Kansas Statutes
Article 12 - Public Utilities
13-1263 Same; act supplemental.

13-1263. Same; act supplemental. The power herein granted to issue bonds shall be supplemental to and not amendatory of the provisions of K.S.A. 10-102.
History: L. 1941, ch. 142, ยง 12; June 30.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 13 - Cities Of The First Class

Article 12 - Public Utilities

13-1209 Purchase, construction or extension of waterworks; jurisdiction of city over grounds.

13-1210 Same; bonds.

13-1213 Bonds for utilities in cities over 50,000; submission to vote.

13-1214 Same; ordinance.

13-1215 Same; limitation.

13-1216 Railway franchise in cities over 75,000; election.

13-1217 Same; ordinance.

13-1220 Board of public utilities, any city; administrative agency, duties.

13-1221 Same; membership; term; elected officers and secretary; vacancies; elections by district.

13-1221a Same; ratification of prior appointments.

13-1222 Same; meetings, records, quorum, salary and expenses, qualifications.

13-1223 Same; powers and duties of board; purchasing agent, powers and duties; governing body of city, powers and duties; ability to sue and be sued; personal liability of member or employee of board.

13-1223a Same; collection of sewer service charges.

13-1224 Same; manager of production and distribution; qualifications; duties; salary; bond.

13-1225 Same; manager of collections and accounts; qualifications; duties; bonds.

13-1226 Same; how appointments made; legal services to be provided by city attorney's office.

13-1227 Same; water rates; fire hydrants.

13-1228 Same; electricity rates; street lighting equipment and traffic signal equipment.

13-1228a Board of public utilities; rate increases; notice; procedure.

13-1228b Same; definitions.

13-1228c Same; application for review.

13-1228d Same; notice of review.

13-1228e Same; delivery of transcript to court; review by district court.

13-1228f Same; stay or suspension of increase.

13-1228g Same; duty of court.

13-1228h Same; appeal to court of appeals.

13-1228i Same; pending actions.

13-1228j Same; invalidity of part.

13-1229 Same; use and investment of sinking funds; record and report.

13-1230 Same; treasurer; duties; bond.

13-1231 Same; bonds; election.

13-1232 Same; general obligation bonds; limitations.

13-1234a Same; invalidity of part.

13-1234b Bonds for street lighting and traffic signals in certain first class cities.

13-1234c Same; cost estimates, plans and specifications.

13-1234d Same; limitations.

13-1235 Power to grant right to furnish electric energy to certain customers in cities over 110,000; application.

13-1236 Sale of electric energy by private utility to customer within city not served by municipal utility; ordinance; limitations; term.

13-1237 Same; certain contracts prohibited; exception.

13-1238 Revenue bonds for public levees, docks, wharves, terminals and related facilities in cities over 115,000; additional bonds.

13-1239 Same; definition; recitals; negotiability.

13-1240 Same; city not obligated; sale to federal government; lien on revenues.

13-1241 Same; maturity; tax levy not authorized.

13-1242 Same; payment; rates and charges; sinking fund.

13-1243 Same; contracts; rentals; conditions and safeguards; annual audit, filing.

13-1244 Same; limitation.

13-1245 Same; act supplemental.

13-1246 Retirement pension plan for employees and dependents in cities over 120,000; agreement.

13-1246a Board of pension trustees in certain cities over 120,000; composition; contributions for operation of plans; costs of increased pensions; agreements between pension board and public utilities board as to assets and property; powers of pensio...

13-1249 Same; rules and regulations.

13-1250a Federal old-age and survivors insurance for employees in cities over 120,000; referendum.

13-1250b Same; contributions.

13-1250c Same; agreements.

13-1252 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities over 120,000; definitions.

13-1253 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities over 120,000; utility rates, fees and charges; refunding revenue bonds.

13-1254 Same; revenue fund; use.

13-1255 Same; liens on revenues of utility; recitals; negotiability.

13-1257 Revenue bonds for water and electricity in certain cities; terms; limitation.

13-1258 Same; payment of bonds; rates, fees or charges; covenants, agreements and restrictions.

13-1259 Same; issuance of bonds; publication notice; protest; election.

13-1260 Same; issuance of bonds; duties of city officers; election; expenses.

13-1261 Same; repairs and improvements of utility; compliance with federal acts or rules.

13-1263 Same; act supplemental.

13-1264 Same; invalidity of part.

13-1269 Certain cities over 100,000; transfer of revenues to certain other funds; adjustment of rates.

13-1270 Same; utilities having bonded indebtedness.

13-1271 Same; transfer of funds; limitation.

13-1272 Same; transfer of funds; determination of amount.

13-1273 Same; transfer of funds not authorized if general obligation bonds outstanding; exceptions.

13-1274 Same; allocation of transferred moneys.

13-1275 Transfer of ownership and control over certain township water systems to certain cities; conditions; powers and obligations of city or board of public utilities.

13-1276 Same; determination as to customers and outstanding bonds.

13-1277 Same; transfer of properties and funds to city.

13-1278 Same; township tax for bond and debt service cost.