Idaho Code

50-3108. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS — ELECTION — MAXIMUM INDEBTEDNESS ALLOWED — LEVY. (1) After district formation, whenever the district board shall deem it advisable to issue general obligation bonds of the district, the district board shall provide therefor by resolution, which resolution shall specify and set forth the community infrastructure and other costs and expenses approved by the district board consistent with the general plan to be financed with the bonds, and make provision for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof as required by the constitution and laws of the state of Idaho.
(2) The resolution shall also provide for holding an election, held in compliance with section 50-3112, Idaho Code, to submit to the qualified electors of the district the question of authorizing the district to issue general obligation bonds of the district to provide money for said community infrastructure consistent with the general plan. The ballot used in such election shall be in form substantially as follows: "In favor of issuing bonds to the amount of………. dollars for the purpose stated in Resolution No….," and "Against issuing bonds to the amount of……… dollars for the purpose stated in Resolution No….".
(3) If two-thirds (2/3) of the qualified electors at such election assent to the issuing of the bonds and the incurring of the indebtedness thereby created for the purpose aforesaid, the district board shall thereupon be authorized to issue and create such indebtedness in the manner and for the purposes specified in said resolution, and the bonds shall be issued and sold in the manner provided by the laws of the state of Idaho, and the district board by further resolution shall be entitled to issue and sell the bonds in series or divisions up to the authorized amount without the further vote of the qualified electors, and to issue and sell such bonds at such times and in such amounts as the district board deems appropriate to carry out a community infrastructure project or projects in phases; provided however, that before any issuance of the bonds, including issuance in series or divisions and, in addition to such other determinations made by the district board as it may deem reasonable and prudent, the district board shall also determine whether reasonable financial assurance for the payment of the debt service on the bonds through additional collateral, payment guarantee or otherwise shall be required from a developer. The developer shall be consulted and shall be given a reasonable period of time within which to appear, either in person or in writing, and respond to any proposed financial assurance. If, following such developer’s response, the district board determines that reasonable financial assurance shall be required, the district board shall specify the type and amount of the financial assurance required in its resolution.
(4) In no event shall the aggregate outstanding principal amount of general obligation bonds and any other indebtedness for which the full faith and credit of the district are pledged exceed nine percent (9%) of the actual or adjusted market value for assessment purposes on all taxable real property within the district as such valuation existed on December 31 of the previous year.
(5) After the bonds are issued, the district shall enter in its minutes a record of the bonds sold and their number and dates and shall periodically collect the pledged revenues to pay the debt service on the bonds when due.
(6) Bond proceeds received by the district shall be held in a segregated account and shall be disbursed therefrom only for:
(a) The payment of community infrastructure and/or community infrastructure segments approved by the district board and actually completed; or
(b) For the purpose of reimbursing actually paid expenditures relating to community infrastructure as approved by the district board; provided however, that lien releases with respect to the payment made must be obtained from the underlying providers of labor, work, services or materials as a condition to such payment; or
(c) For the payment or reimbursement of governmentally imposed impact fees as approved by the district board.
(7) Completion of community infrastructure may be phased and payment made pursuant to a draw schedule. Bond proceeds shall be expended on the community infrastructure within three (3) years after issuance. Prior to issuance of the bonds, the district board shall determine that such bond proceeds can reasonably be expended within that time.
(8) Each year, prior to the time for the certification required under section 50-3114, Idaho Code, the district board shall levy a tax upon all taxable real property within the district, sufficient, together with any money from the sources described in section 50-3107(3), Idaho Code, to pay debt service on the bonds when due. The levy shall be made by resolution entered upon the minutes of the district board, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the district, immediately after entry of the resolution in the minutes, to transmit to the board of county commissioners in each county in which the district is located the certification required under section 50-3114, Idaho Code. Such tax levied shall then be collected and accounted for at the time and in the form and manner as other taxes are collected and accounted for under the laws of this state. Moneys derived from the levy of property taxes to pay the debt service on the bonds shall be kept separately from other funds of the district. A district’s levy of property taxes shall constitute a lien on all taxable real property within the district.
(9) The district may issue and sell refunding bonds to refund general obligation bonds of the district authorized by this section. The principal amount of the refunding bonds may be more or less than the principal amount of the bonds being refunded, provided that the proceeds of the refunding bonds are used only for refunding purposes and payment of the costs thereof, and the total obligation of the district is not increased, that is, if the amount of the refunding bonds is more than the principal amount of the bonds being refunded, issuance of the refunding bonds will result in a net present value savings to the district. No election shall be required in connection with the issuance and sale of such refunding bonds. Refunding bonds issued pursuant to this section shall have a final maturity date no later than the final maturity date of the bonds being refunded.

[50-3108, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1148; am. 2012, ch. 324, sec. 4, p. 889.]