Idaho Code

50-3114. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ESTIMATES — ANNUAL BUDGET — CERTIFICATION. (1) When levying property taxes or imposing special assessments, and prior to certification of same to the county commissioners, the district board shall make annual statements and estimates of the administrative expenses of the district, the costs of community infrastructure to be financed by property taxes and special assessments and the amount of all other expenditures for community infrastructure proposed to be paid from property taxes and special assessments and of the amount to be raised to pay general obligation bonds and special assessment bonds of the district, all of which shall be provided for by the levy, imposition and collection of property taxes and special assessments. The annual estimates prepared by the district board shall include an amount determined by the district board, in consultation with the county tax collector, to defray the costs imposed upon the county tax collector’s office for any additional administrative services that will be required in the collection of and accounting for such district property taxes and special assessments. Such additional costs shall be for those services not otherwise included in the general tax collection and accounting services already provided by the county tax collector’s office and otherwise paid for by property tax revenues, and shall be reasonably related to, but shall not exceed, the actual cost of the additional administrative services provided. The district board shall file the annual statements and estimates with the district clerk and, not later than the time required by section 63-802A, Idaho Code, shall set and notify the county clerk of the date and location set for the annual budget hearing of the district. The district board shall publish a notice of the filing of the estimate, shall hold a public hearing on the portion of the estimate not relating to debt service on general obligation bonds and special assessment bonds and shall adopt a budget. Notice of the budget hearing shall be posted at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said meeting in at least one (1) conspicuous place within the district to be determined by the district board; a copy of the notice shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city in which the proposed district is located, in one (1) issue thereof, during such ten (10) day period. The place, hour and day of the hearing shall be specified in said notice, as well as the place where the budget may be examined prior to the hearing. A full and complete copy of the proposed budget shall be published with and as a part of the publication of the notice of hearing. The budget shall be available for public inspection from and after the date of the posting of notices of hearing as in this section provided, at such place and during such business hours as the district board may direct. A quorum of the district board shall attend the hearing and explain the proposed budget and hear any and all objections to the proposed budget. The district board at the time of the certification required under subsection (2) of this section shall file with the board of county commissioners in each county in which the district is located a certified copy of the annual budget as previously prepared, approved and adopted.
(2) The district board, having determined the total amount required from property taxes and special assessments to raise the amount of money fixed by the annual budget, including the amount of money needed to satisfy annual bond payments, shall cause the amount of money so determined to be certified in dollars to the board of county commissioners in each county in which the district is located not later than the time required for certification under section 63-803, Idaho Code. Said certification shall list separately each tax levy and special assessment if more than one (1), and the purpose of each thereof, and shall otherwise comply with the requirements of section 63-803, Idaho Code.
(3) Following such certification to the county commissioners, district property taxes and special assessments shall then be collected and accounted for at the time and in the form and manner as other taxes are collected and accounted for under the laws of this state. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this chapter, all statutes of this state relating to the levy, imposition, collection, settlement and payment of property taxes, including the collection of delinquent taxes and sale of property for nonpayment of taxes and special assessments, apply to district property taxes and special assessments.

[50-3114, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1157.]