Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities
Section 8-417 - Rate Setting for Residential and Nonresidential Child Care Programs and Nonpublic General Education Schools

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Nonpublic general education school” means a nonpublic school approved under COMAR 13A.09.10 pursuant to § 2–206 of this article and operated in conjunction with residential or nonresidential child care programs licensed or approved by the Department, the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, or the Department of Juvenile Services.
        (3)    “Nonresidential child care program” means a program that:
            (i)    Provides services for children in a nonresidential setting, designed to achieve objectives related to the needs of children at risk of out–of–home placement; and
            (ii)    Is licensed or approved by the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, or the Department of Juvenile Services.
        (4)    “Residential child care program” means a program that:
            (i)    Provides care for children 24 hours a day within a structured set of services and activities designed to achieve objectives related to the needs of the children served; and
            (ii)    Is licensed by the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, or the Department of Juvenile Services.
    (b)    (1)    The Department, in collaboration with the fiscal agent of the Children’s Cabinet Fund under Title 8, Subtitle 5 of the Human Services Article, shall administer and implement a redesigned rate setting process for nonpublic general education schools, residential child care programs, and nonresidential child care programs.
        (2)    The Department of Human Services, the Department of Juvenile Services, the Department of Budget and Management, the Maryland Department of Health, and the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services shall participate with the Department in the development and implementation of rates in programs licensed or approved by those agencies to the extent required by federal and State law.
    (c)    (1)    A decision as to the amount or implementation of rates established under this section may be appealed by sending a written request for appeal to the Children’s Cabinet.
        (2)    The request shall set forth the specific objections to the decision as to the amount or implementation of rates established under this section.
        (3)    The Children’s Cabinet or designees shall issue a final, binding opinion upholding, reversing, or modifying the rates set by the Interagency Rates Committee within 30 days after receipt of the request for appeal.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 8 - Special Programs for Exceptional Children

Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities

Section 8-401 - Definitions; Domicile of Child

Section 8-402 - Workers' Compensation for Child With a Disability

Section 8-403 - Appropriate Public Education for Child With a Disability

Section 8-404 - Adoption of Regulatory Standards for Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-405 - Meetings to Discuss and Evaluate Educational Program; Extended Year Services

Section 8-406 - Placement of Child With a Disability in Nonpublic Educational Program

Section 8-407 - Proceedings to Conform With Federal Law

Section 8-408 - Individualized Education Programs for Blind or Visually Impaired Children

Section 8-410 - Transportation of Child With a Disability

Section 8-411 - Education and Training of Children With Disabilities Who Are Under the Age of 6

Section 8-412 - Parent Surrogates

Section 8-412.1 - Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

Section 8-413 - Review of Placement Decision of Student With Disabilities

Section 8-415 - Shared Cost of Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-416 - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program

Section 8-417 - Rate Setting for Residential and Nonresidential Child Care Programs and Nonpublic General Education Schools

Section 8-418 - Habilitative Services Information

Section 8-419 - Development and Publication of List of Special Education Service Delivery Models