Idaho Code
Section 50-3102 - DEFINITIONS.

50-3102. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings as stated:
(1) "Assessment area" means real property within the boundaries of a community infrastructure district that is the subject of a specific special assessment as set forth in this chapter.
(2) "Community infrastructure" means improvements that have a substantial nexus to the district and directly or indirectly benefit the district. Community infrastructure excludes public improvements fronting individual single-family residential lots. Community infrastructure includes planning, design, engineering, construction, acquisition or installation of such infrastructure, including the costs of applications, impact fees and other fees, permits and approvals related to the construction, acquisition or installation of such infrastructure, and incurring expenses incident to and reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. Community infrastructure includes all public facilities as defined in section 67-8203(24), Idaho Code, and, to the extent not already included within the definition in section 67-8203(24), Idaho Code, the following:
(a) Highways, parkways, expressways, interstates, or other such designations, interchanges, bridges, crossing structures, and related appurtenances;
(b) Public parking facilities, including all areas for vehicular use for travel, ingress, egress and parking;
(c) Trails and areas for pedestrian, equestrian, bicycle or other nonmotor vehicle use for travel, ingress, egress and parking;
(d) Public safety facilities;
(e) Acquiring interests in real property for community infrastructure;
(f) Financing costs related to the construction of items listed in this subsection; and
(g) Impact fees.
(3) "Community infrastructure segment" means a separate or a discernible portion of a construction contract attributable to community infrastructure.
(4) "Debt service" means the principal of, interest on and premium, if any, on the bonds when due, whether at maturity or prior redemption, and fees and costs of registrars, trustees, paying agents or other agents necessary to handle the bonds and the costs of credit enhancement or liquidity support.
(5) "District" means a community infrastructure district formed pursuant to this chapter. A district formed after July 1, 2022, shall not exclude from the district any land that is completely surrounded by property in the district. A district shall only include contiguous property at the time of formation. Land that is connected by only a shoestring or strip of land that comprises a railroad or highway right-of-way shall not be considered contiguous for the purposes of this chapter. Subsequent to a district’s formation, a district may include noncontiguous property but only if specifically determined by the district board to have a substantial nexus to the initial district or to the community infrastructure contemplated by the initial district and then authorized by the district board in its discretion and pursuant to section 50-3106, Idaho Code.
(6) "District board" means the board of directors of the district.
(7) "District development agreement" means an agreement between a property owner or developer, the county or city, any other political subdivision of the state, and/or the district. A district development agreement shall be used to establish obligations of the parties to the agreement relating to district financing and development, including: intergovernmental agreements; the ultimate public ownership of the community infrastructure financed by the district; the understanding of the parties with regard to future annexations of property into the district; the total amount of bonds to be issued by the district and the property taxes and special assessments to be levied and imposed to repay the bonds and the provisions regarding the disbursement of bond proceeds; the financial assurances, if any, to be provided with respect to the bonds; impact and other fees imposed by governmental authorities, including credit, prepayment and/or reimbursement with respect thereto; and other matters relating to the community infrastructure, such as construction, acquisition, planning, design, inspection, ownership and control. A district development agreement shall be in addition to and shall not supplant any development agreement entered into pursuant to section 67-6511A, Idaho Code, pursuant to which a governing body may require or permit as a condition of rezoning that an owner or developer make a written commitment concerning the use or development of the subject parcel.
(8) "General plan" means the general plan described in section 50-3103(1), Idaho Code, as the plan may be amended from time to time.
(9) "Governing body" means the county commissioners or city council that by law is constituted as the governing body of the county or city in which the district is located. Reference in this chapter to "governing body or bodies" shall mean the governing body or bodies of each county and city in which the district is located.
(10) "Owner" means the person listed as the owner of real property within the district or a proposed district on the current property rolls in effect at the time that the action, proceeding, hearing or election has begun; provided however, that if a person listed on the property rolls is no longer the owner of real property within the district or a proposed district and the name of the successor owner becomes known and is verified by recorded deed or other similar evidence of transfer of ownership, the successor owner shall be deemed to be the owner for the purposes of this chapter.
(11) "Market value for assessment purposes" means the amount of the last preceding equalized assessment of all taxable property and excludes all property exempt from taxation pursuant to section 63-602G, Idaho Code, within the community infrastructure district on the tax rolls completed and available as of the date of approval in the district bond issuance.
(12) "Person" means any entity, individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, trust or other such entities as recognized by the state of Idaho. A "person in interest" is any person who is a qualified elector in the district, who is an owner of real property in the district or who is a real property taxpayer in the district.
(13) "Qualified elector" means a person who possesses all of the qualifications required of electors under the general laws of the state of Idaho and:
(a) Resides within the boundaries of a district or a proposed district and who is a qualified elector. For purposes of this chapter, such elector shall also be known as a "resident qualified elector"; or
(b) Is an owner of real property that is located within the district or a proposed district, who is not a resident qualified elector as set forth above. For purposes of this chapter, such elector shall also be known as an "owner qualified elector."
(14) "Special assessment" means an assessment imposed upon real property located within an assessment area for a specific purpose and of a special benefit to the affected property, collected and enforced in the same manner as property taxes, that may be apportioned according to the direct or indirect special benefits conferred upon the affected property, as well as any, or any combination, of the following: acreage, square footage, front footage, the cost of providing community infrastructure for the affected property, or any other reasonable method as determined by the district board.

[50-3102, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1140; am. 2012, ch. 324, sec. 1, p. 884; am. 2022, ch. 181, sec. 1, p. 585.]