Kansas Statutes
Article 13a - Municipal Universities
13-13a05 Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence requirements; terms of office.

13-13a05. Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence requirements; terms of office. (a) Whenever the board of regents of a municipal university levies a countywide retailers' sales tax pursuant to K.S.A. 13-13a38, the term of the member appointed from the city-at-large shall lapse. The terms of office of the members from the 18th, 19th and 20th state senatorial districts appointed by the mayor of the city prior to the levying of a countywide retailer's sales tax shall expire on the dates of their existing terms respectively. Each successor member shall be appointed and hold office for a term of four years and until a successor has been appointed and qualified.
(b) Whenever the board of regents of a municipal university levies a countywide retailers' sales tax pursuant to the provisions of this act the board of county commissioners of the county in which the university is located shall appoint a member of the board of regents who is a resident of the county but not of the city. The term of office of the appointee shall be for a term of four years and until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Each successor member shall be appointed and hold office for a term of four years and until a successor has been appointed and qualified.
History: L. 1925, ch. 111, § 5; L. 1976, ch. 87, § 5; L. 1981, ch. 83, § 3; L. 1999, ch. 88, § 4; April 15.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 13 - Cities Of The First Class

Article 13a - Municipal Universities

13-13a03 Established municipal university; management and control; rights and powers.

13-13a04 Board of regents; composition; appointment; qualifications; resignations; vacancies.

13-13a05 Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence requirements; terms of office.

13-13a06 Board members appointed by governor; terms of office.

13-13a08 Oath of board of regents; service without compensation; organization; quorum.

13-13a09 Rules and regulations by board of regents; tuition and charges.

13-13a11 Management of university; authority of regents.

13-13a12 Employment of president and other employees by regents; delegation of authority.

13-13a13 Powers of regents to receive and hold property; endowments.

13-13a14 Use of university property for other than university purposes; rules governing.

13-13a16 Courses of study and degrees; regulation by regents; disposition of fees.

13-13a17 Cooperation between governmental agencies and board of regents.

13-13a18 Tax levy for support of university; pensions; retirement of bonds; tax sheltered annuities; sinking fund; limitations; tax levy additional to 13-13a23.

13-13a19 Additional powers and authority; construction of act.

13-13a20 Annual report of regents.

13-13a20a Invalidity of part.

13-13a21 Property to be held in name of university.

13-13a23 Bond issues authorized; limitations; sinking fund; tax levies; accumulation of fund for buildings; permanent improvements or capitalized equipment; expenditures.

13-13a24 Extension of taxing district; petition; election; eligible voters.

13-13a35 Regulations and control of traffic and parking at Washburn university of Topeka; control under board of regents; issuance of permits and allocation of space; fees; removal and impounding of vehicles, when; lien.

13-13a36 Same; rules and regulations; posting speed limits.

13-13a37 Same; fees; use.

13-13a38 Imposition of countywide sales tax.

13-13a39 Same; additional sales subject to tax.

13-13a40 Definitions.

13-13a41 Grants; eligibility and amount; determination of FTE enrollment; limitation on use.

13-13a42 Certification of credit hours; reports; forms; residence requirements; rules and regulations.

13-13a43 Payment of grants; disposition and use of grant moneys.

13-13a44 State board of regents member on Washburn board.

13-13a45 Limitations on university while receiving grants.

13-13a46 Eligibility for grants; current membership in north central association of colleges and universities required.

13-13a47 Mission and goal statement, review; core indicators of quality performance, identification and approval; compliance effectiveness.