Section 3-804 - Manner of Commencement of Claims

Section 3-805 - Classification of Claims

Section 3-806 - Allowance of Claims

Section 3-807 - Payment of Claims

Section 3-808 - Individual Liability of Personal Representative

Section 3-809 - Secured Claims

Section 3-810 - Claims Not Due and Contingent or Unliquidated Claims

Section 3-811 - Counterclaims

Section 3-812 - Execution and Levies Prohibited

Section 3-813 - Compromise of Claims

Section 3-814 - Encumbered Assets

Section 3-815 - Administration in More Than One State; Duty of Personal Representative

Section 3-816 - Final Distribution to Domiciliary Representative

Section 3-901 - Successors' Rights if No Administration

Section 3-902 - Distribution; Order in Which Assets Appropriated; Abatement

Section 3-903 - Right of Retainer

Section 3-904 - Interest on General Pecuniary Devise

Section 3-906 - Distribution in Kind; Valuation; Method

Section 3-907 - Distribution in Kind; Evidence

Section 3-908 - Distribution; Right or Title of Distributee

Section 3-909 - Improper Distribution; Liability of Distributee

Section 3-912 - Private Agreements Among Successors to Decedent Binding on Personal Representative

Section 3-913 - Distributions to Trustee

Section 3-914 - Disposition of Unclaimed Assets

Section 3-915 - Distribution to Person Under Disability

Section 3-916 - Apportionment of Estate Taxes

Section 3-917 - Partial Distribution

Section 3-1001 - Formal Proceedings Terminating Administration; Testate or Intestate; Order of General Protection

Section 3-1003 - Closing Estates; by Sworn Statement of Personal Representative

Section 3-1004 - Liability of Distributees to Claimants

Section 3-1005 - Limitations on Proceedings Against Personal Representative

Section 3-1006 - Limitations on Actions and Proceedings Against Distributees

Section 3-1101 - Effect of Approval of Agreements Involving Trusts, Inalienable Interests, or Interests of Third Persons

Section 3-1102 - Procedure for Securing Court Approval of Compromise

Section 3-1103 - Non-Resident Beneficiaries; Payment of Trust Fund to Foreign Trustee

Section 3-1201 - Collection of Personal Property by Affidavit

Section 3-1202 - Effect of Affidavit

Section 3-1203 - Small Estates; Summary Administration Procedure

Section 3-1204 - Small Estates; Closing by Sworn Statement of Personal Representative