Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities
Section 8-416 - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program

(a)    (1)    There is a Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program in the Department.
        (2)    The purpose of the Program is to provide a statewide, community–based interagency system of comprehensive early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers, from birth until the beginning of the school year following a child’s 4th birthday, and their families.
    (b)    The Department shall be the lead agency for supervising and monitoring the Program.
    (c)    The Program shall include the early intervention services provided or supervised by the Department, the Maryland Department of Health, including the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program established under Title 13, Subtitle 6 of the Health – General Article, and the Department of Human Services.
    (d)    The Program shall be administered in accord with the applicable requirements of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and other applicable federal and State laws.
    (e)    An interagency coordinating council shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall:
        (1)    Advise and assist the Department in the supervision and monitoring of the Program; and
        (2)    Submit an annual report to the Governor and the federal government.
    (f)    Local lead agencies shall be established or designated in each county and Baltimore City to administer the Program in their subdivision, under the direction of the Department.
    (g)    (1)    In each county, the county executive or county commissioners, as appropriate, or in Baltimore City, the Mayor, shall establish a local interagency coordinating council to advise and assist the local lead agency in the development and implementation of policies that constitute the local Program.
        (2)    (i)    In each county, the county executive or county commissioners, as appropriate, or in Baltimore City, the Mayor, may designate the local management board to serve as the local interagency coordinating council or establish the local interagency coordinating council as a part of that board.
            (ii)    Where a local management board and a local interagency coordinating council coexist, they shall work cooperatively.
    (h)    Beginning in fiscal year 2021, the Governor shall provide the following amounts for the Program:
        (1)    For fiscal year 2021, $12,389,104;
        (2)    For fiscal year 2022, $13,531,267;
        (3)    For fiscal year 2023, $14,673,430;
        (4)    For fiscal year 2024, $15,815,593;
        (5)    For fiscal year 2025, $16,957,756;
        (6)    For fiscal year 2026, $18,099,919;
        (7)    For fiscal year 2027, $19,242,082;
        (8)    For fiscal year 2028, $20,384,245;
        (9)    For fiscal year 2029, $21,526,408;
        (10)    For fiscal year 2030, $22,668,571; and
        (11)    For fiscal year 2031 and each fiscal year thereafter, the prior fiscal year amount increased by the inflation adjustment as defined in § 5–201 of this article.
    (i)    The Department shall adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 8 - Special Programs for Exceptional Children

Subtitle 4 - Children With Disabilities

Section 8-401 - Definitions; Domicile of Child

Section 8-402 - Workers' Compensation for Child With a Disability

Section 8-403 - Appropriate Public Education for Child With a Disability

Section 8-404 - Adoption of Regulatory Standards for Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-405 - Meetings to Discuss and Evaluate Educational Program; Extended Year Services

Section 8-406 - Placement of Child With a Disability in Nonpublic Educational Program

Section 8-407 - Proceedings to Conform With Federal Law

Section 8-408 - Individualized Education Programs for Blind or Visually Impaired Children

Section 8-410 - Transportation of Child With a Disability

Section 8-411 - Education and Training of Children With Disabilities Who Are Under the Age of 6

Section 8-412 - Parent Surrogates

Section 8-412.1 - Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

Section 8-413 - Review of Placement Decision of Student With Disabilities

Section 8-415 - Shared Cost of Education of Children With Disabilities

Section 8-416 - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program

Section 8-417 - Rate Setting for Residential and Nonresidential Child Care Programs and Nonpublic General Education Schools

Section 8-418 - Habilitative Services Information

Section 8-419 - Development and Publication of List of Special Education Service Delivery Models