Kansas Statutes
Article 10 - Public Improvements
13-10,115 Major traffic streets in certain cities in counties over 120,000; resolution; protests; election; temporary notes and bonds; special assessments and payments by city.

13-10,115. Major traffic streets in certain cities in counties over 120,000; resolution; protests; election; temporary notes and bonds; special assessments and payments by city. The governing body of any city located in a county having a population of more than 120,000 and an assessed tangible valuation of more than $150,000,000 may by resolution declare any street to be in its opinion a major traffic street and declare its intention of improving or reimproving such street. Such resolution shall describe in general terms the improvement or reimprovement to be made and shall provide that the cost or a stated percentage of the cost thereof shall be paid by the city at large out of the fund for the improvement and maintenance of streets or by the issuance of bonds. The resolution shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official city paper. If, within 90 days after the last publication of the resolution, there is filed in the office of city clerk a protest signed by qualified electors equal in number to not less than 2% of those who voted at the last general city election, an election shall be called and held within 90 days after the filing of the protest.
The protest shall be signed personally by each person protesting and shall give the street address of such signer. The protest need not all be on one sheet but each sheet shall bear an affidavit of one of the qualified signers of the protest (whose name need not be on the particular sheet) that the qualified signer personally saw each person whose signature purports to be on the sheet sign the protest and that the person who signed the protest was the person whose name such person signed.
The election procedure shall be substantially as provided for bond elections in K.S.A. 10-120, and amendments thereto. An estimate of the cost of the improvement may or may not be included in the resolution and in the notice of election and in the proposition as stated on the ballot. If no sufficient protest is filed or if there is an election and a majority of those voting at the election vote in favor of the improvement, the governing body shall by ordinance provide for the improvement.
If the cost is to be paid by bonds, temporary notes may be issued as provided by K.S.A. 10-123, and amendments thereto, during the progress of the work, and after the improvement is completed and the total cost ascertained, bonds shall be issued by ordinance. If only a percentage (which shall not be less than 50%) of the cost is paid by the city, the remaining cost shall be assessed against the adjacent real property, without regard to the value of the improvements, to the middle of the block on either side and, as to unplatted territory, as provided in K.S.A. 12-606, and amendments thereto, without regard to grading district and not by blocks. The portion of the cost to be assessed against the property in the improvement district shall be apportioned in the manner provided in K.S.A. 12-608 or 12-6a08, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1945, ch. 131, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 77, § 1; L. 1981, ch. 173, § 36; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 13 - Cities Of The First Class

Article 10 - Public Improvements

13-1008d Sidewalks in cities of 60,000 or more; special assessments.

13-1008e Same; petition; resolution.

13-1008f Same; how cost assessed.

13-1008g Same; payment in full by property owner; notice; bond issue.

13-1008h Same; how assessment levied; temporary notes.

13-1010 Connecting street with paved road; assessments.

13-1011 Street and alley improvements; resolution; assessments; petition, when; bonds; notice of assessment; cancellation of proceedings, when.

13-1011f Improvement of streets abutting school grounds; bonds.

13-1013 System of sewerage and drainage; districts; cost; assessments.

13-1014 Right-of-way for sewerage.

13-1015 Condemnation of right-of-way.

13-1016 Consent to acquisition of way; cost of condemnation.

13-1017 Estimate of cost of improvements; contracts; bids; bond issue, when.

13-1018f Cities of 95,000; system of sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds.

13-1018g Same; duties and authority of governing body.

13-1018h Same; right to acquire land.

13-1018i Cities of 95,000 or more; sewage-disposal works; cost; bonds.

13-1018j Same; tax levy; election; when; when charges to be made for use of system.

13-1018k Same; invalidity of part.

13-1018l Cities over 120,000; sewers on publicly owned ground; bonds; limitations.

13-1023 For what purposes private property may be purchased or condemned.

13-1024a General improvements and land therefor; borrowing money and bond issues; when election required.

13-1024b Same; construction of bridge or viaduct within or without city; agreements with other bodies; acquisition of land; bonds; election, when; tax levies; payment of county's share.

13-1024c Cities over 200,000; issuance of bonds for public improvements; limitation.

13-1026 Bridges or viaducts in cities over 60,000; bonds.

13-1029 Sewer districts for pumping stations and sewers; assessments and bonds.

13-1030 Same; condemnation, bonds and assessments for sewer right of way.

13-1038 Street improvements; resolution; bonds.

13-1039 Same; making of such improvements.

13-1040 Same; costs; assessments; bonds (cities between 15,000 and 110,000).

13-1042 Reimprovement of streets in cities of over 95,000.

13-1055a Sanitary interceptor or main storm sewers or drains in first-class cities; expenses and plans for construction; bids.

13-1055b Same; bonds; limitations; retirement.

13-1056 Cities of 25,000; floodgates in sewers; intercepting sewers; pumping plants.

13-1057 Same; bonds; limitation.

13-1057b Cities less than 11,500 and cities between 17,500 and 25,000; storm sewers or drains.

13-1057c Same; expense paid by city.

13-1057d Same; bonds.

13-1057e Same; powers of governing body.

13-1074 Authority to lease levee property in cities over 100,000.

13-1075 Same; purpose; term.

13-1076 Same; reservations.

13-1077 Same; improvements to be approved by governing body.

13-10,107 Sewers and sewage disposal outside certain cities; contracts; benefit district, conditions.

13-10,108 Same; eminent domain; bonds.

13-10,109 Same; special assessments; regulation by city.

13-10,115 Major traffic streets in certain cities in counties over 120,000; resolution; protests; election; temporary notes and bonds; special assessments and payments by city.

13-10,116 Same; state and federal cooperation.

13-10,117 Same; what improvements include.

13-10,118 Same; act is supplemental.

13-10,119 Cities of 60,000 or more; repair of paved streets; cost estimate.

13-10,120 Same; contracts; equipment.

13-10,121 Same; bonds.

13-10,122 Same; limitations.

13-10,123 Cities between 120,000 and 200,000; repair of paved streets; cost estimate.

13-10,124 Same; contracts; equipment.

13-10,125 Same; bonds.

13-10,126 Same; limitation.

13-10,128 Storm drainage districts in cities between 100,000 and 150,000 and in cities in urban area counties.

13-10,129 Ordinance creating district, required provisions; filing of copies.

13-10,130 Same; establishment of program; costs, how paid.

13-10,131 Same; fund, uses.

13-10,132 Same; tax levies.

13-10,133 Same; bonds; protest petition; election provisions.

13-10,140 Establishment of special improvement fund by certain cities; amount; expenditures, purposes, conditions and limitations; certain moneys may be credited to fund.

13-10,141 Property damaged in certain cities by flood; reconstruction or repair; tax levy, use of proceeds; election required.

13-10,142 Same; disposition of moneys; use.