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13-14b01 Acquisition of site, building and equipment; bond election; issuance of bonds. - 13-14b01. Acquisition of site, building and equipment; bond election; issuance...
13-14b02 Same; board of trustees authorized; lease or rental. - 13-14b02. Same; board of trustees authorized; lease or rental. Upon...
13-14b03 Same; federal aid and donations or gifts. - 13-14b03. Same; federal aid and donations or gifts. The governing...
13-14b05 Same; eminent domain. - 13-14b05. Same; eminent domain. If the governing body of a...
13-14b06 Same; plans for hospital buildings. - 13-14b06. Same; plans for hospital buildings. No hospital buildings shall...
13-14b07 Same; training school for nurses. - 13-14b07. Same; training school for nurses. A training school for...
13-14b08 Same; additional bonds; election; limitation laws inapplicable. - 13-14b08. Same; additional bonds; election; limitation laws inapplicable. The governing...
13-14b09 Management of hospital by board of trustees; membership; appointment; terms; vacancies. - 13-14b09. Management of hospital by board of trustees; membership; appointment;...
13-14b10 Same; oath of trustees; officers; bond of treasurer. - 13-14b10. Same; oath of trustees; officers; bond of treasurer. Within...
13-14b11 Same; rules and regulations; employee benefit plans; investments in certain mutual insurance companies; expenditures for recruitment or retention of professional staff; administrator contracts; board members serve without compensation; annua... - 13-14b11. Same; rules and regulations; employee benefit plans; investments in...
13-14b12 Creation of board of trustees; tax levy, use of proceeds; special improvement fund. - 13-14b12. Creation of board of trustees; tax levy, use of...
13-14b13 Hospital maintenance and operation; emergency warrants. - 13-14b13. Hospital maintenance and operation; emergency warrants. During the year...
13-14b14 Investment of special improvement funds. - 13-14b14. Investment of special improvement funds. The board of trustees...
13-14b15 Bonds for addition to hospital and improvements; election, when. - 13-14b15. Bonds for addition to hospital and improvements; election, when....