Idaho Code

50-3104. DISTRICT ORGANIZATION. (1) If the petition for formation of the district is granted, the district shall comply with the filing and recording requirements of section 63-215, Idaho Code, and shall also cause a copy of the applicable resolution to be delivered to the county assessor of each county in which the district is located, cause a copy of the applicable resolution to be recorded with the county clerk in each county in which the district is located, and cause a copy of the applicable resolution to be filed with the state tax commission.
(2) Members of the governing body or bodies at the time of formation shall serve as the district board.
(a) If the district is located entirely within the boundaries of a city, three (3) members of the city council chosen by the city council shall serve as the district board.
(b) If the district is located entirely within the boundaries of a county and outside the boundaries of any city, the county commissioners of the county in which the district is located shall serve as the district board.
(c) If the district is located within the jurisdiction of more than one (1) governing body, two (2) members of each governing body shall be appointed by that governing body to serve on the district board and, in addition, the governing body within whose jurisdiction the largest land area of the district is located shall appoint another member from its governing body to serve as an additional member of the district board, so that the district board will always be comprised of an odd number of members. For purposes of determining which jurisdiction has such largest land area, the land area in the district that is within the incorporated city limits shall be considered as being the land area of the city and shall not be considered as part of the land area of the county in which the city is located.
(d) If an area is added to the district pursuant to section 50-3106(2), Idaho Code, and such area is located in a city or county not already represented on the district board, or if the addition of such area changes the jurisdiction in which the largest land area of the district is located, the membership of the district board, at the time of addition of such area, shall be adjusted in conformity with the foregoing.
(e) If an area is deleted from the district pursuant to section 50-3106(1), Idaho Code, and, as a result, a county or city no longer has area within the district, or such deletion changes the jurisdiction in which the largest land area of the district is located, the membership of the district board, at the time of deletion of such area, shall be adjusted in conformity with the foregoing.
(f) If an area is annexed or deannexed by a city and, as a result, the jurisdiction of a county or city is changed, the membership of the district board at the time of such annexation or deannexation shall be adjusted in conformity with the foregoing.
(g) In the case of an area in a district that is impacted by a county or city that has redrawn its county commissioner boundaries or has changed from at-large city council elections to city council district elections, the membership of the district board at the time of such changes shall be adjusted to include:
(i) One (1) homeowner residing in the district, to be appointed by the city council;
(ii) One (1) city council member whose new city council district or one (1) county commissioner whose new county commissioner district includes the community infrastructure district, to be appointed by the member’s governing body. Provided, only one (1) member shall be appointed to the district board pursuant to this subparagraph, regardless of the number of city council districts or county commissioner districts included in the community infrastructure district; and
(iii) One (1) additional city council member or county commissioner, to be appointed by the member’s governing body.
(h) The boards of county commissioners and the city councils, as such governing bodies, are hereby specifically authorized to act in a joint manner for the purposes of implementing the provisions of this subsection.
(3) Within thirty (30) days after the date of the resolution ordering formation of the district, and annually thereafter, the district board shall meet and elect a chairman and vice chairman to act as the officers of the district board. The district board shall, unless otherwise agreed to by a majority of the board, meet in the county or city within which the largest land area of the district is located. The district shall keep the following records, which shall be open to public inspection:
(a) Minutes of all meetings of the district board;
(b) All resolutions;
(c) Accounts showing all moneys received and disbursed;
(d) The annual budget; and
(e) All other records required to be maintained by law.
(4) The district manager shall be the manager or equivalent of the city or county, the district treasurer shall be the treasurer of the city or county, the district clerk shall be the district clerk of the city or county, respectively, unless the district board engages an outside firm to perform the tasks of the district’s manager, treasurer and clerk as well as other duties as may be prescribed by the district board. Where a district contains multiple county or city jurisdictions, the board shall designate by resolution the manager, treasurer and clerk.
(5) The district manager shall have charge and supervision of the daily operations of the district. The district manager may hire or otherwise employ and terminate the employment of such persons, including professional, supervisory and clerical employees, as may be necessary and authorized by the board.
(6) The treasurer of the district shall have such duties as the district board may prescribe, together with the duty to keep account with the district, to place to the credit of the district all moneys received by him or her from the collection of special assessments, taxes or from any other sources, and all other moneys belonging to the district, and to pay over all moneys belonging to the district on legally drawn warrants or orders of the district board.
(7) The clerk of the district shall have such duties as the district board may prescribe, together with the duty to conduct district elections and to prepare and distribute legal notices.
(8) The district shall be separate and apart from any county or city. The members of the district board, when serving in their official capacity as members of the district board, shall act on behalf of the district and not as members of a board of county commissioners or as members of a city council.
(9) The district board shall administer in a reasonable manner the implementation of the general plan.
(10) The district shall exist until dissolved pursuant to section 50-3116, Idaho Code.

[50-3104, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1144; am. 2012, ch. 324, sec. 3, p. 887; am. 2022, ch. 181, sec. 2, p. 587.]