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13-431 Utility rates; review by court. - 13-431. Utility rates; review by court. To prescribe and fix...
13-436 Health and sanitation; election, when. - 13-436. Health and sanitation; election, when. To make regulations to...
13-443 Improving or vacating streets and alleys; reversion of land; recording of ordinance. - 13-443. Improving or vacating streets and alleys; reversion of land;...
13-460 Art museum board in cities over 200,000. - 13-460. Art museum board in cities over 200,000. Any city...
13-461 Same; members, appointment, terms, vacancies. - 13-461. Same; members, appointment, terms, vacancies. The art museum board...
13-462 Same; officers, duties; bond of treasurer. - 13-462. Same; officers, duties; bond of treasurer. The board shall...
13-463 Same; rules and regulations; acquisition of art objects; acceptance of gifts and moneys; administration. - 13-463. Same; rules and regulations; acquisition of art objects; acceptance...
13-464 Same; property management and control. - 13-464. Same; property management and control. Real or personal property...
13-465 Same; director and employees, compensation; leasing property; records and reports. - 13-465. Same; director and employees, compensation; leasing property; records and...
13-466 Same; appropriations by city; budget; expenditures. - 13-466. Same; appropriations by city; budget; expenditures. Any city which...