(740 ILCS 82/1)
Sec. 1.
Short title.
This Act may be cited as the
Gender Violence Act.
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
(740 ILCS 82/5)
Sec. 5.
In this Act,
"gender-related violence", which is a form of sex
discrimination, means the following:
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
(740 ILCS 82/10)
Sec. 10.
Cause of action.
Any person who has been
subjected to gender-related violence as defined in Section 5
may bring a civil action for damages, injunctive relief, or other
appropriate relief against a person or persons perpetrating
that gender-related violence. For purposes of this Section,
"perpetrating" means either personally committing the
gender-related violence or personally encouraging or
assisting the act or acts of gender-related violence.
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
(740 ILCS 82/15)
Sec. 15.
In an action brought under this Act,
the court may award damages, injunctive relief, or other appropriate
relief. The court may award actual damages, damages for
emotional distress, or punitive damages. A judgment may
also include attorney's fees and costs.
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
(740 ILCS 82/20)
Sec. 20.
An action based on gender-related violence as
paragraph (1) or (2) of Section 5 must be commenced within 7 years after the
cause of
action accrued, except that if the person entitled to bring the action was a
minor at the
time the cause of action accrued, the action must be commenced within 7 years
after the
person reaches the age of 18. An action based on gender-related violence as
defined in
paragraph (3) of Section 5 must be commenced within 2 years after the cause of
accrued, except that if the person entitled to bring the action was a minor at
the time the
cause of action accrued, the action must be commenced within 2 years after the
reaches the age of 18.
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
(740 ILCS 82/98)
Sec. 98.
This Act applies only to
causes of action accruing on or after its effective date.
(Source: P.A. 93-416, eff. 1-1-04.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
740 ILCS 5/ - Alienation of Affections Abolition Act.
740 ILCS 7/ - Anti-Phishing Act.
740 ILCS 10/ - Illinois Antitrust Act.
740 ILCS 13/ - Assistance Animal Damages Act.
740 ILCS 14/ - Biometric Information Privacy Act.
740 ILCS 15/ - Breach of Promise Abolition Act.
740 ILCS 20/ - Cannabis and Controlled Substances Tort Claims Act.
740 ILCS 21/ - Stalking No Contact Order Act.
740 ILCS 22/ - Civil No Contact Order Act.
740 ILCS 23/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2003.
740 ILCS 24/ - Illinois Civil Rights Act of 2006.
740 ILCS 25/ - Common Carrier Liability Act.
740 ILCS 30/ - Community Investment Recovery Act.
740 ILCS 35/ - Construction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act.
740 ILCS 40/ - Controlled Substance and Cannabis Nuisance Act.
740 ILCS 45/ - Crime Victims Compensation Act.
740 ILCS 50/ - Criminal Conversation Abolition Act.
740 ILCS 57/ - Drug Dealer Liability Act.
740 ILCS 58/ - Drug or Alcohol Impaired Minor Responsibility Act.
740 ILCS 60/ - Escaped Inmate Damages Act.
740 ILCS 65/ - Farm Machine Safety Act.
740 ILCS 70/ - Farm Nuisance Suit Act.
740 ILCS 75/ - Fire Fighter Liability Act.
740 ILCS 82/ - Gender Violence Act.
740 ILCS 85/ - Highway Contractor Liability Act.
740 ILCS 90/ - Innkeeper Protection Act.
740 ILCS 92/ - Insurance Claims Fraud Prevention Act.
740 ILCS 95/ - Interference With Utility Services Act.
740 ILCS 100/ - Joint Tortfeasor Contribution Act.
740 ILCS 105/ - Lewdness Public Nuisance Act.
740 ILCS 110/ - Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act.
740 ILCS 113/ - Oil Spill Responders Liability Act.
740 ILCS 115/ - Parental Responsibility Law.
740 ILCS 120/ - Parental Right of Recovery Act.
740 ILCS 125/ - Police Search Cost Recovery Act.
740 ILCS 126/ - Protecting Reproductive Health Care Services Act.
740 ILCS 128/ - Trafficking Victims Protection Act.
740 ILCS 130/ - Premises Liability Act.
740 ILCS 135/ - Railroad Passenger Removal Act.
740 ILCS 137/ - Right to Breastfeed Act.
740 ILCS 145/ - Slander and Libel Act.
740 ILCS 147/ - Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act.
740 ILCS 160/ - Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act.
740 ILCS 165/ - Uniform Single Publication Act.
740 ILCS 170/ - Illinois Wage Assignment Act.
740 ILCS 174/ - Whistleblower Act.
740 ILCS 175/ - Illinois False Claims Act.
740 ILCS 180/ - Wrongful Death Act.
740 ILCS 185/ - Wrongful Tree Cutting Act.
740 ILCS 190/ - Civil Remedies for Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images Act.