Illinois Compiled Statutes
740 ILCS 130/ - Premises Liability Act.

(740 ILCS 130/1) (from Ch. 80, par. 301)
Sec. 1.
This Act is called and may be cited as the "Premises Liability Act".

(Source: P.A. 83-1398.)
(740 ILCS 130/2) (from Ch. 80, par. 302)
(Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 89-7, which has been held
Sec. 2.

The distinction under the common law between invitees and licensees
as to the duty owed by an owner or occupier of any premises to such entrants
is abolished.
The duty owed to such entrants is that of reasonable care under the
regarding the state of the premises or acts done or omitted on them.
The duty of reasonable care under the circumstances which an owner or
of land owes to such entrants does not include any of the following: a duty to
or otherwise take reasonable steps to protect such entrants from
conditions on the
premises that are known to the entrant, are open and obvious, or can
reasonably be expected to be discovered by the entrant; a duty to warn of
latent defects or dangers or defects or dangers unknown to the owner or
occupier of the premises; a
duty to warn such entrants of any dangers resulting from misuse by the entrants
of the premises or anything affixed to or located on the premises; or a duty to
protect such entrants from their own misuse of the premises or anything affixed
to or located on the premises.
This amendatory Act of 1995 applies to causes of action accruing on or
its effective date.

(Source: P.A. 89-7, eff. 3-9-95.)
(Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 89-7, which has been held
Sec. 2.

The distinction under the common law between invitees and licensees
as to the duty owed by an owner or occupier of any premises to such entrants
is abolished.
The duty owed to such entrants is that of reasonable care under the
circumstances regarding the state of the premises or acts done or omitted on

(Source: P.A. 83-1398.)
(740 ILCS 130/3) (from Ch. 80, par. 303)
(Text of Section WITH the changes made by P.A. 89-7, which has been held
Sec. 3.

Nothing herein
affects the law as regards the trespassing child entrant.
An owner or occupier of land owes no duty of care to an
adult trespasser
other than to refrain from willful and wanton conduct that would endanger the
safety of a known trespasser on the property from a condition of the property
an activity conducted by the owner or occupier on the property.
This amendatory Act of 1995 applies only to causes of action accruing on or
after its effective date.

(Source: P.A. 89-7, eff. 3-9-95.)
(Text of Section WITHOUT the changes made by P.A. 89-7, which has been held
Sec. 3.

Nothing herein
affects the law as regards any category of trespasser,
including the trespassing child entrant.

(Source: P.A. 83-1398.)
(740 ILCS 130/4) (from Ch. 80, par. 304)
Sec. 4.
Notwithstanding this Act, the liability of any owner or occupier
of a premises to anyone who enters or uses those premises for a
recreational purpose, as defined by the Recreational Use of Land and Water Areas Act, is governed by that Act.

(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
(740 ILCS 130/4.1)
Sec. 4.1. Off-road riding facilities; liability.
(a) As used in this Section, "off-road riding
facility" means:
(b) An owner or operator of an off-road riding facility in existence on
January 1, 2002 is immune from any criminal liability arising out of or as a
consequence of noise or sound emissions resulting from the use of
the off-road riding facility.
An owner or operator of an off-road
riding facility is not subject to any
action for public or private nuisance or trespass, and no court in this State
may enjoin the use or operation of an off-road riding facility
on the basis of noise or sound emissions resulting from the
use of the off-road riding facility.
(c) An owner or operator of an off-road riding facility placed in operation
after January 1, 2002 is immune from any criminal liability and is not subject
any action for public or private nuisance or trespass arising out of or as a
consequence of noise or sound emissions resulting from the use of
the off-road riding facility, if the off-road riding facility conforms to any
one of
the following requirements:
(d) The civil immunity in subsection (c) does not apply if there is
willful or wanton misconduct outside the normal use of the off-road riding

(Source: P.A. 98-847, eff. 1-1-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
(740 ILCS 130/5)
Sec. 5. Firearm ranges; liability.
(a) As used in this Section, "firearm range" means a rifle, pistol,
silhouette, skeet, trap, black powder, or other similar range in this State
used for discharging firearms in a sporting event, for practice or instruction
in the use of a firearm, or for the testing of a firearm. "Firearm range" also
includes licensed shooting preserves and public hunting areas operated or
licensed by the Department of Natural Resources.
(b) An owner or operator of a firearm range in existence on January 1,
1994, is immune from any criminal liability arising out of or as a
consequence of noise or sound emissions resulting from the normal use of the
firearm range. An owner or operator of a firearm range is not
subject to any action for public or private nuisance or trespass and no court
in this State shall enjoin the use or operation of a firearm range on the
basis of noise or sound emissions resulting from the normal use of the firearm
(c) An owner or operator of a firearm range placed in operation after
January 1, 1994, is immune from any criminal liability and is not
subject to any action for public or private nuisance or trespass arising out
of or as a consequence of noise or sound emissions resulting from the normal
use of the firearm range, if the firearm range conforms to any one of the
following requirements:
(Source: P.A. 94-387, eff. 7-29-05.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


740 ILCS 5/ - Alienation of Affections Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 7/ - Anti-Phishing Act.

740 ILCS 10/ - Illinois Antitrust Act.

740 ILCS 13/ - Assistance Animal Damages Act.

740 ILCS 14/ - Biometric Information Privacy Act.

740 ILCS 15/ - Breach of Promise Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 20/ - Cannabis and Controlled Substances Tort Claims Act.

740 ILCS 21/ - Stalking No Contact Order Act.

740 ILCS 22/ - Civil No Contact Order Act.

740 ILCS 23/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003.

740 ILCS 24/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2006.

740 ILCS 25/ - Common Carrier Liability Act.

740 ILCS 30/ - Community Investment Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 35/ - Construction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act.

740 ILCS 40/ - Controlled Substance and Cannabis Nuisance Act.

740 ILCS 45/ - Crime Victims Compensation Act.

740 ILCS 50/ - Criminal Conversation Abolition Act.

740 ILCS 57/ - Drug Dealer Liability Act.

740 ILCS 58/ - Drug or Alcohol Impaired Minor Responsibility Act.

740 ILCS 60/ - Escaped Inmate Damages Act.

740 ILCS 65/ - Farm Machine Safety Act.

740 ILCS 70/ - Farm Nuisance Suit Act.

740 ILCS 75/ - Fire Fighter Liability Act.

740 ILCS 80/ - Frauds Act.

740 ILCS 82/ - Gender Violence Act.

740 ILCS 85/ - Highway Contractor Liability Act.

740 ILCS 90/ - Innkeeper Protection Act.

740 ILCS 92/ - Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act.

740 ILCS 95/ - Interference With Utility Services Act.

740 ILCS 100/ - Joint Tortfeasor Contribution Act.

740 ILCS 105/ - Lewdness Public Nuisance Act.

740 ILCS 110/ - Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act.

740 ILCS 113/ - Oil Spill Responders Liability Act.

740 ILCS 115/ - Parental Responsibility Law.

740 ILCS 120/ - Parental Right of Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 125/ - Police Search Cost Recovery Act.

740 ILCS 126/ - Protecting Reproductive Health Care Services Act.

740 ILCS 128/ - Trafficking Victims Protection Act.

740 ILCS 130/ - Premises Liability Act.

740 ILCS 135/ - Railroad Passenger Removal Act.

740 ILCS 137/ - Right to Breastfeed Act.

740 ILCS 140/ - Sexual Exploitation in Psychotherapy, Professional Health Services, and Professional Mental Health Services Act.

740 ILCS 145/ - Slander and Libel Act.

740 ILCS 147/ - Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act.

740 ILCS 155/ - Sureties Act.

740 ILCS 160/ - Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act.

740 ILCS 165/ - Uniform Single Publication Act.

740 ILCS 170/ - Illinois Wage Assignment Act.

740 ILCS 174/ - Whistleblower Act.

740 ILCS 175/ - Illinois False Claims Act.

740 ILCS 180/ - Wrongful Death Act.

740 ILCS 185/ - Wrongful Tree Cutting Act.

740 ILCS 190/ - Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images Act.