Idaho Code

50-3112. NOTICE AND CONDUCT OF ELECTION. (1) Any election pursuant to this chapter shall be a nonpartisan election, and in regard to election dates, shall be held in compliance with section 34-106, Idaho Code, or section 50-405, Idaho Code. Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this section, the district board shall cause the election to be held and conducted in the same manner prescribed by law for the holding of general elections in this state, including chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code, and shall call the election by posting notices in three (3) public places within the boundaries of the district not less than thirty (30) days before the election. Notice shall also be published twice, the first time not less than twelve (12) days prior to the election and the second time not less than five (5) days prior to the election, in a newspaper of general circulation in each county or city in which the proposed district is located. A copy of such notice shall also be mailed to each district resident and each owner of real property in the district if known or such owner’s agent if known, addressed to such person at his or her post office address if known or, if unknown, to a post office in the county or city where the district is located. Ownership of real property shall be determined as of the date of the adoption of the resolution ordering the hearing. The notice shall state:
(a) The place of holding the election;
(b) Subject to section 34-1409, Idaho Code, the hours during the day in which the polls will be open;
(c) If the election is a bond election, whether the bonds are general obligation bonds or revenue bonds, the total principal amount of bonds to be authorized, whether the bonds will be issued in series, the maximum rate of interest to be paid on the bonds and the maximum term of the bonds, not exceeding thirty (30) years;
(d) If the election is an election to change or eliminate an existing tax, the maximum tax amount to be imposed as a result of the change or elimination;
(e) The purposes for which property taxes levied and revenues raised will be used, including a description of the community infrastructure to be financed with tax revenues, district revenues or bond proceeds;
(f) That the imposition of property taxes will result in a lien for the payment thereof on real property within the district; and
(g) That a general plan is on file with the county clerk of each county in which the district is located.
(2) The district board shall determine the date of the election and the polling place or places for the election. The district board may establish, change, and consolidate election precincts within the district, as it deems necessary and appropriate, and shall define precinct boundaries.
(3) Subject to section 50-3102(10) and (13), Idaho Code, the current property rolls for the district and current voter lists in effect at the time that the election has begun shall be used to determine the qualified electors. If the district includes land lying partly in and partly out of any precinct, the voter lists may contain the names of all electors in the precinct, and the precinct boards at those precincts shall require that a prospective elector execute an affidavit stating that the elector is also a qualified elector.
(4) If the district is to be located within two (2) or more counties and/or cities, the election shall be held on the same day in each jurisdiction.
(5) The ballot material provided to each voter shall include:
(a) For an election concerning the issuance of bonds, an impartial description of the bonds to be issued and an impartial description of the property taxes to be imposed; the method of apportionment, collection and enforcement and other details sufficient to enable each qualified elector to reasonably estimate the amount of tax he or she will be obligated to pay; and a statement that the issuance of the bonds and the imposition of property taxes is for the provision of certain, but not necessarily all, community infrastructure that may be needed or desirable within the district, and that other taxes or assessments by other governmental entities may be presented for approval by qualified electors; and
(b) For an election to change an existing maximum tax or eliminate an existing tax, an impartial description of the change or elimination.
(6) Within ten (10) days after an election, the district board shall meet and canvass the returns, and declare the results thereof. At least a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast at the election shall be required for issuing bonds or changing an existing tax. The canvass may be continued for an additional period not to exceed thirty (30) days at the election of the district board for the purpose of completing the canvass. Failure of a required majority to vote in favor of the matter submitted shall not prejudice the submission of the same or similar matters at a later election. The canvass of any general obligation bond election shall be filed and recorded in each county in which the district is located.
(7) In any election held pursuant to this chapter, every voter may vote at any election held pursuant to this chapter, but shall be entitled to cast votes, as follows: (i) each resident qualified elector shall be entitled to one (1) vote; and (ii) each owner qualified elector shall be entitled to one (1) vote. An owner qualified elector shall not be entitled to an additional vote as a result of also being a resident of the district. When record title is held in more than one (1) name, the owners shall file with the clerk of the district at or prior to the election a designation in writing, of which one of the owners shall be deemed the owner for purposes of voting.
(8) In conducting an election, the polling official may require evidence of ownership of property and designation of the power to exercise the vote of any owner consistent with the provisions of this section and section 50-3102(10), Idaho Code.

[50-3112, added 2008, ch. 410, sec. 1, p. 1155; am. 2019, ch. 161, sec. 9, p. 538.]