Illinois Compiled Statutes
740 ILCS 95/ - Interference With Utility Services Act.

(740 ILCS 95/0.01) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 1500)
Sec. 0.01.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Interference With Utility Services Act.

(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(740 ILCS 95/1) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 1501)
Sec. 1.

Any person who unlawfully interferes with public utility
services shall be liable to the utility company in a civil action for
damages treble the amount of the actual damages based on loss of revenue
because of that person's conduct, including the cost of employees,
equipment, material, disconnection, reconnection, service calls,
investigating the matter, expert witnesses, attorneys fees and court costs.
In the event a judgment is entered in favor of the utility company in any
civil action brought pursuant to this Act, then the court shall
specifically consider exemplary damages and injunctive relief as may
be appropriate.

(Source: P.A. 86-379.)
(740 ILCS 95/2) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 1502)
Sec. 2.

For purposes of this Act the following terms have the
following meanings:
(1) "Public utility services" means any gas or electric service
furnished by a public utility which is subject to regulation by the
Illinois Commerce Commission; any gas or electric service furnished by a
public utility that is owned by any political subdivision or municipal
corporation of this State; and any electric service furnished by an
electric cooperative as defined in Section 3.4 of the Electric Supplier
Act, as now or hereafter amended.
(2) "Unlawfully interferes" means a person knowingly, without the
consent of the owner of public utility services, impairs, interrupts or
diverts, or causes to be impaired, interrupted or diverted in whole or in
part, any public utility services, or installs or removes any device for
the purpose of impairing, interrupting or diverting such services.

(Source: P.A. 86-379.)
(740 ILCS 95/3) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 1503)
Sec. 3.

Any amounts collected from a person found liable pursuant to
this Act in excess of actual damages as provided in Section 1, shall be
retained by the utility and used to offset any shortfall incurred by the
utility under the Energy Assistance Act, as now or hereafter amended.

(Source: P.A. 86-379.)
(740 ILCS 95/4) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 1504)
Sec. 4.
The rebuttable presumption provided in subsection (c) of
Section 16-14 of the Criminal Code of 1961 prior to its repeal by Public Act 97-597 (effective January 1, 2012),
shall be fully applicable to all causes of actions brought pursuant to this
Act. The presumption provided shall only shift the burden of going forward
with evidence, and shall in no event shift the burden of proof to the
defendant. Any evidence of a judgment entered based on a finding of guilt,
plea of guilty or stipulation of guilt in a criminal cause of action
brought pursuant to Section 16-14 of the Criminal Code of 2012 shall be admissible in any civil action
brought pursuant to this Act to prove any fact essential to sustaining a
judgment. The pendency of an appeal may be shown but does not affect the
admissibility of evidence under this Section.

(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


740 ILCS 5/ - Alienation of Affections Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 7/ - Anti-Phishing Act.

740 ILCS 10/ - Illinois Antitrust Act.

740 ILCS 13/ - Assistance Animal Damages Act.

740 ILCS 14/ - Biometric Information Privacy Act.

740 ILCS 15/ - Breach of Promise Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 20/ - Cannabis and Controlled Substances Tort Claims Act.

740 ILCS 21/ - Stalking No Contact Order Act.

740 ILCS 22/ - Civil No Contact Order Act.

740 ILCS 23/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003.

740 ILCS 24/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2006.

740 ILCS 25/ - Common Carrier Liability Act.

740 ILCS 30/ - Community Investment Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 35/ - Construction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act.

740 ILCS 40/ - Controlled Substance and Cannabis Nuisance Act.

740 ILCS 45/ - Crime Victims Compensation Act.

740 ILCS 50/ - Criminal Conversation Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 57/ - Drug Dealer Liability Act.

740 ILCS 58/ - Drug or Alcohol Impaired Minor Responsibility Act.

740 ILCS 60/ - Escaped Inmate Damages Act.

740 ILCS 65/ - Farm Machine Safety Act.

740 ILCS 70/ - Farm Nuisance Suit Act.

740 ILCS 75/ - Fire Fighter Liability Act.

740 ILCS 80/ - Frauds Act.

740 ILCS 82/ - Gender Violence Act.

740 ILCS 85/ - Highway Contractor Liability Act.

740 ILCS 90/ - Innkeeper Protection Act.

740 ILCS 92/ - Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act.

740 ILCS 95/ - Interference With Utility Services Act.

740 ILCS 100/ - Joint Tortfeasor Contribution Act.

740 ILCS 105/ - Lewdness Public Nuisance Act.

740 ILCS 110/ - Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act.

740 ILCS 113/ - Oil Spill Responders Liability Act.

740 ILCS 115/ - Parental Responsibility Law.

740 ILCS 120/ - Parental Right of Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 125/ - Police Search Cost Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 126/ - Protecting Reproductive Health Care Services Act.

740 ILCS 128/ - Trafficking Victims Protection Act.

740 ILCS 130/ - Premises Liability Act.

740 ILCS 135/ - Railroad Passenger Removal Act.

740 ILCS 137/ - Right to Breastfeed Act.

740 ILCS 140/ - Sexual Exploitation in Psychotherapy, Professional Health Services, and Professional Mental Health Services Act.

740 ILCS 145/ - Slander and Libel Act.

740 ILCS 147/ - Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act.

740 ILCS 155/ - Sureties Act.

740 ILCS 160/ - Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act.

740 ILCS 165/ - Uniform Single Publication Act.

740 ILCS 170/ - Illinois Wage Assignment Act.

740 ILCS 174/ - Whistleblower Act.

740 ILCS 175/ - Illinois False Claims Act.

740 ILCS 180/ - Wrongful Death Act.

740 ILCS 185/ - Wrongful Tree Cutting Act.

740 ILCS 190/ - Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images Act.