Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities
Section 8-412.1 - Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

(a)    When a child with a disability reaches the age of 18 years, all rights accorded to parents under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall transfer to the child if the child has not been adjudged incompetent under State law and if there is documentation that:
        (1)    The parents are unavailable or unknown as defined in § 8-412 of this subtitle, the child would be eligible for a parent surrogate, and the child requests that the parental rights be transferred to the child;
        (2)    The parents have not participated in the special education decision making process for the child after repeated attempts by the local school system to involve the parents over the previous year as described in COMAR 13A.05.01.07C(7);
        (3)    The parents have affirmatively rejected participation in the special education decision making process;
        (4)    The parents cannot participate in the special education decision making process due to prolonged hospitalization, institutionalization, or serious illness or infirmity of one or both of the parents and the parents have consented to the transfer of rights to the child;
        (5)    The parents cannot participate in the special education decision making process due to extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the parents and the parents have consented to the transfer of rights to the child; or
        (6)    The child is living outside of the parents’ home and is not in the care or custody of another public agency as defined in § 8-412 of this subtitle.
    (b)    A child with disabilities who reaches the age of 18 years and is living at home with the child’s parents and whose parents do not consent to the transfer of rights to the child may file for due process in accordance with § 8-413 of this subtitle to determine whether the rights should be transferred to the child.
    (c)    If a child with disabilities who has reached the age of 18 years has been represented by a parent surrogate as defined in § 8-412 of this subtitle, any notice required by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall be provided to both the child and to the parent surrogate and all other rights accorded to the parent surrogate under that Act shall transfer to the child if the child has not been adjudged incompetent under State law and the child requests that the rights transfer to the child.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 8 - Special Programs for Exceptional Children

Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities

Section 8-401 - Definitions; Domicile of Child

Section 8-402 - Workers' Compensation for Child With a Disability

Section 8-403 - Appropriate Public Education for Child With a Disability

Section 8-404 - Adoption of Regulatory Standards for Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-405 - Meetings to Discuss and Evaluate Educational Program; Extended Year Services

Section 8-406 - Placement of Child With a Disability in Nonpublic Educational Program

Section 8-407 - Proceedings to Conform With Federal Law

Section 8-408 - Individualized Education Programs for Blind or Visually Impaired Children

Section 8-410 - Transportation of Child With a Disability

Section 8-411 - Education and Training of Children With Disabilities Who Are Under the Age of 6

Section 8-412 - Parent Surrogates

Section 8-412.1 - Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

Section 8-413 - Review of Placement Decision of Student With Disabilities

Section 8-415 - Shared Cost of Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-416 - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program

Section 8-417 - Rate Setting for Residential and Nonresidential Child Care Programs and Nonpublic General Education Schools

Section 8-418 - Habilitative Services Information

Section 8-419 - Development and Publication of List of Special Education Service Delivery Models