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Article 1 - General Provisions
13-101 Change of classification from city of second class to city of first class; proclamation by governor; tenure of governing body. - 13-101. Change of classification from city of second class to...
13-103 Form of government. - 13-103. Form of government. All cities of the first class...
Article 4 - Legislative Department; Powers Of Governing Body
13-431 Utility rates; review by court. - 13-431. Utility rates; review by court. To prescribe and fix...
13-436 Health and sanitation; election, when. - 13-436. Health and sanitation; election, when. To make regulations to...
13-443 Improving or vacating streets and alleys; reversion of land; recording of ordinance. - 13-443. Improving or vacating streets and alleys; reversion of land;...
13-460 Art museum board in cities over 200,000. - 13-460. Art museum board in cities over 200,000. Any city...
13-461 Same; members, appointment, terms, vacancies. - 13-461. Same; members, appointment, terms, vacancies. The art museum board...
13-462 Same; officers, duties; bond of treasurer. - 13-462. Same; officers, duties; bond of treasurer. The board shall...
13-463 Same; rules and regulations; acquisition of art objects; acceptance of gifts and moneys; administration. - 13-463. Same; rules and regulations; acquisition of art objects; acceptance...
13-464 Same; property management and control. - 13-464. Same; property management and control. Real or personal property...
13-465 Same; director and employees, compensation; leasing property; records and reports. - 13-465. Same; director and employees, compensation; leasing property; records and...
13-466 Same; appropriations by city; budget; expenditures. - 13-466. Same; appropriations by city; budget; expenditures. Any city which...
Article 5 - Executive Department; Powers And Duties Of Officers
13-502 General duties of mayor. - 13-502. General duties of mayor. The mayor shall preside at...
13-506 Signing and approval of contracts. - 13-506. Signing and approval of contracts. The mayor shall sign...
13-507 Signing of commissions; approval of bonds. - 13-507. Signing of commissions; approval of bonds. The mayor shall...
13-508 Mayor as peace officer; special policemen, term. - 13-508. Mayor as peace officer; special policemen, term. The mayor...
13-509 Messages to council. - 13-509. Messages to council. The mayor shall from time to...
13-510 Special meetings of council. - 13-510. Special meetings of council. The mayor or any two...
13-511 Mayor may require reports from officers. - 13-511. Mayor may require reports from officers. The mayor shall...
13-512 Enforcement of ordinances; neglect of duty by officers; jurisdiction outside city. - 13-512. Enforcement of ordinances; neglect of duty by officers; jurisdiction...
13-513 Vacancies in offices of mayor or councilman, how filled. - 13-513. Vacancies in offices of mayor or councilman, how filled....
13-514 Aid in enforcing laws; mobs; call for militia; forfeiture by person refusing to obey call. - 13-514. Aid in enforcing laws; mobs; call for militia; forfeiture...
13-515 Remission of fines and forfeitures; reprieves and pardons. - 13-515. Remission of fines and forfeitures; reprieves and pardons. The...
13-516 Duties and salary of attorney. - 13-516. Duties and salary of attorney. The city attorney shall...
13-518 General duties of clerk; records and accounts; deputies, salaries. - 13-518. General duties of clerk; records and accounts; deputies, salaries....
13-526a Bond of treasurer. - 13-526a. Bond of treasurer. The city treasurer in cities of...
13-527 Appointive officers and employees; terms and salaries; vacancies. - 13-527. Appointive officers and employees; terms and salaries; vacancies. Subject...
Article 6 - Police Department And Municipal Court
13-628a Municipal judges in certain cities. - 13-628a. Municipal judges in certain cities. In all cities of...
13-628d Same; clerk appointed by municipal judge. - 13-628d. Same; clerk appointed by municipal judge. The municipal judge...
13-628l Municipal judges in certain cities; appointment by district court judges. - 13-628l. Municipal judges in certain cities; appointment by district court...
Article 9 - Assessment And Taxation
13-905 Special assessments; relevy. - 13-905. Special assessments; relevy. In case the governing body of...
13-906 Same; limitation of actions. - 13-906. Same; limitation of actions. No suit nor action of...
Article 10 - Public Improvements
13-1008d Sidewalks in cities of 60,000 or more; special assessments. - 13-1008d. Sidewalks in cities of 60,000 or more; special assessments....
13-1008e Same; petition; resolution. - 13-1008e. Same; petition; resolution. Whenever a petition signed by persons...
13-1008f Same; how cost assessed. - 13-1008f. Same; how cost assessed. The cost of all sidewalks...
13-1008g Same; payment in full by property owner; notice; bond issue. - 13-1008g. Same; payment in full by property owner; notice; bond...
13-1008h Same; how assessment levied; temporary notes. - 13-1008h. Same; how assessment levied; temporary notes. The assessment for...
13-1010 Connecting street with paved road; assessments. - 13-1010. Connecting street with paved road; assessments. The governing body...
13-1011 Street and alley improvements; resolution; assessments; petition, when; bonds; notice of assessment; cancellation of proceedings, when. - 13-1011. Street and alley improvements; resolution; assessments; petition, when; bonds;...
13-1011f Improvement of streets abutting school grounds; bonds. - 13-1011f. Improvement of streets abutting school grounds; bonds. Whenever in...
13-1013 System of sewerage and drainage; districts; cost; assessments. - 13-1013. System of sewerage and drainage; districts; cost; assessments. The...
13-1014 Right-of-way for sewerage. - 13-1014. Right-of-way for sewerage. The governing body may construct flushing-ditches...
13-1015 Condemnation of right-of-way. - 13-1015. Condemnation of right-of-way. Whenever the governing body shall determine...
13-1016 Consent to acquisition of way; cost of condemnation. - 13-1016. Consent to acquisition of way; cost of condemnation. Any...
13-1017 Estimate of cost of improvements; contracts; bids; bond issue, when. - 13-1017. Estimate of cost of improvements; contracts; bids; bond issue,...
13-1018f Cities of 95,000; system of sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds. - 13-1018f. Cities of 95,000; system of sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds....
13-1018g Same; duties and authority of governing body. - 13-1018g. Same; duties and authority of governing body. The governing...
13-1018h Same; right to acquire land. - 13-1018h. Same; right to acquire land. The governing body of...
13-1018i Cities of 95,000 or more; sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds. - 13-1018i. Cities of 95,000 or more; sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds....
13-1018j Same; tax levy; election; when; when charges to be made for use of system. - 13-1018j. Same; tax levy; election; when; when charges to be...
13-1018k Same; invalidity of part. - 13-1018k. Same; invalidity of part. If any part or parts...
13-1018l Cities over 120,000; sewers on publicly owned ground; bonds; limitations. - 13-1018l. Cities over 120,000; sewers on publicly owned ground; bonds;...
13-1023 For what purposes private property may be purchased or condemned. - 13-1023. For what purposes private property may be purchased or...
13-1024a General improvements and land therefor; borrowing money and bond issues; when election required. - 13-1024a. General improvements and land therefor; borrowing money and bond...
13-1024b Same; construction of bridge or viaduct within or without city; agreements with other bodies; acquisition of land; bonds; election, when; tax levies; payment of county's share. - 13-1024b. Same; construction of bridge or viaduct within or without...
13-1024c Cities over 200,000; issuance of bonds for public improvements; limitation. - 13-1024c. Cities over 200,000; issuance of bonds for public improvements;...
13-1026 Bridges or viaducts in cities over 60,000; bonds. - 13-1026. Bridges or viaducts in cities over 60,000; bonds. In...
13-1029 Sewer districts for pumping stations and sewers; assessments and bonds. - 13-1029. Sewer districts for pumping stations and sewers; assessments and...
13-1030 Same; condemnation, bonds and assessments for sewer right of way. - 13-1030. Same; condemnation, bonds and assessments for sewer right of...
13-1038 Street improvements; resolution; bonds. - 13-1038. Street improvements; resolution; bonds. Whenever, in the judgment of...
13-1039 Same; making of such improvements. - 13-1039. Same; making of such improvements. After the resolution has...
13-1040 Same; costs; assessments; bonds (cities between 15,000 and 110,000). - 13-1040. Same; costs; assessments; bonds (cities between 15,000 and 110,000)....
13-1042 Reimprovement of streets in cities of over 95,000. - 13-1042. Reimprovement of streets in cities of over 95,000. Whenever...
13-1055a Sanitary interceptor or main storm sewers or drains in first-class cities; expenses and plans for construction; bids. - 13-1055a. Sanitary interceptor or main storm sewers or drains in...
13-1055b Same; bonds; limitations; retirement. - 13-1055b. Same; bonds; limitations; retirement. For the purpose of paying...
13-1056 Cities of 25,000; floodgates in sewers; intercepting sewers; pumping plants. - 13-1056. Cities of 25,000; floodgates in sewers; intercepting sewers; pumping...
13-1057 Same; bonds; limitation. - 13-1057. Same; bonds; limitation. For the purpose of paying for...
13-1057b Cities less than 11,500 and cities between 17,500 and 25,000; storm sewers or drains. - 13-1057b. Cities less than 11,500 and cities between 17,500 and...
13-1057c Same; expense paid by city. - 13-1057c. Same; expense paid by city. The building and construction...
13-1057d Same; bonds. - 13-1057d. Same; bonds. For the purpose of paying for each...
13-1057e Same; powers of governing body. - 13-1057e. Same; powers of governing body. For the purpose of...
13-1074 Authority to lease levee property in cities over 100,000. - 13-1074. Authority to lease levee property in cities over 100,000....
13-1075 Same; purpose; term. - 13-1075. Same; purpose; term. The governing body of any such...
13-1076 Same; reservations. - 13-1076. Same; reservations. Such lease shall reserve to the city...
13-1077 Same; improvements to be approved by governing body. - 13-1077. Same; improvements to be approved by governing body. Before...
13-10,107 Sewers and sewage disposal outside certain cities; contracts; benefit district, conditions. - 13-10,107. Sewers and sewage disposal outside certain cities; contracts; benefit...
13-10,108 Same; eminent domain; bonds. - 13-10,108. Same; eminent domain; bonds. Upon the execution of such...
13-10,109 Same; special assessments; regulation by city. - 13-10,109. Same; special assessments; regulation by city. After the execution...
13-10,115 Major traffic streets in certain cities in counties over 120,000; resolution; protests; election; temporary notes and bonds; special assessments and payments by city. - 13-10,115. Major traffic streets in certain cities in counties over...
13-10,116 Same; state and federal cooperation. - 13-10,116. Same; state and federal cooperation. The city may cooperate...
13-10,117 Same; what improvements include. - 13-10,117. Same; what improvements include. The improvement or reimprovement may...
13-10,118 Same; act is supplemental. - 13-10,118. Same; act is supplemental. This act shall be supplemental...
13-10,119 Cities of 60,000 or more; repair of paved streets; cost estimate. - 13-10,119. Cities of 60,000 or more; repair of paved streets;...
13-10,120 Same; contracts; equipment. - 13-10,120. Same; contracts; equipment. The governing body of said city...
13-10,121 Same; bonds. - 13-10,121. Same; bonds. In order to pay the cost of...
13-10,122 Same; limitations. - 13-10,122. Same; limitations. No bonds shall be issued under the...
13-10,123 Cities between 120,000 and 200,000; repair of paved streets; cost estimate. - 13-10,123. Cities between 120,000 and 200,000; repair of paved streets;...
13-10,124 Same; contracts; equipment. - 13-10,124. Same; contracts; equipment. The governing body of said city...
13-10,125 Same; bonds. - 13-10,125. Same; bonds. In order to pay the cost of...
13-10,126 Same; limitation. - 13-10,126. Same; limitation. No bonds shall be issued under the...
13-10,128 Storm drainage districts in cities between 100,000 and 150,000 and in cities in urban area counties. - 13-10,128. Storm drainage districts in cities between 100,000 and 150,000...
13-10,129 Ordinance creating district, required provisions; filing of copies. - 13-10,129. Ordinance creating district, required provisions; filing of copies. The...
13-10,130 Same; establishment of program; costs, how paid. - 13-10,130. Same; establishment of program; costs, how paid. Whenever a...
13-10,131 Same; fund, uses. - 13-10,131. Same; fund, uses. A separate fund shall be created...
13-10,132 Same; tax levies. - 13-10,132. Same; tax levies. The governing body of any city...
13-10,133 Same; bonds; protest petition; election provisions. - 13-10,133. Same; bonds; protest petition; election provisions. The governing body...
13-10,140 Establishment of special improvement fund by certain cities; amount; expenditures, purposes, conditions and limitations; certain moneys may be credited to fund. - 13-10,140. Establishment of special improvement fund by certain cities; amount;...
13-10,141 Property damaged in certain cities by flood; reconstruction or repair; tax levy, use of proceeds; election required. - 13-10,141. Property damaged in certain cities by flood; reconstruction or...
13-10,142 Same; disposition of moneys; use. - 13-10,142. Same; disposition of moneys; use. All moneys derived from...
Article 11 - Planning And Zoning
13-1114b Development of master plan outside city limits, when; acquisition of rights-of-way and lands. - 13-1114b. Development of master plan outside city limits, when; acquisition...
13-1115 Cities over 60,000; bonds to carry out master plan. - 13-1115. Cities over 60,000; bonds to carry out master plan....
13-1116 Same; election. - 13-1116. Same; election. No bonds shall be issued under the...
13-1117 Same; bond limitations inapplicable. - 13-1117. Same; bond limitations inapplicable. Any bonds issued under the...
13-1118 Same; use of certain bond proceeds for additional purposes. - 13-1118. Same; use of certain bond proceeds for additional purposes....
Article 12 - Public Utilities
13-1209 Purchase, construction or extension of waterworks; jurisdiction of city over grounds. - 13-1209. Purchase, construction or extension of waterworks; jurisdiction of city...
13-1210 Same; bonds. - 13-1210. Same; bonds. Any such city shall have the power...
13-1213 Bonds for utilities in cities over 50,000; submission to vote. - 13-1213. Bonds for utilities in cities over 50,000; submission to...
13-1214 Same; ordinance. - 13-1214. Same; ordinance. When the governing body of any city...
13-1215 Same; limitation. - 13-1215. Same; limitation. The amount of the bonds which may...
13-1216 Railway franchise in cities over 75,000; election. - 13-1216. Railway franchise in cities over 75,000; election. Any city...
13-1217 Same; ordinance. - 13-1217. Same; ordinance. The ordinances granting such privileges shall be...
13-1220 Board of public utilities, any city; administrative agency, duties. - 13-1220. Board of public utilities, any city; administrative agency, duties....
13-1221 Same; membership; term; elected officers and secretary; vacancies; elections by district. - 13-1221. Same; membership; term; elected officers and secretary; vacancies; elections...
13-1221a Same; ratification of prior appointments. - 13-1221a. Same; ratification of prior appointments. The appointment of any...
13-1222 Same; meetings, records, quorum, salary and expenses, qualifications. - 13-1222. Same; meetings, records, quorum, salary and expenses, qualifications. The...
13-1223 Same; powers and duties of board; purchasing agent, powers and duties; governing body of city, powers and duties; ability to sue and be sued; personal liability of member or employee of board. - 13-1223. Same; powers and duties of board; purchasing agent, powers...
13-1223a Same; collection of sewer service charges. - 13-1223a. Same; collection of sewer service charges. The board of...
13-1224 Same; manager of production and distribution; qualifications; duties; salary; bond. - 13-1224. Same; manager of production and distribution; qualifications; duties; salary;...
13-1225 Same; manager of collections and accounts; qualifications; duties; bonds. - 13-1225. Same; manager of collections and accounts; qualifications; duties; bonds....
13-1226 Same; how appointments made; legal services to be provided by city attorney's office. - 13-1226. Same; how appointments made; legal services to be provided...
13-1227 Same; water rates; fire hydrants. - 13-1227. Same; water rates; fire hydrants. The board of public...
13-1228 Same; electricity rates; street lighting equipment and traffic signal equipment. - 13-1228. Same; electricity rates; street lighting equipment and traffic signal...
13-1228a Board of public utilities; rate increases; notice; procedure. - 13-1228a. Board of public utilities; rate increases; notice; procedure. Prior...
13-1228b Same; definitions. - 13-1228b. Same; definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Party"...
13-1228c Same; application for review. - 13-1228c. Same; application for review. Not later than 30 days...
13-1228d Same; notice of review. - 13-1228d. Same; notice of review. Upon the application for review...
13-1228e Same; delivery of transcript to court; review by district court. - 13-1228e. Same; delivery of transcript to court; review by district...
13-1228f Same; stay or suspension of increase. - 13-1228f. Same; stay or suspension of increase. Upon request of...
13-1228g Same; duty of court. - 13-1228g. Same; duty of court. If the court finds the...
13-1228h Same; appeal to court of appeals. - 13-1228h. Same; appeal to court of appeals. The state court...
13-1228i Same; pending actions. - 13-1228i. Same; pending actions. All parties to any proceeding before...
13-1228j Same; invalidity of part. - 13-1228j. Same; invalidity of part. If any provision of this...
13-1229 Same; use and investment of sinking funds; record and report. - 13-1229. Same; use and investment of sinking funds; record and...
13-1230 Same; treasurer; duties; bond. - 13-1230. Same; treasurer; duties; bond. The treasurer of the city...
13-1231 Same; bonds; election. - 13-1231. Same; bonds; election. In case the board of public...
13-1232 Same; general obligation bonds; limitations. - 13-1232. Same; general obligation bonds; limitations. The amount of general...
13-1234a Same; invalidity of part. - 13-1234a. Same; invalidity of part. If any provision contained in...
13-1234b Bonds for street lighting and traffic signals in certain first class cities. - 13-1234b. Bonds for street lighting and traffic signals in certain...
13-1234c Same; cost estimates, plans and specifications. - 13-1234c. Same; cost estimates, plans and specifications. Before any equipment...
13-1234d Same; limitations. - 13-1234d. Same; limitations. No city shall be authorized to issue...
13-1235 Power to grant right to furnish electric energy to certain customers in cities over 110,000; application. - 13-1235. Power to grant right to furnish electric energy to...
13-1236 Sale of electric energy by private utility to customer within city not served by municipal utility; ordinance; limitations; term. - 13-1236. Sale of electric energy by private utility to customer...
13-1237 Same; certain contracts prohibited; exception. - 13-1237. Same; certain contracts prohibited; exception. This act shall not...
13-1238 Revenue bonds for public levees, docks, wharves, terminals and related facilities in cities over 115,000; additional bonds. - 13-1238. Revenue bonds for public levees, docks, wharves, terminals and...
13-1239 Same; definition; recitals; negotiability. - 13-1239. Same; definition; recitals; negotiability. Revenue bonds, as the term...
13-1240 Same; city not obligated; sale to federal government; lien on revenues. - 13-1240. Same; city not obligated; sale to federal government; lien...
13-1241 Same; maturity; tax levy not authorized. - 13-1241. Same; maturity; tax levy not authorized. Revenue bonds issued...
13-1242 Same; payment; rates and charges; sinking fund. - 13-1242. Same; payment; rates and charges; sinking fund. Provision shall...
13-1243 Same; contracts; rentals; conditions and safeguards; annual audit, filing. - 13-1243. Same; contracts; rentals; conditions and safeguards; annual audit, filing....
13-1244 Same; limitation. - 13-1244. Same; limitation. In no case in which revenue bonds...
13-1245 Same; act supplemental. - 13-1245. Same; act supplemental. The powers herein granted shall be...
13-1246 Retirement pension plan for employees and dependents in cities over 120,000; agreement. - 13-1246. Retirement pension plan for employees and dependents in cities...
13-1246a Board of pension trustees in certain cities over 120,000; composition; contributions for operation of plans; costs of increased pensions; agreements between pension board and public utilities board as to assets and property; powers of pensio... - 13-1246a. Board of pension trustees in certain cities over 120,000;...
13-1249 Same; rules and regulations. - 13-1249. Same; rules and regulations. The governing body of any...
13-1250a Federal old-age and survivors insurance for employees in cities over 120,000; referendum. - 13-1250a. Federal old-age and survivors insurance for employees in cities...
13-1250b Same; contributions. - 13-1250b. Same; contributions. The contributions for the cost of the...
13-1250c Same; agreements. - 13-1250c. Same; agreements. Any agreement or agreements necessary to provide...
13-1252 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities over 120,000; definitions. - 13-1252. Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities...
13-1253 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities over 120,000; utility rates, fees and charges; refunding revenue bonds. - 13-1253. Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities...
13-1254 Same; revenue fund; use. - 13-1254. Same; revenue fund; use. Revenues derived from the operation...
13-1255 Same; liens on revenues of utility; recitals; negotiability. - 13-1255. Same; liens on revenues of utility; recitals; negotiability. Such...
13-1257 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities; terms; limitation. - 13-1257. Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities;...
13-1258 Same; payment of bonds; rates, fees or charges; covenants, agreements and restrictions. - 13-1258. Same; payment of bonds; rates, fees or charges; covenants,...
13-1259 Same; issuance of bonds; publication notice; protest; election. - 13-1259. Same; issuance of bonds; publication notice; protest; election. The...
13-1260 Same; issuance of bonds; duties of city officers; election; expenses. - 13-1260. Same; issuance of bonds; duties of city officers; election;...
13-1261 Same; repairs and improvements of utility; compliance with federal acts or rules. - 13-1261. Same; repairs and improvements of utility; compliance with federal...
13-1263 Same; act supplemental. - 13-1263. Same; act supplemental. The power herein granted to issue...
13-1264 Same; invalidity of part. - 13-1264. Same; invalidity of part. If any provision contained in...
13-1269 Certain cities over 100,000; transfer of revenues to certain other funds; adjustment of rates. - 13-1269. Certain cities over 100,000; transfer of revenues to certain...
13-1270 Same; utilities having bonded indebtedness. - 13-1270. Same; utilities having bonded indebtedness. The above power of...
13-1271 Same; transfer of funds; limitation. - 13-1271. Same; transfer of funds; limitation. In the cities herein...
13-1272 Same; transfer of funds; determination of amount. - 13-1272. Same; transfer of funds; determination of amount. The determination...
13-1273 Same; transfer of funds not authorized if general obligation bonds outstanding; exceptions. - 13-1273. Same; transfer of funds not authorized if general obligation...
13-1274 Same; allocation of transferred moneys. - 13-1274. Same; allocation of transferred moneys. The governing bodies of...
13-1275 Transfer of ownership and control over certain township water systems to certain cities; conditions; powers and obligations of city or board of public utilities. - 13-1275. Transfer of ownership and control over certain township water...
13-1276 Same; determination as to customers and outstanding bonds. - 13-1276. Same; determination as to customers and outstanding bonds. For...
13-1277 Same; transfer of properties and funds to city. - 13-1277. Same; transfer of properties and funds to city. Whenever...
13-1278 Same; township tax for bond and debt service cost. - 13-1278. Same; township tax for bond and debt service cost....
Article 13 - Parks, Parkways, Boulevards And Playgrounds
13-1324 Assessments for sidewalks and sodding; plans and specifications; scrip to contractor. - 13-1324. Assessments for sidewalks and sodding; plans and specifications; scrip...
13-1325 Sodding; scrip to contractors; special assessments. - 13-1325. Sodding; scrip to contractors; special assessments. The board of...
13-1326 Change of grade; eminent domain proceedings. - 13-1326. Change of grade; eminent domain proceedings. Before the grade...
13-1327 Assessments for change of grade. - 13-1327. Assessments for change of grade. Whenever the board of...
13-1328 Notice of assessment; correction. - 13-1328. Notice of assessment; correction. Within ten days after the...
13-1329 Cost paid from fund of district. - 13-1329. Cost paid from fund of district. The cost of...
13-1330 Reimprovements; construction of bridges. - 13-1330. Reimprovements; construction of bridges. The board of park commissioners...
13-1331 Contracts, bids, plans and specifications; time for levy. - 13-1331. Contracts, bids, plans and specifications; time for levy. All...
13-1332 When bonds may be issued; notice. - 13-1332. When bonds may be issued; notice. No board of...
13-1333 Limitation of action to contest assessment. - 13-1333. Limitation of action to contest assessment. No suit or...
13-1334 Streets through parks; railroads; transmission lines. - 13-1334. Streets through parks; railroads; transmission lines. No roads nor...
13-1335 Grants of property for parks; management. - 13-1335. Grants of property for parks; management. Real or personal...
13-1336 Changes at intersections. - 13-1336. Changes at intersections. When the construction or improvement of...
13-1337 Duty of city officers to assist board. - 13-1337. Duty of city officers to assist board. It shall...
13-1338 Duty of city treasurer. - 13-1338. Duty of city treasurer. The city treasurer shall keep...
13-1339 Police power of city; police officers. - 13-1339. Police power of city; police officers. Nothing in this...
13-1340 Bridge over navigable river. - 13-1340. Bridge over navigable river. Nothing in this act shall...
13-1341 Lights. - 13-1341. Lights. It shall be the duty of the governing...
13-1342 Sewers. - 13-1342. Sewers. It shall be the duty of the governing...
13-1343 Contractor's bond. - 13-1343. Contractor's bond. All contractors shall give bond for the...
13-1344 Reassessment and relevy. - 13-1344. Reassessment and relevy. In case the board of park...
13-1345 Existing contracts. - 13-1345. Existing contracts. Nothing contained in this act shall invalidate...
13-1346 Park commissioners in cities between 30,000 and 125,000 and cities over 150,000. - 13-1346. Park commissioners in cities between 30,000 and 125,000 and...
13-1347 Same; appointment; terms; removal. - 13-1347. Same; appointment; terms; removal. The governing body of any...
13-1348 Same; powers. - 13-1348. Same; powers. Except as provided in K.S.A. 3-167, when...
13-1348a Park commissioners or airport authority in certain cities; issuance of bonds for park, parkway, boulevard or airport purposes; election; pledge of income from airport facility, effect. - 13-1348a. Park commissioners or airport authority in certain cities; issuance...
13-1348b Certain cities over 250,000; lease of real estate for airport purposes, when; limitation. - 13-1348b. Certain cities over 250,000; lease of real estate for...
13-1348c Investment of airport funds of certain cities; disposition of interest. - 13-1348c. Investment of airport funds of certain cities; disposition of...
13-1348d Cities over 200,000; special recreation facilities reserve account; use. - 13-1348d. Cities over 200,000; special recreation facilities reserve account; use....
13-1349 Same; salaries. - 13-1349. Same; salaries. Said board of park commissioners shall receive...
13-1350 Same; act supplemental. - 13-1350. Same; act supplemental. This act is supplemental to existing...
13-1351 Publication of notices and resolutions. - 13-1351. Publication of notices and resolutions. All resolutions of the...
13-1352 Power to issue bonds. - 13-1352. Power to issue bonds. The board of park commissioners...
13-1353 Board may acquire lands outside of cities; sale of bonds. - 13-1353. Board may acquire lands outside of cities; sale of...
13-1354 Clerk of board may administer oaths. - 13-1354. Clerk of board may administer oaths. The clerk of...
13-1355 Effect of act of 1909. - 13-1355. Effect of act of 1909. Nothing contained in this...
13-1356 Cities of over 110,000; control of military memorial parks and fields. - 13-1356. Cities of over 110,000; control of military memorial parks...
13-1357 Same; lease to board of education; term; uses. - 13-1357. Same; lease to board of education; term; uses. The...
13-1358 Same; name. - 13-1358. Same; name. The governing body of such city shall...
13-1374 Parking stations; definitions; eminent domain. - 13-1374. Parking stations; definitions; eminent domain. As used in this...
13-1375 Same; benefit districts; survey; costs. - 13-1375. Same; benefit districts; survey; costs. A benefit district shall...
13-1376 Same; petition; limitation of actions. - 13-1376. Same; petition; limitation of actions. After a benefit district...
13-1377 Same; title to land. - 13-1377. Same; title to land. Title to the land condemned...
13-1378 Same; estimate of costs filed with city clerk; benefit assessment; publication notice; limitation of actions. - 13-1378. Same; estimate of costs filed with city clerk; benefit...
13-1379 Same; costs; installments and interest; tax levy; special assessments; revenue bonds; leasing of parking facilities; method of operation; revenue from parking meters. - 13-1379. Same; costs; installments and interest; tax levy; special assessments;...
13-1380 Same; bonds. - 13-1380. Same; bonds. Bonds of such city may be issued...
13-1380a Same; maintenance and policing by city; charges. - 13-1380a. Same; maintenance and policing by city; charges. After any...
13-1380b Same; discontinuance. - 13-1380b. Same; discontinuance. If any parking station so acquired and...
13-1381 Same; invalidity of part. - 13-1381. Same; invalidity of part. If any part or parts,...
13-1385 Certain cities over 165,000; purchase and improvement of real estate for parks; bonds. - 13-1385. Certain cities over 165,000; purchase and improvement of real...
13-1386 Same; resolution. - 13-1386. Same; resolution. Before the issuance of any such bonds...
13-1387 Same; bond election; validation of prior proceedings. - 13-1387. Same; bond election; validation of prior proceedings. All bonds...
13-1388 Off-street parking facilities, acquisition and dispositions; use for other purposes. - 13-1388. Off-street parking facilities, acquisition and dispositions; use for other...
13-1389 Same; survey and investigation; resolution, contents; costs, how paid; limitation of actions. - 13-1389. Same; survey and investigation; resolution, contents; costs, how paid;...
13-1390 Same; revenue bonds; rates, fees and operation. - 13-1390. Same; revenue bonds; rates, fees and operation. Whenever the...
13-1391 Same; revenue bonds; terms; use of funds; operating expenses. - 13-1391. Same; revenue bonds; terms; use of funds; operating expenses....
13-1392 Same; pledge of certain revenues. - 13-1392. Same; pledge of certain revenues. In the event that...
13-1395 Revenue bonds for revenue producing swimming pools and golf courses in cities over 200,000. - 13-1395. Revenue bonds for revenue producing swimming pools and golf...
13-1396 Same; payment exclusively from revenues derived from operations. - 13-1396. Same; payment exclusively from revenues derived from operations. Bonds...
13-1397 Same; revenues to separate fund; use. - 13-1397. Same; revenues to separate fund; use. Revenues derived from...
13-1398 Same; bonds lien upon revenue, recitals; verity; negotiability; outside bonded debt limitations. - 13-1398. Same; bonds lien upon revenue, recitals; verity; negotiability; outside...
13-1399 Same; sale restrictions. - 13-1399. Same; sale restrictions. Bonds issued under this act shall...
13-13,100 Same; terms. - 13-13,100. Same; terms. Revenue bonds issued under the provisions of...
13-13,101 Same; contracts, powers of board of park commissioners; notice of bond issue; protest petition; election, when. - 13-13,101. Same; contracts, powers of board of park commissioners; notice...
Article 13a - Municipal Universities
13-13a03 Established municipal university; management and control; rights and powers. - 13-13a03. Established municipal university; management and control; rights and powers....
13-13a04 Board of regents; composition; appointment; qualifications; resignations; vacancies. - 13-13a04. Board of regents; composition; appointment; qualifications; resignations; vacancies. (a)...
13-13a05 Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence requirements; terms of office. - 13-13a05. Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence...
13-13a06 Board members appointed by governor; terms of office. - 13-13a06. Board members appointed by governor; terms of office. (a)...
13-13a08 Oath of board of regents; service without compensation; organization; quorum. - 13-13a08. Oath of board of regents; service without compensation; organization;...
13-13a09 Rules and regulations by board of regents; tuition and charges. - 13-13a09. Rules and regulations by board of regents; tuition and...
13-13a11 Management of university; authority of regents. - 13-13a11. Management of university; authority of regents. Such board of...
13-13a12 Employment of president and other employees by regents; delegation of authority. - 13-13a12. Employment of president and other employees by regents; delegation...
13-13a13 Powers of regents to receive and hold property; endowments. - 13-13a13. Powers of regents to receive and hold property; endowments....
13-13a14 Use of university property for other than university purposes; rules governing. - 13-13a14. Use of university property for other than university purposes;...
13-13a16 Courses of study and degrees; regulation by regents; disposition of fees. - 13-13a16. Courses of study and degrees; regulation by regents; disposition...
13-13a17 Cooperation between governmental agencies and board of regents. - 13-13a17. Cooperation between governmental agencies and board of regents. The...
13-13a18 Tax levy for support of university; pensions; retirement of bonds; tax sheltered annuities; sinking fund; limitations; tax levy additional to 13-13a23. - 13-13a18. Tax levy for support of university; pensions; retirement of...
13-13a19 Additional powers and authority; construction of act. - 13-13a19. Additional powers and authority; construction of act. All other...
13-13a20 Annual report of regents. - 13-13a20. Annual report of regents. The board of regents of...
13-13a20a Invalidity of part. - 13-13a20a. Invalidity of part. If any section or provision of...
13-13a21 Property to be held in name of university. - 13-13a21. Property to be held in name of university. All...
13-13a23 Bond issues authorized; limitations; sinking fund; tax levies; accumulation of fund for buildings; permanent improvements or capitalized equipment; expenditures. - 13-13a23. Bond issues authorized; limitations; sinking fund; tax levies; accumulation...
13-13a24 Extension of taxing district; petition; election; eligible voters. - 13-13a24. Extension of taxing district; petition; election; eligible voters. (a)...
13-13a35 Regulations and control of traffic and parking at Washburn university of Topeka; control under board of regents; issuance of permits and allocation of space; fees; removal and impounding of vehicles, when; lien. - 13-13a35. Regulations and control of traffic and parking at Washburn...
13-13a36 Same; rules and regulations; posting speed limits. - 13-13a36. Same; rules and regulations; posting speed limits. The board...
13-13a37 Same; fees; use. - 13-13a37. Same; fees; use. The board may provide for the...
13-13a38 Imposition of countywide sales tax. - 13-13a38. Imposition of countywide sales tax. (a) The board of...
13-13a39 Same; additional sales subject to tax. - 13-13a39. Same; additional sales subject to tax. The following sales...
13-13a40 Definitions. - 13-13a40. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "University" means...
13-13a41 Grants; eligibility and amount; determination of FTE enrollment; limitation on use. - 13-13a41. Grants; eligibility and amount; determination of FTE enrollment; limitation...
13-13a42 Certification of credit hours; reports; forms; residence requirements; rules and regulations. - 13-13a42. Certification of credit hours; reports; forms; residence requirements; rules...
13-13a43 Payment of grants; disposition and use of grant moneys. - 13-13a43. Payment of grants; disposition and use of grant moneys....
13-13a44 State board of regents member on Washburn board. - 13-13a44. State board of regents member on Washburn board. At...
13-13a45 Limitations on university while receiving grants. - 13-13a45. Limitations on university while receiving grants. The university shall...
13-13a46 Eligibility for grants; current membership in north central association of colleges and universities required. - 13-13a46. Eligibility for grants; current membership in north central association...
13-13a47 Mission and goal statement, review; core indicators of quality performance, identification and approval; compliance effectiveness. - 13-13a47. Mission and goal statement, review; core indicators of quality...
Article 14 - Miscellaneous Provisions
13-1407 Security for costs or stay or supersedeas bond. - 13-1407. Security for costs or stay or supersedeas bond. The...
13-1410 Council meetings. - 13-1410. Council meetings. Regular meetings of the council shall be...
13-1417 Abatement of nuisances. - 13-1417. Abatement of nuisances. Any city may bring an action...
13-1425 Indebtedness of second-class city upon change to first class. - 13-1425. Indebtedness of second-class city upon change to first class....
13-1497 Pension funds for certain employees in cities between 120,000 and 200,000. - 13-1497. Pension funds for certain employees in cities between 120,000...
13-1497a Same; federal old-age and survivors insurance for such employees; referendum; exception. - 13-1497a. Same; federal old-age and survivors insurance for such employees;...
13-1498 Same; retirement, when; amount. - 13-1498. Same; retirement, when; amount. The governing body of any...
13-1499 Same; persons eligible for retirement; application; ordinance; amount. - 13-1499. Same; persons eligible for retirement; application; ordinance; amount. Any...
13-1499a Same; modification of benefits upon extension of federal social security act. - 13-1499a. Same; modification of benefits upon extension of federal social...
13-14,100 Same; tax levy, use of proceeds; employee benefits contribution fund. - 13-14,100. Same; tax levy, use of proceeds; employee benefits contribution...
13-14,101 Same; employee's duties. - 13-14,101. Same; employee's duties. Any elective or appointive officer or...
13-14,102 Same; exemptions. - 13-14,102. Same; exemptions. Any payments made or to be made,...
13-14,103 Same; contributions; record. - 13-14,103. Same; contributions; record. All elective or appointive city officers...
13-14,104 Same; refund of contributions upon termination of employment, when; extension of benefits to certain employees. - 13-14,104. Same; refund of contributions upon termination of employment, when;...
13-14,105 Same; credit for prior years' service. - 13-14,105. Same; credit for prior years' service. All elective and...
13-14,106 Retirement system for employees in certain cities over 175,000; salary deductions; monthly retirement allowance. - 13-14,106. Retirement system for employees in certain cities over 175,000;...
13-14,107 Same; tax levy, use of proceeds; miscellaneous funds; employee benefits contribution fund. - 13-14,107. Same; tax levy, use of proceeds; miscellaneous funds; employee...
Article 14a - Employees' Retirement Systems
13-14a01 Definition. - 13-14a01. Definition. The word "duty" or "duties" as used in...
13-14a02 Pension fund for each police and fire department required; creation, maintenance and funding standards; payment from tax levy or employee benefits contribution fund. - 13-14a02. Pension fund for each police and fire department required;...
13-14a03 Benefit and disability benefit rights under prior laws saved. - 13-14a03. Benefit and disability benefit rights under prior laws saved....
13-14a04 Board of trustees for each fund; term; president and secretary; treasurer; attorney. - 13-14a04. Board of trustees for each fund; term; president and...
13-14a05 Pension funds; designation; tax levies, when; investment of funds. - 13-14a05. Pension funds; designation; tax levies, when; investment of funds....
13-14a06 Membership fee and contributions by officers and members of department; refunds; limitations. - 13-14a06. Membership fee and contributions by officers and members of...
13-14a07 Payment to spouses or children of deceased policemen or firemen. - 13-14a07. Payment to spouses or children of deceased policemen or...
13-14a08 Payments upon retirement or discharge from police or fire department. - 13-14a08. Payments upon retirement or discharge from police or fire...
13-14a09 Permanent disability benefits. - 13-14a09. Permanent disability benefits. Any officer or member of any...
13-14a10 Exemption of certain pension and benefit funds from taxes and civil liability; exceptions, qualified domestic relations orders. - 13-14a10. Exemption of certain pension and benefit funds from taxes...
13-14a11 Funeral expenses. - 13-14a11. Funeral expenses. Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 2001...
13-14a12 How pensions and benefits paid; annual report. - 13-14a12. How pensions and benefits paid; annual report. All pensions...
13-14a13 Service in military forces may be credited on retirement time. - 13-14a13. Service in military forces may be credited on retirement...
13-14a14 Invalidity of part. - 13-14a14. Invalidity of part. If any provision of this act...
Article 14b - Hospitals
13-14b01 Acquisition of site, building and equipment; bond election; issuance of bonds. - 13-14b01. Acquisition of site, building and equipment; bond election; issuance...
13-14b02 Same; board of trustees authorized; lease or rental. - 13-14b02. Same; board of trustees authorized; lease or rental. Upon...
13-14b03 Same; federal aid and donations or gifts. - 13-14b03. Same; federal aid and donations or gifts. The governing...
13-14b05 Same; eminent domain. - 13-14b05. Same; eminent domain. If the governing body of a...
13-14b06 Same; plans for hospital buildings. - 13-14b06. Same; plans for hospital buildings. No hospital buildings shall...
13-14b07 Same; training school for nurses. - 13-14b07. Same; training school for nurses. A training school for...
13-14b08 Same; additional bonds; election; limitation laws inapplicable. - 13-14b08. Same; additional bonds; election; limitation laws inapplicable. The governing...
13-14b09 Management of hospital by board of trustees; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies. - 13-14b09. Management of hospital by board of trustees; membership; appointment;...
13-14b10 Same; oath of trustees; officers; bond of treasurer. - 13-14b10. Same; oath of trustees; officers; bond of treasurer. Within...
13-14b11 Same; rules and regulations; employee benefit plans; investments in certain mutual insurance companies; expenditures for recruitment or retention of professional staff; administrator contracts; board members serve without compensation; annua... - 13-14b11. Same; rules and regulations; employee benefit plans; investments in...
13-14b12 Creation of board of trustees; tax levy, use of proceeds; special improvement fund. - 13-14b12. Creation of board of trustees; tax levy, use of...
13-14b13 Hospital maintenance and operation; emergency warrants. - 13-14b13. Hospital maintenance and operation; emergency warrants. During the year...
13-14b14 Investment of special improvement funds. - 13-14b14. Investment of special improvement funds. The board of trustees...
13-14b15 Bonds for addition to hospital and improvements; election, when. - 13-14b15. Bonds for addition to hospital and improvements; election, when....
Article 17 - Election And Removal Of Officers
13-1702 Change in classification of city from second to first class, effective, when; election of city officials. - 13-1702. Change in classification of city from second to first...
13-1708 Commissioners in cities of less than 20,000. - 13-1708. Commissioners in cities of less than 20,000. All cities...
Article 19 - General Powers Of Board Of Commissioners
13-1903 Viaducts over or tunnels under streets; proceeding to require railroads to construct; costs; penalty for violation. - 13-1903. Viaducts over or tunnels under streets; proceeding to require...
13-1904 Control and regulation of railroads on streets. - 13-1904. Control and regulation of railroads on streets. The board...
Article 24 - Waterworks Department
13-2401 General powers and duties of commissioners. - 13-2401. General powers and duties of commissioners. In each city...
13-2402 Superintendent; duties; salary; bond; contract for management; term; ratification, when. - 13-2402. Superintendent; duties; salary; bond; contract for management; term; ratification,...
13-2403 Secretary-cashier; duties; reports; bond; salary. - 13-2403. Secretary-cashier; duties; reports; bond; salary. Said board may appoint...
13-2404 Appointment of officers and employees; merit basis. - 13-2404. Appointment of officers and employees; merit basis. In making...
13-2405 Fixing water rates; basis. - 13-2405. Fixing water rates; basis. Said board of commissioners shall...
13-2406 Sinking fund to pay bonded debt; investment; records and report. - 13-2406. Sinking fund to pay bonded debt; investment; records and...
13-2407 Use of sinking fund to extend water system. - 13-2407. Use of sinking fund to extend water system. Laws...
13-2408 Deposit and use of revenue; transfer of moneys, when. - 13-2408. Deposit and use of revenue; transfer of moneys, when....
13-2409 Extension of mains; contracts; water rate surcharges or cash connection charges. - 13-2409. Extension of mains; contracts; water rate surcharges or cash...
13-2409a Improvements and facilities; resales; regulation of certain lines and facilities. - 13-2409a. Improvements and facilities; resales; regulation of certain lines and...
13-2410 Meters and lateral service pipes. - 13-2410. Meters and lateral service pipes. The board of commissioners...
13-2411 Meters and lateral pipes in cities less than 25,000, when; cost. - 13-2411. Meters and lateral pipes in cities less than 25,000,...
13-2412 Free use of water and discrimination unlawful. - 13-2412. Free use of water and discrimination unlawful. No person,...
13-2414 Leavenworth waterworks board. - 13-2414. Leavenworth waterworks board. This act shall apply to the...
13-2414a Same; ratification of board's actions. - 13-2414a. Same; ratification of board's actions. (a) Any ordinance adopted...
13-2415 Same; election; petition. - 13-2415. Same; election; petition. Cities coming under the provisions of...
13-2416 Same; members; election; term; vacancies; bonds. - 13-2416. Same; members; election; term; vacancies; bonds. If the election...
13-2417 Same; meetings; rules; records; quorum; qualifications. - 13-2417. Same; meetings; rules; records; quorum; qualifications. The board shall...
13-2418 Same; powers and duties; employees; eminent domain; rules and regulations. - 13-2418. Same; powers and duties; employees; eminent domain; rules and...
13-2419 Same; manager of production and distribution; appointment; salary; qualifications; duties; bond. - 13-2419. Same; manager of production and distribution; appointment; salary; qualifications;...
13-2420 Same; manager of collections and accounts; appointment; qualifications; duties; reports; salary; bond; assistants; bonds. - 13-2420. Same; manager of collections and accounts; appointment; qualifications; duties;...
13-2421 Same; appointments to be on basis of merits; tenure of office. - 13-2421. Same; appointments to be on basis of merits; tenure...
13-2422 Same; rates for water; how determined; sinking fund. - 13-2422. Same; rates for water; how determined; sinking fund. The...
13-2423 Same; sinking fund to pay bonds; investment; records and reports. - 13-2423. Same; sinking fund to pay bonds; investment; records and...
13-2424 Same; treasurer of board; duties; bond. - 13-2424. Same; treasurer of board; duties; bond. The treasurer of...
13-2425 Same; bonds; election. - 13-2425. Same; bonds; election. In case said waterworks board shall...
13-2426 Same; limitation; lien upon plant. - 13-2426. Same; limitation; lien upon plant. The amount of the...
13-2427 Same; powers and duties under other acts. - 13-2427. Same; powers and duties under other acts. All other...
13-2428 Same; powers and duties transferred; waterworks board retains upon adoption of city manager plan. - 13-2428. Same; powers and duties transferred; waterworks board retains upon...
13-2429 Use of certain lands acquired by waterworks board for parking facilities; return of property, when. - 13-2429. Use of certain lands acquired by waterworks board for...
Article 29 - Commission Form Of Government; Miscellaneous Provisions
13-2904 Sections not repealed; exercise of powers and duties therein conferred. - 13-2904. Sections not repealed; exercise of powers and duties therein...
Article 31 - Public Transportation
13-3101 Transit systems in cities over 225,000; findings; resolution; election, notice; operation; transit system defined. - 13-3101. Transit systems in cities over 225,000; findings; resolution; election,...
13-3102 Same; exercise of authority by city. - 13-3102. Same; exercise of authority by city. Such city so...
13-3103 Same; employees. - 13-3103. Same; employees. The city manager of such city may...
13-3104 Same; powers to conduct system. - 13-3104. Same; powers to conduct system. The governing body of...
13-3105 Same; extension of system outside city. - 13-3105. Same; extension of system outside city. Any such city...
13-3106 Same; leasing provisions. - 13-3106. Same; leasing provisions. The governing body of any such...
13-3107 Same; eminent domain. - 13-3107. Same; eminent domain. The power of eminent domain is...
13-3108 Same; costs; tax levy, use of proceeds. - 13-3108. Same; costs; tax levy, use of proceeds. Any such...
13-3109 Same; agreements with federal government. - 13-3109. Same; agreements with federal government. Any such city is...
13-3110 Same; extension of service outside county; approval of corporation commission. - 13-3110. Same; extension of service outside county; approval of corporation...
13-3111 Same; issuance of revenue bonds; refunding bonds. - 13-3111. Same; issuance of revenue bonds; refunding bonds. The governing...
13-3112 Same; payment of bonds; pledges. - 13-3112. Same; payment of bonds; pledges. Any such bonds shall...
13-3113 Same; issuance of bonds. - 13-3113. Same; issuance of bonds. Any such revenue bonds shall...
13-3114 Same; tax exemptions for bonds. - 13-3114. Same; tax exemptions for bonds. Bonds issued under this...
13-3115 Same; certain laws inapplicable to operation of system. - 13-3115. Same; certain laws inapplicable to operation of system. The...
13-3116 Same; invalidity of part. - 13-3116. Same; invalidity of part. If any part or application...