Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Evaluation and Graduation of Students
Section 7-202.1 - Curriculum Standards for Core Subjects at Each Grade Level -- Submission to State Board -- System of Assessments -- Identification of Low-Performing Schools

(a)    The Department shall, in consultation with experienced and highly effective teachers, including teachers on the career ladder under Title 6, Subtitle 10 of this article, develop curriculum standards and curriculum resources for each subject at each grade level, that build on one another in logical sequence, in core subjects that may be used by local school systems and public school teachers.
    (b)    (1)    The purpose of the curriculum standards and curriculum resources developed under this section is to provide county boards with technical assistance to inform high–quality instruction that will ultimately result in students meeting the college and career readiness standards in the manner described under § 7–205.1 of this subtitle.
        (2)    The curriculum resources developed under this section shall include, for each core subject at each grade level:
            (i)    Course syllabi;
            (ii)    Sample lessons for teachers to use as models;
            (iii)    Examples of student work that meet standards for proficiency;
            (iv)    Explanations of why student work examples meet proficiency standards so that teachers know what student knowledge is required; and
            (v)    Curriculum units aligned with the course syllabi.
        (3)    In developing the curriculum resources under this subsection, the Department:
            (i)    May use as a model a course or unit developed by a teacher in or out of the State; but
            (ii)    Shall review each model course and unit for quality, using accepted benchmarks such as approval by EdReports or Tier 1 and Tier 2 evidence–based standards established by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.
        (4)    The Department shall compile curriculum units in such a manner that:
            (i)    Complete courses are formed; and
            (ii)    When taken by a student in sequence, the student can achieve the college and career readiness standard adopted under § 7–205.1 of this subtitle by the end of grade 10.
    (c)    The Department shall submit curriculum resources and curriculum standards developed under this section to the State Board for adoption.
    (d)    The State Board shall establish a system of assessments to ensure that students are acquiring the knowledge contained in the curriculum standards in English, Mathematics, Science, and History or Social Studies.
    (e)    (1)    Using the assessments established under subsection (d) of this section, the Department shall identify low–performing schools.
        (2)    An Expert Review Team established under § 5–411 of this article, under the supervision of the Department, shall visit schools identified under paragraph (1) of this subsection according to the criteria established under § 5–411 of this article.
        (3)    If the Department, based on a recommendation of an Expert Review Team, determines that a school’s low performance on assessments is, largely, due to curricular problems, the school shall adopt the curriculum resources developed under this section.
        (4)    Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, this section does not require a public school or county board to adopt the Department’s curriculum standards and curriculum resources and may not be construed to restrict a county board’s authority to adopt curricula under § 4–111 of this article.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 7 - Public Schools

Subtitle 2 - Evaluation and Graduation of Students

Section 7-201 - Evaluation to Discover Learning Disabilities; Programs for Disabled Students

Section 7-202 - Minimum Reading Levels Required

Section 7-202.1 - Curriculum Standards for Core Subjects at Each Grade Level -- Submission to State Board -- System of Assessments -- Identification of Low-Performing Schools

Section 7-203 - Education Accountability Program

Section 7-203.1 - Grants for the Administration of the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test

Section 7-203.2 - Collection, Maintenance, and Analysis of Graduation Records

Section 7-203.3 - Assessments Administered in a Local School System

Section 7-203.4 - Comprehensive Support and Improvement Plans

Section 7-203.5 - Implementation of 9th Grade Tracker System -- Report on Students Graduating on Time -- Statewide Report by Department

Section 7-204 - Assessment of Testing and Measurement Programs

Section 7-205 - Promotion and Graduation of Students

Section 7-205.1 - High School Curriculum and Graduation Requirements

Section 7-205.2 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator Instruction

Section 7-205.4 - Credit for Work-Based Training and Classroom Instruction Completed Under Registered Apprenticeship Program

Section 7-206.1 - High School Diploma for Certain Individuals Enlisted During World War Ii or Korean Conflict

Section 7-207 - State Merit Scholastic Awards Program

Section 7-208 - Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Act

Section 7-210 - Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Assessments

Section 7-211 - Summer School Enrollment Costs

Section 7-212 - High School Seniors Encouraged to Complete Fafsa or Msfaa -- Annual Report to Maryland Longitudinal Data System