Hawaii Revised Statutes
46. General Provisions
46-54 Collection of delinquent license fees, taxes, and other amounts.

§46-54 Collection of delinquent license fees, taxes, and other amounts. In addition to the penalty or forfeiture prescribed by law, an action for the recovery of any delinquent license fees, taxes, or other amounts payable by law, may be brought by the director of finance of any county in the name of the county to which the license fee, tax, or other amount payable by law is due. [L 1943, c 175, §1; RL 1945, §6018; RL 1955, §138-19; HRS §46-54]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 6. County Organization and Administration

46. General Provisions

46-1 Meeting place of council.

46-1.5 General powers and limitation of the counties.

46-1.6 REPEALED. L 1996, c 13, §17.

46-1.7 Retention of emergency 911 recordings.

46-1.8 Reciprocal supplying of tax information.

46-1.52 Authority to enter private property; pests or invasive species.

46-1.55 Indigenous Hawaiian architecture.

46-2 Publication or advertising of ordinances, amendments, resolutions, and bills.

46-2.1 Comprehensive ordinance codes.

46-2.2 Publication of supplements.


46-3.5 REPEALED. L 2009, c 4, §4.

46-4 County zoning.

46-4.1 REPEALED.

46-4.2 Nonsignificant zoning changes.

46-4.5 Ordinances establishing historical, cultural, and scenic districts.

46-5 Planning and traffic commissions; creation.

46-6 Parks and playgrounds for subdivisions.

46-6.5 Public access.

46-7 Agreements with federal government; use of funds.

46-8 State and county co-sponsorship of programs.

46-9 Expenditures of money for sister-city relationships.

46-10 County bands; travel.

46-11 Federal flood insurance.

46-11.5 Maintenance of channels, streambeds, streambanks, and drainageways.

46-12 Cleaning shores and beaches of seaweed, limu, and debris.

46-12.5 State beach park lifeguard services.

46-13 Each county to determine its own number of fire stations.

46-13.1 Volunteer fire stations.


46-14.5 Land use density and infrastructure; low-income rental units.

46-15 Experimental and demonstration housing projects.

46-15.1 Housing; county powers.

46-15.2 Housing; additional county powers.

46-15.3 Regulation of adult family boarding home and care home.

46-15.4 Administrative inspections and warrants.

46-15.5 Cooperation by state departments.

46-15.6 Definitions.

46-15.7 Concurrent processing. When amendments to a county community or development plan, a county zoning map, or any combination of the two, are necessary to permit the development of a housing project, requests for amendments to these plans and zon...

46-15.9 Traffic regulation; repair and maintenance; public right to use public streets, roads, or highways whose ownership is in dispute.

46-15.21 Housing choice voucher program.

46-15.25 Infrastructure dedication; affordable housing.

46-15.35 Family child care homes; permitted use in residential areas and agriculturally designated districts. (a) For the purposes of zoning, family child care homes shall be: (1) Considered a residential use of property and shall be a permitted use...

46-15.36 Hospice homes; permitted use in residential areas.

46-15.39 REPEALED.

46-15.01 Limitation of application.

46-16 Traffic regulation and control over private streets.

46-16.2 Commuter benefits program.

46-16.3 Regulation of commercial bicycle tours.

46-16.5 Public passenger vehicle regulation.

46-16.7 REPEALED. L 2006, c 38, §29.

46-16.8 County surcharge on state tax.

46-17 Regulation of certain public nuisances.

46-18 Central coordinating agency.

46-19 Development of alternative energy resources.

46-19.1 Facilities for solid waste processing and disposal and electric generation; financing; sale.

46-19.4 Priority permitting process for renewable energy projects.

46-19.5 Energy conservation standards for building design and construction.

46-19.6 OLD REPEALED. §46-19.6 County building permits; incorporation of energy and environmental design building standards in project design; priority processing.

46-19.7 Individual shower control valves required.

46-19.8 Fire sprinklers; residences.

46-20 Regulation of sewerage and wastewater treatment systems.

46-20.1 County ownership of sewer transmission lines and facilities servicing Hawaiian home lands.

46-20.5 Regulation of towing operations.

46-20.7 County transient accommodations tax.


46-21.5 REPEALED.

46-22 Compensation of certain county officials.

46-22.1 Salaries of members of council.

46-23 Salaries of department heads, deputies, assistants; fixed how.

46-24 Limitation on salary of first deputy or assistant.

46-25 Salaries of county officers and employees; moneys payable into treasury.

46-25.5 Expenses.

46-26 Bonds of county officers; form.

46-27 Approval of bonds.

46-28 Extent of liability.

46-29 Certain notarial powers conferred upon county officers.

46-30 Transfer of civil service personnel on reorganization.

46-31 Transfer of noncivil service personnel on reorganization.

46-32 Employees of council.

46-33 Exemption of certain county positions.

46-34 Civil service exemptions.

46-35 Firefighters, counsel for.

46-36 Authority of counties to engage in the process of managed competition; established.

46-41 Budgets; financial records on fiscal year basis.

46-42 Reports by fiscal officers.

46-43 County records.


46-44.5 Lapsed warrant.

46-45 Excessive expenditures; penalty.

46-46 Excess expenditures; when permitted.

46-47 Franchise fees, disposition of.

46-48 Deposit of funds in banks.

46-49 Interest on deposits.

46-50 Short term investment of county moneys.

46-51 Deposit of securities with mainland depositories.

46-52 Deposit of securities.

46-53 Loans to the State.

46-54 Collection of delinquent license fees, taxes, and other amounts.

46-55 Schedule of council anticipated expenditures.

46-56 Purchasing.

46-61 Eminent domain; purposes for taking property.

46-62 Eminent domain; proceedings according to chapter 101.

46-63 Gift or sale of county property for care of aged persons.

46-64 Disposition of surplus property.

46-65 Parks in the charge of council.

46-65.5 Exchange of park property.

46-65.6 Thomas Square; to be maintained.

46-65.7 Ala Wai golf course.

46-66 Disposition of real property.

46-71 Service of process upon county.

46-71.5 Indemnification of county agencies

46-72 Liability for injuries or damages; notice.

46-72.5 Counties' limited liability for skateboard activities at public skateboard parks.

46-73 Claims for legislative relief; conditions.

46-74 Waiver of exemption from assessment for improvements.

46-74.1 Exemption from improvement assessments.

46-74.2 Public land or land exempt from taxation, etc.; cost otherwise assessable against borne by city and county.

46-75 Improvement bonds exempt from taxation.

46-76 Location of utility facilities in improvement districts.

46-77 Underground utility facilities in improvement districts.

46-78 Improvement districts, initiation by the State.

46-79 CUSIP numbers for district improvement bonds or improvement district bonds of counties.

46-80 Improvement by assessment; financing.

46-80.1 Community facilities district. (a) Any county having a charter may enact an ordinance, and may amend the same from time to time, providing for the creation of community facilities districts to finance special improvements in the county. The s...

46-80.5 Special improvement district.

46-81 Reserve funds for payment of improvements.

46-85 Contracts for solid waste disposal.

46-86 Transactions for utility services.

46-87 Liquidated damages.

46-88 Agricultural buildings and structures; exemptions from building permit and building code requirements.

46-89 Broadband-related permits; automatic approval.

46-101 Short title.

46-102 Definitions.

46-103 Establishment of tax increment district.

46-104 County powers.

46-105 Collection of tax increments.

46-106 Tax increment bonds.

46-107 Tax increment bond anticipation notes.

46-108 Annual report.

46-109 Termination of a tax increment district.

46-110 Tax increment fund.

46-111 Computation of tax increment.

46-112 Tax on leased redevelopment property.

46-113 Cumulative effect.

46-121 Findings and purpose.

46-122 Definitions.

46-123 General authorization.

46-124 Negotiating development agreements.

46-125 Periodic review; termination of agreement.

46-126 Development agreement; provisions.

46-127 Enforceability; applicability.

46-128 Public hearing.

46-129 County general plan and development plans.

46-130 Amendment or cancellation.

46-131 Administrative act.

46-132 Filing or recordation.

46-141 Definitions.

46-142 Authority to impose impact fees; enactment of ordinances required.

46-142.5 School impact districts; new building permit requirements.

46-143 Impact fee calculation.

46-144 Collection and expenditure of impact fees.

46-145 Refund of impact fees.

46-146 Time of assessment and collection of impact fees.

46-147 Effect on existing ordinances.

46-148 Transitions.

46-161 Findings and purpose.

46-162 Definitions.

46-163 Conditions for the transfer of development rights.

46-164 Procedures.

46-165 Other rights not affected.

46-171 Actions for false claims to the counties; qui tam actions.

46-172 Civil actions for false claims.

46-173 Evidentiary determination; burden of proof.

46-174 Statute of limitations.

46-175 Action by private persons.

46-176 Rights of parties to qui tam actions.

46-177 Awards to qui tam plaintiffs.

46-178 REPEALED.

46-179 Fees and costs of litigation.

46-180 Relief from retaliatory actions.

46-181 Certain actions barred.

46-191 Definitions.

46-192 County emergency medical services system; establishment.

46-193 County, functions; duties.

46-194 Emergency medical services; fees.

46-195 Community paramedicine program; established.

46-196 Emergency medical services; levels of service; contracts.

46-197 Grants.

46-198 Immunity and limitation on liability for emergency aeromedical services.

46-199 Rules.