Kansas Statutes
Article 24 - Waterworks Department
13-2429 Use of certain lands acquired by waterworks board for parking facilities; return of property, when.

13-2429. Use of certain lands acquired by waterworks board for parking facilities; return of property, when. Whenever the governing body of any city in which a waterworks board has been established in conformance with K.S.A. 13-2414 to 13-2428, both sections inclusive, shall determine that certain real property purchased by the waterworks board in the name of the city, as authorized by law, is not being used for the purposes acquired, the said city governing body may, by resolution, provide for the use of such property for city or public parking facilities, or both. Before any resolution shall be adopted for such use, the governing body shall hold a hearing thereon, notice of the time and place of which shall be given by publication in the official city paper at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing. If after such hearing, the city governing body shall make a determination that the waterworks board (1) is not using the property for the purposes acquired, or has declared the same to be surplus property of the board, and (2) that there is immediate need for the use of such property for parking facilities, then the governing body may adopt a resolution providing for the use of such property by the city, and may thereafter use the property for parking facilities.
The waterworks board of the city may at any time after the adoption of such a resolution by the city, petition the governing body of the city for the return of the possession of the property used for parking facilities by the city and the city governing body is authorized, after a hearing, to order, by resolution, the return of the possession of such property to the waterworks board. If the city shall at any time cease to use such property for parking facilities, the governing body of the city shall immediately notify the board of such nonuse and the waterworks board shall thereupon resume possession of the property. This section shall be construed as supplemental to and a part of K.S.A. 13-2414 to 13-2428, inclusive.
History: L. 1965, ch. 114, ยง 1; March 20.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 13 - Cities Of The First Class

Article 24 - Waterworks Department

13-2401 General powers and duties of commissioners.

13-2402 Superintendent; duties; salary; bond; contract for management; term; ratification, when.

13-2403 Secretary-cashier; duties; reports; bond; salary.

13-2404 Appointment of officers and employees; merit basis.

13-2405 Fixing water rates; basis.

13-2406 Sinking fund to pay bonded debt; investment; records and report.

13-2407 Use of sinking fund to extend water system.

13-2408 Deposit and use of revenue; transfer of moneys, when.

13-2409 Extension of mains; contracts; water rate surcharges or cash connection charges.

13-2409a Improvements and facilities; resales; regulation of certain lines and facilities.

13-2410 Meters and lateral service pipes.

13-2411 Meters and lateral pipes in cities less than 25,000, when; cost.

13-2412 Free use of water and discrimination unlawful.

13-2414 Leavenworth waterworks board.

13-2414a Same; ratification of board's actions.

13-2415 Same; election; petition.

13-2416 Same; members; election; term; vacancies; bonds.

13-2417 Same; meetings; rules; records; quorum; qualifications.

13-2418 Same; powers and duties; employees; eminent domain; rules and regulations.

13-2419 Same; manager of production and distribution; appointment; salary; qualifications; duties; bond.

13-2420 Same; manager of collections and accounts; appointment; qualifications; duties; reports; salary; bond; assistants; bonds.

13-2421 Same; appointments to be on basis of merits; tenure of office.

13-2422 Same; rates for water; how determined; sinking fund.

13-2423 Same; sinking fund to pay bonds; investment; records and reports.

13-2424 Same; treasurer of board; duties; bond.

13-2425 Same; bonds; election.

13-2426 Same; limitation; lien upon plant.

13-2427 Same; powers and duties under other acts.

13-2428 Same; powers and duties transferred; waterworks board retains upon adoption of city manager plan.

13-2429 Use of certain lands acquired by waterworks board for parking facilities; return of property, when.