Massachusetts General Laws
Article III - Probate of Wills and Administration
Section 3-301 - Informal Probate or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents

Section 3–301. [Informal Probate or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents.]
(a) Petitions for informal probate or informal appointment shall be directed to the court, and verified by the petitioner to be accurate and complete to the best of the petitioner's knowledge and belief as to the following information:
(1) Every petition for informal probate of a will or for informal appointment of a personal representative, other than a special or successor representative, shall contain the following:
(i) a statement of the interest of the petitioner;
(ii) the name, date of death, age and address of the decedent at the time of death, and the names and addresses of the spouse, children, heirs and devisees and the ages of any who are minors so far as known or ascertainable with reasonable diligence by the applicant;
(iii) a statement identifying any heir or surviving spouse who may be an incapacitated person;
(iv) if the decedent was not domiciled in the commonwealth at the time of death, a statement showing venue;
(v) a statement identifying and indicating the address of any personal representative of the decedent appointed in the commonwealth or elsewhere whose appointment has not been terminated;
(vi) a statement that a copy of the petition and the death certificate have been sent to the division of medical assistance by certified mail; and
(vii) a statement that the time limit for informal probate or appointment as provided in this article has not expired either because 3 years or less have passed since the decedent's death, or, if more than 3 years from death have passed, circumstances as described by section 3–108 authorizing tardy probate or appointment have occurred.
(2) A petition for informal probate of a will shall state the following in addition to the statements required by (1):
(i) that the original of the decedent's last will is in the possession of the court, or accompanies the petition, or that an authenticated copy of a will probated in another jurisdiction accompanies the petition;
(ii) that the petitioner, to the best of the petitioner's knowledge, believes the will to have been validly executed;
(iii) that after the exercise of reasonable diligence, the petitioner is unaware of any instrument revoking the will, and that the petitioner believes that the instrument which is the subject of the petition is the decedent's last will.
(iv) a statement that a death certificate issued by a public officer is in the possession of the court, or accompanies the petition.
(3) A petition for informal appointment of a personal representative to administer an estate under a will shall describe the will by date of execution and state the time and place of probate or the pending petition for probate. The petition for appointment shall adopt the statements in the petition for probate and state the name, address and priority for appointment of the person whose appointment is sought.
(4) A petition for informal appointment of a personal representative in intestacy shall state in addition to the statements required by (1):
(i) that after the exercise of reasonable diligence, the petitioner is unaware of any unrevoked testamentary instrument relating to property having a situs in the commonwealth under section 1–301, or, a statement why any such instrument of which the petitioner may be aware is not being probated;
(ii) the priority of the person whose appointment is sought and the names of any other persons having a prior or equal right to the appointment under section 3–203.
(iii) a statement that a death certificate issued by a public officer is in the possession of the court, or accompanies the petition.
(5) A petition for appointment of a personal representative to succeed a personal representative appointed under a different testacy status shall refer to the order in the most recent testacy proceeding, state the name and address of the person whose appointment is sought and of the person whose appointment will be terminated if the petition is granted, and describe the priority of the petitioner.
(6) A petition for appointment of a personal representative to succeed a personal representative who has tendered a resignation as provided in section 3–610, or whose appointment has been terminated by death or removal, shall adopt the statements in the petition which led to the appointment of the person being succeeded except as specifically changed or corrected, state the name and address of the person who seeks appointment as successor, and describe the priority of the nominee.
(b) By verifying a petition for informal probate, or informal appointment, the petitioner submits personally to the jurisdiction of the court in any proceeding for relief from fraud relating to the petition, or for perjury, that may be instituted against the petitioner.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title II - Descent and Distribution, Wills, Estates of Deceased Persons and Absentees, Guardianship, Conservatorship and Trusts

Chapter 190b - Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code

Article III - Probate of Wills and Administration

Section 3-101 - Devolution of Estate at Death; Restrictions

Section 3-102 - Necessity of Order of Probate for Will

Section 3-103 - Necessity of Appointment for Administration

Section 3-104 - Claims Against Decedent; Necessity of Administration

Section 3-105 - Proceedings Affecting Devolution and Administration

Section 3-106 - Proceedings Within the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Court; Service; Jurisdiction Over Persons

Section 3-107 - Scope of Proceedings; Proceedings Independent; Exception

Section 3-108 - Probate, Testacy and Appointment Proceedings; Ultimate Time Limit

Section 3-109 - Statutes of Limitation on Decedent's Cause of Action

Section 3-201 - Venue for First and Subsequent Estate Proceedings; Location of Property

Section 3-202 - Appointment or Testacy Proceedings; Conflicting Claim of Domicile in Another State

Section 3-203 - Priority Among Persons Seeking Appointment as Personal Representative

Section 3-205 - Judge or Register as Personal Representative

Section 3-301 - Informal Probate or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents

Section 3-302 - Informal Probate; Duty of Magistrate; Effect of Informal Probate

Section 3-303 - Informal Probate; Proof and Findings Required

Section 3-304 - Informal Probate; Unavailable in Certain Cases

Section 3-305 - Informal Probate; Magistrate Not Satisfied

Section 3-306 - Informal Probate; Notice Requirements

Section 3-307 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Delay in Order; Duty of Magistrate; Effect of Appointment

Section 3-308 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Proof and Findings Required

Section 3-309 - Informal Appointment Proceedings; Magistrate Not Satisfied

Section 3-311 - Informal Appointment Unavailable in Certain Cases

Section 3-401 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Nature; When Commenced

Section 3-402 - Formal Testacy or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents

Section 3-403 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Notice of Hearing on Petition

Section 3-405 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Uncontested Cases; Hearings and Proof

Section 3-406 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Contested Cases; Testimony of Attesting Witnesses

Section 3-408 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Will Construction; Effect of Final Order in Another Jurisdiction

Section 3-409 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Order; Foreign Will

Section 3-410 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Probate of More Than One Instrument

Section 3-411 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Partial Intestacy

Section 3-412 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Effect of Order; Vacation

Section 3-413 - Formal Testacy Proceedings; Vacation of Order for Other Cause

Section 3-414 - Formal Proceedings Concerning Appointment of Personal Representative

Section 3-501 - Supervised Administration; Nature of Proceeding

Section 3-502 - Supervised Administration; Petition; Order

Section 3-503 - Supervised Administration; Effect on Other Proceedings

Section 3-504 - Supervised Administration; Powers of Personal Representative

Section 3-505 - Supervised Administration; Interim Orders; Distribution and Closing Orders

Section 3-601 - Qualification

Section 3-602 - Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction

Section 3-603 - Bond Without Sureties

Section 3-604 - Bond With Sureties; Procedure; Reduction

Section 3-605 - Demand for Sureties by Interested Person

Section 3-606 - Terms and Conditions of Bonds

Section 3-607 - Order Restraining Personal Representative

Section 3-608 - Termination of Appointment; General

Section 3-609 - Termination of Appointment; Death or Disability

Section 3-610 - Resignation by Personal Representative

Section 3-611 - Termination of Appointment by Removal; Cause; Procedure

Section 3-612 - Termination of Appointment; Change of Testacy Status

Section 3-613 - Successor Personal Representative

Section 3-614 - Special Representative; Appointment

Section 3-615 - Special Representative; Who May Be Appointed

Section 3-617 - Special Representative; Formal Proceedings; Power and Duties

Section 3-618 - Termination of Appointment; Special Representative

Section 3-701 - Time of Accrual of Duties and Powers

Section 3-702 - Priority Among Different Letters

Section 3-703 - General Duties; Relation and Liability to Persons Interested in Estate; Standing to Sue

Section 3-704 - Personal Representative to Proceed Without Court Order; Exception

Section 3-706 - Duty of Personal Representative; Inventory and Appraisement

Section 3-707 - Employment of Appraisers

Section 3-709 - Duty of Personal Representative; Possession of Estate

Section 3-710 - Power to Avoid Transfers

Section 3-712 - Improper Exercise of Power; Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Section 3-713 - Sale, Encumbrance or Transaction Involving Conflict of Interest; Voidable; Exceptions

Section 3-714 - Persons Dealing With Personal Representative; Protection

Section 3-715 - Transactions Authorized for Personal Representatives; Exceptions

Section 3-716 - Powers and Duties of Successor Personal Representative

Section 3-717 - Co-Representatives; When Joint Action Required

Section 3-718 - Powers of Surviving Personal Representative

Section 3-719 - Compensation of Personal Representative

Section 3-720 - Expenses in Estate Litigation

Section 3-802 - Statute of Limitations

Section 3-803 - Limitations on Presentation of Claims

Section 3-804 - Manner of Commencement of Claims

Section 3-805 - Classification of Claims

Section 3-806 - Allowance of Claims

Section 3-807 - Payment of Claims

Section 3-808 - Individual Liability of Personal Representative

Section 3-809 - Secured Claims

Section 3-810 - Claims Not Due and Contingent or Unliquidated Claims

Section 3-811 - Counterclaims

Section 3-812 - Execution and Levies Prohibited

Section 3-813 - Compromise of Claims

Section 3-814 - Encumbered Assets

Section 3-815 - Administration in More Than One State; Duty of Personal Representative

Section 3-816 - Final Distribution to Domiciliary Representative

Section 3-901 - Successors' Rights if No Administration

Section 3-902 - Distribution; Order in Which Assets Appropriated; Abatement

Section 3-903 - Right of Retainer

Section 3-904 - Interest on General Pecuniary Devise

Section 3-906 - Distribution in Kind; Valuation; Method

Section 3-907 - Distribution in Kind; Evidence

Section 3-908 - Distribution; Right or Title of Distributee

Section 3-909 - Improper Distribution; Liability of Distributee

Section 3-912 - Private Agreements Among Successors to Decedent Binding on Personal Representative

Section 3-913 - Distributions to Trustee

Section 3-914 - Disposition of Unclaimed Assets

Section 3-915 - Distribution to Person Under Disability

Section 3-916 - Apportionment of Estate Taxes

Section 3-917 - Partial Distribution

Section 3-1001 - Formal Proceedings Terminating Administration; Testate or Intestate; Order of General Protection

Section 3-1003 - Closing Estates; by Sworn Statement of Personal Representative

Section 3-1004 - Liability of Distributees to Claimants

Section 3-1005 - Limitations on Proceedings Against Personal Representative

Section 3-1006 - Limitations on Actions and Proceedings Against Distributees

Section 3-1101 - Effect of Approval of Agreements Involving Trusts, Inalienable Interests, or Interests of Third Persons

Section 3-1102 - Procedure for Securing Court Approval of Compromise

Section 3-1103 - Non-Resident Beneficiaries; Payment of Trust Fund to Foreign Trustee

Section 3-1201 - Collection of Personal Property by Affidavit

Section 3-1202 - Effect of Affidavit

Section 3-1203 - Small Estates; Summary Administration Procedure

Section 3-1204 - Small Estates; Closing by Sworn Statement of Personal Representative