Hawaii Revised Statutes
269. Public Utilities Commission
269-101 Definitions.

Law Journals and Reviews
A Tale of Two Solar Installations: How Electricity Regulations Impact Distributed Generation. 38 UH L. Rev. 135 (2016).
§269-101 Definitions. As used in this part:
"Eligible customer-generator" means a metered residential or commercial customer, including a government entity, of an electric utility who owns and operates a solar, wind turbine, biomass, or hydroelectric energy generating facility, or a hybrid system consisting of two or more of these facilities, that is:
(1) Located on the customer's premises;
(2) Operated in parallel with the utility's transmission and distribution facilities;
(3) In conformance with the utility's interconnection requirements; and
(4) Intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer's own electrical requirements.
"Net energy metering" means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied through the electric grid and the electricity generated by an eligible customer-generator and fed back to the electric grid over a monthly billing period; provided that:
(1) Net energy metering shall be accomplished using a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions;
(2) An additional meter or meters to monitor the flow of electricity in each direction may be installed with the consent of the customer-generator, at the expense of the electric utility, and the additional metering shall be used only to provide the information necessary to accurately bill or credit the customer-generator, or to collect solar, wind turbine, biomass, or hydroelectric energy generating system performance information for research purposes;
(3) If the existing electrical meter of an eligible customer-generator is not capable of measuring the flow of electricity in two directions, the electric utility shall be responsible for all expenses involved in purchasing and installing a meter that is able to measure electricity flow in two directions;
(4) If an additional meter or meters are installed, the net energy metering calculation shall yield a result identical to that of a single meter; and
(5) An eligible customer-generator who already owns an existing solar, wind turbine, biomass, or hydroelectric energy generating facility, or a hybrid system consisting of two or more of these facilities, is eligible to receive net energy metering service in accordance with this part. [L 2001, c 272, pt of §6; am L 2004, c 99, §1; am L 2005, c 104, §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 15. Transportation and Utilities

269. Public Utilities Commission

269-1 Definitions.

269-2 Public utilities commission; number, appointment of commissioners, qualifications; compensation; persons having interest in public utilities; authority.

269-3 Employment of assistants.


269-5 Annual report and register of orders.

269-6 General powers and duties.

269-6.5 Electronic copies of documents.

269-7 Investigative powers.

269-7.5 Certificates of public convenience and necessity.

269-8 Public utilities to furnish information.

269-8.2 Location of records.

269-8.5 Annual financial reports.

269-9 Report accidents.

269-10 Commission may compel attendance of witnesses, etc.

269-11 REPEALED.

269-12 Notices.

269-13 Right to be represented by counsel.

269-14 REPEALED.

269-14.5 Appointment of receiver for public utilities.

269-15 Commission may institute proceedings to enforce chapter.

269-15.5 Appeals.

269-15.51 Contested cases.

269-15.6 Alternative dispute resolution.

269-16 Regulation of utility rates; ratemaking procedures.

269-16.1 Performance incentive and penalty mechanisms.

269-16.2 Approval of rules of a public utility. Any rules, guidelines, or other standards of a public utility which interpret federal or state laws governing nonutility generators, or which make a nonutility generator monetarily responsible for the p...

269-16.21 REPEALED.

269-16.22 Power purchase agreements; cost recovery for electric utilities.

269-16.3 Statewide rate increase surcharge assessment on ratepayers in emergency situations.

269-16.4 Annual fuel mix disclosure.

269-16.5 Lifeline telephone rates.

269-16.6 Telecommunications relay services for the deaf, persons with hearing disabilities, and persons with speech disabilities.

269-16.7 REPEALED.

269-16.8 Aggregators of telephone service requirements.

269-16.85 Retail intrastate services; fully competitive.

269-16.9 Telecommunications providers and services. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the commission, upon its own motion or upon the application of any person, and upon notice and hearing, may exempt a telecommunicat...

269-16.91 Universal service subsidies.

269-16.92 Changes in subscriber carrier selections; prior authorization required; penalties for unauthorized changes.

269-16.93 Release of domestic abuse victims from shared wireless plans.

269-16.95 Emergency telephone service; capital costs; ratemaking.

269-17 Issuance of securities.

269-17.5 Issuance of voting stock; restrictions.

269-18 Acquirement of stock of another public utility.

269-19 Merger and consolidation of public utilities.

269-19.5 Relations with an affiliated interest; definition; contracts with affiliates filed and subject to commission action.

269-20 Certificates of public convenience and necessity for water carriers.

269-21 and 269-22 REPEALED.

269-23 Liability of initial and delivering common carrier for loss; limitation of liability; notice and filing of claim.

269-24 REPEALED.

269-25 Valuations.

269-26 Investigation of water rates charged by lessee under state leases.

269-26.5 Preferential water rates for agricultural activities.

269-26.6 Preferential water carrier service rates for agricultural activities.

269-27 Prevention of unreasonable water rates.

269-27.1 Establishment of geothermal energy rates.

269-27.2 Utilization of electricity generated from nonfossil fuels.

269-27.3 Preferential renewable energy rates; agricultural activities.

269-27.4 Community-based renewable energy tariffs.

269-27.5 Construction of high-voltage electric transmission lines; hearing.

269-27.6 Construction of high-voltage electric transmission lines; overhead or underground construction.

269-27.7 Preferential electricity rates; protected agriculture.

269-28 Penalty.

269-29 Perjury.

269-30 Finances; public utility fee.

269-31 Application of this chapter.

269-32 Injury to public utility property.

269-33 Public utilities commission special fund.

269-34 Obligations of telecommunications carriers.

269-35 Universal service.

269-36 Telecommunications number portability.

269-37 Compensation agreements.

269-38 Regulatory flexibility for effectively competitive services.

269-39 Cross-subsidies.

269-40 Access to advanced services.

269-41 Universal service program; establishment; purpose; principles.

269-42 Universal service program; contributions.

269-43 Carriers of last resort.

269-44 Solar water heater system standards.

269-45 Gas utility companies; renewable energy; reporting requirements.

269-46 Microgrids.

269-47 Electric power systems data access and transparency; principles.

269-48 Coal power purchase agreements; prohibited.

269-51 Consumer advocate; executive director of the division of consumer advocacy.

269-52 Division of consumer advocacy; personnel.

269-53 Legal counsel.

269-54 General powers; duties.

269-55 Handling of complaints.

269-71 Meter tampering.

269-72 Electric vehicle charging system; rebate program.

269-73 Electric vehicle charging system; rebate program; administrator; establishment.

269-81 to 269-84 REPEALED.

269-91 Definitions.

269-92 Renewable portfolio standards.

269-93 Achieving portfolio standard.

269-94 Waivers, extensions, and incentives.

269-95 Renewable portfolio standards study.

269-96 Energy-efficiency portfolio standards.

269-101 Definitions.

269-101.5 Maximum capacity of eligible customer-generator.

269-102 Standard contract or tariff; rate structure.

269-103 Generating capacity.

269-104 Additional customer-generators.

269-105 Calculation.

269-106 Billing periods; twelve-month reconciliation.

269-107 Net electricity consumers.

269-108 Net electricity producers; excess electricity credits and credit carry over.

269-109 Net electricity consumption or production information.

269-110 Termination by eligible customer-generators.

269-111 Safety and performance standards.

269-121 Public benefits fee authorization.

269-122 Public benefits fee administrator; establishment.

269-123 Requirements for the public benefits fee administrator.

269-124 Transitioning from utility demand-side management programs to the public benefits fee.

269-125 On-bill financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy.

269-131 to 269-135 REPEALED.

269-141 Definitions.

269-142 Reliability standards; interconnection requirements; adoption and development; force and effect.

269-143 Monitoring.

269-144 Compliance and enforcement.

269-145 Grid access; procedures for interconnection; dispute resolution.

269-145.5 Advanced grid modernization technology; principles.

269-146 Hawaii electricity reliability surcharge; authorization; cost recovery.

269-147 Hawaii electricity reliability administrator; contracting.

269-148 Hawaii electricity reliability administrator; qualifications.

269-149 Funding; reporting.

269-161 Definitions.

269-162 Applications to issue bonds and authorize green infrastructure fee.

269-163 Green infrastructure financing order.

269-164 Green infrastructure property.

269-165 Bonds financing order.

269-166 Green infrastructure fee; nonbypassable

269-167 Electric utility successor requirements; default of electric utility.

269-168 Treatment of bonds, fees, and property.

269-169 Green infrastructure property; non-impairment.

269-170 Green infrastructure loan program order; application.

269-171 Green infrastructure loan program order; issuance.

269-172 Electric utilities; cost recovery; billing agent.

269-173 Severability

269-174 Miscellaneous.

269-175 Revenue bonds; exclusion from debt limit.

269-176 Financing order; adjustments to green infrastructure fee.