Idaho Code
Section 50-3103 - CREATION OF DISTRICT.

50-3103. CREATION OF DISTRICT. (1) The process for the creation and organization of a community infrastructure district shall be initiated by a petition signed by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the district residents or by all of the owners of all the lands located in the proposed district. The petition shall be filed with the clerk of the governing body in which the proposed district will be located. If the proposed district will be located within two (2) or more counties and/or cities, a petition conforming to the requirements of this section shall be filed with the clerk of each jurisdiction’s governing body. The petition shall state the name of the proposed district and the purpose for which it is formed, state that the formation of the district shall entitle the district to impose special assessments, levy property taxes and impose fees or charges to pay the cost of providing services, and shall be accompanied by a map depicting the boundaries of the proposed district, a legal description of the proposed district and a copy of the proposed general plan. The general plan shall describe or identify the community infrastructure to be financed by the district, the locations of the infrastructure and the estimated cost thereof, the proposed financing methods and the anticipated special assessments, tax levies or other charges, the approvals obtained pursuant to section 50-3101(4), Idaho Code, and may include possible alternatives, modifications or substitutions concerning locations, improvements, financing methods and other information provided in the general plan. The petition shall also include copies of any proposed district development agreement. The petition, together with all maps and other papers filed therewith, shall be open to public inspection in the office of the clerk in each county or city in which the petition is filed, during such business hours as the clerk may direct.
(2) Upon the filing of a petition, the governing body shall give notice of the filing of the petition and of the time and place set for a public hearing on the petition, which hearing shall be at a regular or special meeting held within not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days after the date of the filing of the petition. A notice of the time of the public hearing shall be published by the governing body twice, the first time not less than twelve (12) days prior to the hearing and the second time not less than five (5) days prior to the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in each county or city in which the proposed district will be located. A copy of such notice shall also be mailed to each district resident and each owner of real property in the district if known or such owner’s agent if known, addressed to such person at his or her post office address if known or, if unknown, to a post office in the county or city where the district is located. Ownership of real property shall be determined as of the date of the adoption of the resolution ordering the hearing. The notice shall state that a community infrastructure district is proposed to be formed, giving the proposed boundaries thereof, and that any person who is a resident of or a real property taxpayer within the proposed district may, on the date fixed for the public hearing, appear and offer any testimony and submit written testimony prior thereto pertaining to the formation of the district and the proposed boundaries thereof. If the district will be located within two (2) or more counties and/or cities, the governing bodies of such counties and/or cities shall coordinate their efforts and shall either hold a public hearing in each county or city in which the proposed district will be located, or hold a single public meeting in such county or city as the governing bodies shall unanimously agree. The notice shall also state that any political subdivision of this state within whose jurisdiction the proposed district will be located, including, without limitation, a highway district, a school district, a fire district or an ambulance district, may, on the date fixed for the public hearing, appear and offer testimony and submit written testimony prior thereto pertaining to the formation of the district and the proposed boundaries thereof. After hearing and considering any and all of the testimony given, the governing body shall thereupon approve a resolution either denying the petition or granting the same and, if granting the same, shall fix and describe in the resolution the boundaries of the proposed district and order the formation of the same. A resolution granting the petition may also include the approval of any district development agreement that has been approved by the governing body in the process of considering and approving the formation of the district. The boards of county commissioners and/or the city councils, as such governing bodies, are hereby specifically authorized to act in a joint manner for such purposes.
(3) Whenever a petition shall be filed as provided for in this section, the petitioner or petitioners shall deposit with each governing body a sum sufficient to defray the costs of publication and mailing of notice of the public hearing. In the event the district is formed, said petitioner or petitioners shall be entitled to be reimbursed such sum from the district, as a district formation cost related to the community infrastructure, from the district when moneys are available to the district. The amount required to be paid under this subsection shall be determined by each governing body and deposited before publication of the notice.
(4) The governing body may charge the petitioner or petitioners a reasonable fee for the governing body to retain outside advisors to assist the governing body in its consideration of the formation of the district. In the event the district is formed, the petitioner or petitioners shall be entitled to be reimbursed such fee from the district, as a district formation cost related to the community infrastructure, when moneys are available to the district.

[50-3103, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1143; am. 2012, ch. 324, sec. 2, p. 886.]